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RE: Cultural Revolution Redux. Reply To Comment.

in #life7 years ago

It really does all go back to the 'group think' as defined by @therealpaul's post from a couple days ago. Somehow, somewhere, (which I welcome you to define-I'm leaving it open) peace loving and caring individuals all got it in their heads that a certain group was antithesis to those ideals.


Luke 6:44 For each tree is known by its own fruit. Indeed, people do not gather figs from thornbushes, or grapes from brambles.

Anyone using the tools of tyranny, violence, destruction of property, violation of individual rights, these are the adversary. The people who act with compassion and respect for individual rights, these are the people who are going to help us claw our way back to civilized discourse. Ideologies divide, watch what people do.

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