Cultural Revolution Redux. Reply To Comment.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

This is not an acceptable response to free speech.
If a declaration of war is not incitement, then what is?

In a recent post I decided to take the Left to task for their lack of condemnation of these riots we've been seeing across the country. This has taken the form of shouting down of free speech, to beating people senseless, and smashing and setting fire to property.

I've been taken to task for assigning blame, pointing fingers and nothing more. We do need solutions to this, like keeping ourselves from division and having compassion for one another, as I stated in the post.

So, instead of keeping this in the comment section, I've decided to let Steemit have at it. How about it Steemit, am I wrong in saying that the people responsible for the brutality and fire should stop? Am I only seeking blame when attempting to identify the instigators of our division, and recommending compassion and avoiding further division as a solution?

The original post,

This next is what started as a reply to a comment on said post, and grew out of control to become a treatise on the post itself.

I'm not looking to blame. I'm looking for caution. The youth are mostly the ones involved in the violence. They have been manipulated by the schools and media culture in much the same way as happened in Mao's China.

We have all allowed ourselves to be manipulated into division. The point here is to not take it to the level of violence, and instead understand that compassion, and respect for individual rights is the road to working our way out of this mess. We are still being manipulated. We now have the rioters, who don't seem to be calming down, and the people who are getting fed up with the rioters, who will soon turn to force to stop the destruction by the rioters. This whole situation is classic, "let's you and him fight", while the people instigating the fight stand by to pick up spoils of further control.

The "pointing of fingers without a solution" is a bit much if you read what I've written. We need to identify the problem, (division leading to violence) and get people to understand that the violence ,force, violence, force, escalation is never ending. Just look at Israel/Palestine. We have been stampeded into a false dichotomy, with both choices equally bad.

The only possibility of solution, whatever form it may take, is going to arise from compassion, which is what I stated in the post.

Who are "the ones who are protesting in nonviolent ways and actually holding on to culture"? Where are they? Where are their messages?

A quick look at the trending page shows me what I see elsewhere, mainly, people wallowing in distraction. The posts that I have gotten the most attention from are pointing out the deceptions that we are living under. This, mainly, has to do with the type of people who are following my blog. I'm fairly good at finding the crack in a deception that will bust it wide open so people can see it for what it is.

There is always someone responsible for a deception. Identifying the responsible and their motivation can be confused with assigning of blame, but it is not. Socrates said, "the beginning of wisdom is the defining of terms". I'm not trying to blame the terms, but only define them. If I have failed to get this across as the message, then that is the failure. If I were interested in blaming, I would not be using words to try to stop the violence, but force.



This was a call to action. These people should have been all arrested.

It really does all go back to the 'group think' as defined by @therealpaul's post from a couple days ago. Somehow, somewhere, (which I welcome you to define-I'm leaving it open) peace loving and caring individuals all got it in their heads that a certain group was antithesis to those ideals.

Luke 6:44 For each tree is known by its own fruit. Indeed, people do not gather figs from thornbushes, or grapes from brambles.

Anyone using the tools of tyranny, violence, destruction of property, violation of individual rights, these are the adversary. The people who act with compassion and respect for individual rights, these are the people who are going to help us claw our way back to civilized discourse. Ideologies divide, watch what people do.

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