Life Is A Series Of Choices, I Choose To Live A Better Life.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

My daytime job is to train kids in football. I don't do it because of the money because I know that there are many places I could earn a lot more. I do it because I'm in love with the game. I love inspiring those kids to train more and more reaching their goals! It inspires me to do more and more.

Of course there are times when I'm tired or want to take a break - then all I think is money - I could do so many things if I had the funds. That's one of the reasons I joined Steemit. Steemit can help you get that extra bit of money for sharing the stuff you love.

Thanks for this post! Made me think.

You love your job and you inspire people.

We always want more and that is never going to end till we are alive.

So, I am happy for you that you are living a good life and trying for a better one.

Hope you achieve much more.

I am happy that you liked this post.

Thank you for your kind words!
We are the change we want to see in the world! Keep on writing and do it more!

Thanks, will try to write regularly.

Yeah I've always heard from others about others who say that money CAN'T buy you happiness don't have money? There is some truth to this but I don't believe money can buy you happiness. It certainly can make life easier but can also make it much more difficult too. Would I rather have an abundance of it over a lack... yes. It is of course a tool within life and if used properly can bring much joy. "I am choosing to do things that makes money easily than to do things I believe I am made for." speaks volumes!

yepp, I know.

There are things that nobody and nothing can control, let alone money.

But what I am saying is money factor has a big effect in deciding our lives.

I agree brother! Like I said it is a tool that if used correctly can only make one's life easier. I could certainly use more of it as every year that goes by more hands appear in my life wanting more of it from me for sure! Enjoyed!

Then it will be better to make more, and provide more to those hands.

There is more fun in giving than taking.

totally agree. Money can be a priority, or not. Often, money dictates what kind of life choices we make. Swing to the extremes of making money or enjoying yourself too much without a care on your expenses, over time, we'll find ourselves extremely unhappy. I always feel that it's important to have a fix monetary goal, something like a "F U" fund. Once you reach that all important number with all your financial plan in place, then you should go reward yourself with the stuff you always wanted to do.

We only have one shot in this life. It's definitely not worth it regretting over the bad life decision we've made.

A monetary goal is extremely important.

I keep on pressing to achieve my monetary goal, though I keep spending a lot on the stuff I want.

Hope we achieve the goals and far above it we have set.

And you are right, we have one big shot, and I am making a home run on this one now.

So what's your hodling strategy?

In Crypto?


Guess you should take that leap of faith and believe that everything will go well if you keep following your heart. I'm in a similar situation here and have decided to create and post all my travel videos on Steemit before deciding to take any decision. If this works out pretty well...then you know the rest.
All the best man! :)

Thanks bro.

I know, I have read your youtube post, hope you find your way on steemit and dtube.

There is one more platform on crypto world, it is based solely on videos and may give a tough competition to youtube.
It is LBRY platform. I have tried it once a few months back, it is quite good.

You should try it too.

Sounds interesting. right?
I'll try it out. On what basis do they pay there?

Yepp, it is

It is almost like steemit, but here the focus is on articles, there the sole focus is on videos.

Except that, it is almost the same, they have the platform, an app, and steem like crypto currency called LBRY Credits, which has quite a potential to increase, if I had any video skills, I would be there for the long run.

One more thing, one of the founder of LBRY was kicked out of youtube, and that's why he made it. Maybe you will find your way there.

Alright. All the best to you bud!
Everything will work out well. :)


**The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. **
`Eleanor Roosevelt

^ your words reminded me of those lines.

What we think, we become.
What we act, we face.
What we do, we are.

The plot I found is the belief system and decision are responsible for his health, wealth, and entire achievements. That's wonderful!

Thanks for sharing Eleanor Roosevelt lines with me.

What we think we become: always lived by it.

Dear @looftee
your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this post

Dear @sabbirahmedd
I saw your profile and I appreciate that you are working hard to write good posts.

But there was nothing that interests me, so I didn't upvoted it.
Maybe you can find someone who is interested in your content, he/she can upvote your posts.

Thanks for appreciating my work, but I believe I am still a shitty writer, trying to improve myself.

Hope to get success in writing soon.

Whether you want to support me everytime or not doesn't matter to me. The amount of votes I get barely matters for me.


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