Discrimination, Objectification And Exploitation of Women Dominates Our Culture. We Live In Patriarchy - The Facts For Patriarchy Deniers

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This post is likely to upset or offend some men.

The Patriarchy

We have lived in patriarchal society for thousands of years. Women are still awfully discriminated, objectified and exploited. The intensity of it varies geopolitically. Some countries/cultures are more patriarchal than others. Although the intensity of patriarchy is extremely high in Eastern Europe, South America, Africa or Asia, it does not mean that "Western" countries are that much better. It is a global issue related to global value system disorder. The patriarchy may be less intense in Europe and North America but it is still saturates our society. It is our social status quo.

[Picture Source]

Of course, besides being patriarchal our culture is also constructed around other forms of discrimination such as deep social and racial discrimination. In "Western" countries people in power are mostly white males who use their position of social and economical privilege to exploit lower social classes (social stratification and class violence) while discriminating all genders and races. That's one of the main reasons why men from lower classes are drafted to the army, etc.

One of the problems of our "Western" culture is pervading, constant patriarchy denialism, especially by males who feel offended that some women dare to question this reality. It is very similar to science denialism (for example, climate change denialism). Majority of men in our culture have been conditioned to see themselves as stronger and more intelligent than women. Majority of heterosexual males seem to have psychologically condescending and patronising attitude towards females. When their sense of gender privilege and power is being questioned, then they start feelling offended or attacked. Their male ego feels attacked as their conditioned sense of male identity seems threatened.
They retaliate by attacking women's rights activists or feminists. Just like science confusionists and deniers, they refuse to accept the facts and criticism.

That's why, I have decided to compile this extensive fact list and post it here. The list includes different studies, research, reports and statistics. Please, feel free to use it in "debates" against any internet patriarchy denier (YouTube keyboard warriors are one of the worst).

The list is pinned in the "feminism" chat channel, which I created. It is also accessible under this link.
Please, feel welcome to join the feminism channel.

The Fact List:

This amazing interactive online chart was created by Benjamin Schmidt, an assistant professor at Northeastern University. It groups results from about 14 million reviews over a couple of months .
It clearly shows that male professors are considered as "genius", while female professors are considered "nice".
You can play with many different words there to see how female and male professors are perceived.
"Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews"

The survey about discrimination of women in Silicon Valley.
"The Elephant in the Valley”, 2016.

The study about discrimination of women in workplace based on their weight.
"Subtle Increases in BMI within a Healthy Weight Range Still Reduce Women's Employment Chances in the Service Sector", 2016.

The study showing that the age discrimination is worse for women.
"Is It Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment", 2015.

American Association of Advertising study found out that more than 50% of women in advertising experience sexual harassment.
"Exclusive: More than 50% of women in advertising have faced sexual harassment, says 4As study", 2016.

The study that found that we still perceive women to be incompatible with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
"Stereotypes About Gender and Science, Women ≠ Scientists", 2016.

The study found that online students give instructors higher marks if they think that they are men.
"What’s in a Name: Exposing Gender Bias in Student Ratings of Teaching", 2015.

Again, discrimination of women in STEM.
"Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students", 2012.

Another study. Women are discriminated in science.
"How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science", 2013.

A statistical overview of sexual discrimination and harassment in the United States and globally.
"Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment", 2015.

The study by Carnegie Mellon University found that gender discrimination in adverts can be seen in Google.
"Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies", 2015.

The study by scientific journal of National Academy of Sciences.
"Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students", 2012.

The study by the United Nations.
"Global film industry perpetuates discrimination against women - UN-backed study", 2014.

The report by the World Economic Forum.
"The Global Gender Gap Report 2012", 2012.

The report by the United Nations.
"Global film industry perpetuates discrimination against women", 2014.

The study by scientific journal of National Academy of Sciences.
"How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science", 2013.

Another study of women's discrimination in science.
"Gender Segregation in Elite Academic Science", 2012.

Discrimination of women in film industry.
"Gender within film crews", 2013.

The study by scientific journal of National Academy of Sciences.
"Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students", 2012.

National Women's Rights Law Centre. Women in United States are still being paid 80% of man's salary.
"Equal Pay and the Wage Gap", 2016.

"No Prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation in Britain, So What Is the Problem?", 2016.

Study by National Health Service, UK. FGM case reported in England every 109 minutes (over 200 million in the world).
"The Female Genital Mutilation Enhanced Dataset ", 2016.

Gender pay difference. The study by Equality And Human Rights Commission, UK.
"Briefing paper 2: Gender pay gap", 2011.

The study by The Inter-Parliamentary Union showing the percentage of women in parliaments of different countries.
"Women in Parliaments: World Classification", 2016.

The report by The Women's Media Center about discrimination of women in media.
"The Status of Women in the U. S. Media 2014", 2014.

The report by UK Home Office about forced marriage.
"Forced Marriage Unit - Statistics 2012", 2012.

Many anti-feminists claim that women's rights activists never recognise the facts about the discrimination of men. Of course, this is not true:

Jennifer Siebel Newsom is a prominent feminist activist and well acclaimed director. Her documentary is solely about detrimental conditioning of males caused by gender-role value system disorder:

"The Mask You Live In"

Emma Watson is a feminist campaigning for equality of both men and women:

"Emma Watson to United Nations: I'm a feminist"

Feminist activist Raewyn Connell, wrote extensively about how men are affected by gender roles since they are born:

"Hegemonic Masculinity"

Feminist Randi Saunders. She pointed explained why the patriarchy also abuses men:

"5 Ways The Patriarchy Hurts Men Too"

Feminist Heather McRobie talks about genocide of men (gendercide):

"Gender War Crimes"

I also recommend this great article by Gretchen Kelly:
"The Thing All Women Do That You Don’t Know About"



I can only speak from my experience but I've faced tremendous difficulty in trying to create awareness about the issues men experience.

Anyone can write anything they want and call it a study, but it's one thing to live it for yourself. I too thought women had it worse by the studies and personal experience, that was before meeting the horror of the treatment given to men while having a comparison point.

I think that before we even think about having this conversation, basic terms like benefit and privilege need to be revisited.

Like I mentioned above. Adult men are discriminated too.
This type of discrimination is almost always directed from other adult males (males with social power, gangs, criminals etc).

But your point is that women suffer gender discrimination more than men, isn't it?
No, in my experience discrimination towards men does not originate from other men any more than it does from women. If a man discriminates another he may have to defend this decision at the cost of his body, a man is less likely to hit a woman than another man, but that just means men tend to be more careful not to offend each other when they speak.

You are bringing personal and subjective anecdotes.

I provided the statistical information.
Women are much more discriminated due to their gender than men. Even if you refuse to recognise this reality, the statistics are clear. Women seldom discriminate men and women due to their gender.
Men discriminate both women and men due to their gender and also men discriminate other men for many other reasons. Men use their gender privilege, as well as physicality to discriminate and exploit women or weaker men. Women seldom use their physicality to exploit or discriminate physically weaker women.
Men use their social status or power to discriminate other men. This is men's world which puts a man in control of everything. Men are not sexually objectified in our culture. Even giving women a control over household derives from traditional, patriarchal and patronizing assumption that this is the role for a woman because she is intellectually or physically uncapable of performing "manly" work.
This all relates to unsustainable gender roles caused value system disorder.
Unsustainable values built around falalcious assumption that women are inferior to men, that they need special treatment becasue there are unable to perfom certain tasks or express certian behaviour.

I said it from the beginning, I can only speak from my experience, which just happens to be rather unique. Not everything is as it seems, and like I said, to speak about benefits, how they are distributed and what their impact is we first need to discuss what can really be called a benefit.

It's like if a woman were to complain about there not being enough women in the military, she could see this for the income and perceived respectability and think it's a blessing, but the men dying alone in the fields would tell a different story. The men that have to sign off their bodies to be regulated or else face losing their freedom would feel differently about it being a benefit.

What is being measured to determine which gender (if any) benefits/suffers most from this system is lacking.

back when people in the west went to war en masse, each gender experienced different, yet both very real and equal hardships. Depends where they lived. North Americans think of women in WW2 as being at home and working in factories to replace men, but what of the lives of women in the nations which had the wars faught on their soil?

I'm with ya, gender discrimination resorts to gross overgeneralization. It has to be about specifics. The individual experience of living as male vs female is so very different in certain spheres it really shouldn't be compared so easily.

To measure what benefits us we need to use scientific reserach as the point of reference. Only science can help us to discover what social conditions/values/behaviours are socially sustainable.

"wars faught on their soil?" Many of women fought in those countries during WW2.

I am not telling you not to use the scientific method, I am telling you using the scientific method won't work unless you also take into consideration the bias of seeing women as the abused and men as the abusers influencing the perceived male/female benefits. If you go into it looking to see more suffering for women that's what you are going to find, but if you actually seek to learn about the struggle of men you will find a lot of them wish they had more room to speak about this subject. Really speak about it, without having to always approach the issue first by recognizing that they have it better than women for it to be acceptable.

Every man that I have met wants a better world, this contradicts the mentality that they are trying to protect the way things are now or are happy with the current state of affairs enough to ignore women's struggles.

When people feel blamed they become defensive, it's unprouctive. I think many men who are anti-feminist have been given a bad impression of it from the 'sensitivity police' style of feminist that is really loud online.

"I am telling you using the scientific method won't work unless you also take into consideration the bias of seeing women "

Scientific method takes into account someone's cognitive bias.

Anyway I was talking about application of science of human behaviour (human behavioral biology/evolution, neuroscience, psychology etc) in order to find what is socially sustainable behaviour and what is not.

All true, but it's a lot of links. I think you should split this into a series of posts. More payout, too. And easier to digest.

I meant it to be an "information bomb" post. Doesn't need to be divided but thanks for the advice :-)
I'm glad that you agreed ;-)

If you were looking to drop a bomb - looks like you totally did. Wow, the comments. Wow.

These comments were expected. They are the same typical comments. One of the most ignorant was that one "Studies have reported that the majority of women have become more depressed and unhappy since feminism. Mainly because they have been duped into going against their natural instincts and nature."

Wow. Where do they pull this out of?!

Excellent post as usual buddy, I will save this post for future reference, and I will resteem and share it on twitter and facebook. And I will visit your feminism channel. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! Please share. You can copy whatever you like from this post. No need to provide me as an author ;-)
It's not like I have made this up :-)

(Btw, so far there is still only me on that channel)

You are both right and wrong at the same time.
And all because they are operating uncertain terms.
Equality, which you then read out, does not exist. All people are different. And men otlisayutsya from men and women from the women on the huge number of indicators. A sravnmvat not good men and women we are different. Just different. This inherent nature, by nature, by God.
You are trying to talk about social equality. But it also does not exist, and for the same reasons: there is no definition of differences.
The laws of society, who are trying like the average for all what that invented the standard, there is a simulation of equality.
And, as often happens, people go to extremes. And feminism and (as the men call "ism"?).
And pointing to the effective procedure in the relationship too far ...
And is it necessary?

I don't recognise such delusionary concepts as god. If we use such concepts as point of reference to figure out what is equal and what is not then we will always dwell in darkness of ignorance.
I use scientific method and discoveries in science of human behaviour (human behavioural biology, psychology and neuroscience) as point of reference in learning what behaviour is sustainable and equal and what isn't.

Признавать или нет Бога это Ваше право.
Научный подход? А что знает о самом Человеке наука? Изучили несколько реакций на определённые ситуации (только исключений чуть ли не столько же, сколько правил), изучили влияние гормонов на поведение (и то настолько поверхостно, что оперировать можно только обще-статистическими величинами, не персональными),... Можно продолжать.
А на практике исключений в Ваших утверждениях столько же, сколько правил. И все вопросы преимуществ женщин или мужчин сводятся к индивидуальным, ситуативным и частным случаям.
Да и с "точкой отчёта" у Вас не складывается. Что то из серии: "Что первично: яйцо или курица?" :)

Accepting or not God is your right.
Scientific approach? And he knows about the man of science? Learn a few reactions to certain situations (almost the only exceptions as much as the rules), we studied the effect of hormones on behavior (and it is so poverhostnyh that operate only general statistical values, not personal) ... can continue.
And in practice, the exceptions in your statements as much as the rules. And all the questions the advantages of women or men are reduced to individual, situational and individual cases.
And with the "report point" you have not built up. Something from the series: "What comes first: the chicken or the egg?" :)

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excellent post @logic, I can't thank you enough for raising awareness which is our biggest obstacle. Awareness within each of ourselves men and women. And excellent response to the troll who missed your point entirely!!

Thanks natureofbeing. I'm glad to hear that you found this post worthy.

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