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in #life7 years ago (edited)

U.C. Berkley anti free speech riot
I think that we may be not grasping the gravity of the situation.
The populace are fractured,
their separation into their own confirmation biased,
ideological ghettos is nearly complete.

Ferguson BLM kill cops riot
Any two people with the same upbringing,
common language, and education,
but with variations of ideologies spawned from
the establishment propaganda machine,
may as well be utterly alien to one another.

Inauguration of Trump, where Madonna stated she was contemplating
blowing up the White House.
These divergent reality tunnels are seemingly designed to
react caustically with one another, inventing strife where none is needed,
and leading people to separate themselves, into smaller,
more manageable groups more pliable, and easier to turn against one another.

Paris Muslims riot as a show of solidarity with Palestine.

Not to be arguing for a collective, at all, but for, at least,
some compassion for each other.
Tearing ourselves to pieces benefits only those who
are manufacturing control through this division.

We are treading perilously close to the edge here,
teetering on the edge of an abyss, from which there may be no return.
See if you can recognize any similar leftist, or leftist enabled, behavior here:
What Is the Cultural Revolution?

and the torture of a mentally retarded man for being the same color as Trump

Is anyone paying attention yet?
U.C. Berkley anti free speech riot


I posted about Cultural Marxism today too. Upvoted & resteemed!

It's kind of crazy how much Hillary is like Mao's wife. I had forgotten about her. Pelosi a bit too.

Ah, Pelosi... A wealth of material for humorists!

Yep, I'm seeing it. It's driving me insane... :) Resteemed so I can make more people insane.

Thank you. The more the merrier.

Well said. I just came from @therealpaul's post, where I also spoke about the agenda of division.
Our vantage point is a difficult and often lonely place to be at this time, its very hard to watch people hurting one another when you know it's senseless.

Thank you. I think there are more people who see it than I ever would have expected. I just don't know any who are not online.

The post @therealpaul put up was very good. I've seen many news reporters turn out to be frauds, but very seldom do I see them go from shills to reasonable people attempting to get the truth out.

Thank you, I appreciate that very much.

I just thought it needed to be said.

It looks like an important topic; I think I have resteemed 5 blogs on this subject today.

It demonstrates just who the Left are

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The real nasty ones that do the rioting and violence are PAID AGENT PROVOCATEURS - here in the US it would be Soros funding the thugs- most likely in other nations as well along with his other NWO chums- humanity is awakening- that's for sure- but these paid street thug punks don't represent that awakening- they represent the ild POS who are being exposed for hat they are. This smacks of a propaganda piece.

I'm okay with this being called a propaganda piece in the strictest sense. The Chinese cultural revolution was promoted in much the same way by interests further up the control structure. While the left and the muslims are only weapons to be used for destabilization, they are, nonetheless, willing weapons, and are committing violence of their own accord. The weapon and the wielder may be different in their origins and motivations, but they both present opportunities for disabling an attack.

Most people are not going to dig through the minutiae to find the original instigator. It has to be enough to focus on the linchpin that connects the weapon and the attacker.

Yes, this all does seem to be a Gladio B operation to destabilize civilization. The best thing we can do is not participate in it. If however, the time comes to defend ourselves from the ignorant hordes of willing dupes, we must have no hesitation, lest we end up like China, having our history and culture leveled and burned by a bunch of children. The trick is being awake and staying awake so that we can recognize when that is.

How many people do you know, who know or could be induced to care what Operation Gladio is? Propaganda or not, all of my points stand.

I would guess 1% maybe know of Gladio- I did prior to reading your comment but then again I study these NWO propagandists. And yes the silent majority is very ready if need be but I don't think that will be the case- their objective is of course to sway the collective consciousness of humanity with their riots and orchestrated MSM propaganda- fact is it's having the opposite effect.

I hope you are right. I would settle for a backlash of the collective unconscious, but I'd rather live in a world where more people know the names Bernays, Wasson, and McLuhan, than know the name Brad Pitt, but I'm trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up.

I'm so glad you wrote this the way you did. What can be done? So disappointing to see all this.

Strive to remain ever vigilant against attitudes of division that come from within ourselves. I know that I fail, but the more that I succeed, the fewer divisions that I play a part in, the better the world is overall.

I think there is a growing frustration, that we work more and more for less and less. In an age of unprecedented wealth, we seem to be struggling to get by, being squeezed for every last effort, unable to get ahead of outright deprivation, by this engineered scarcity. We should be, on the foundation of the inheritance of intellectual property of the human species, living in a lavish paradise.

Not only is this not the case, but we seem worse off than ever, railroaded into a global depression by the malignance or incompetence of our leaders, and driven to the brink of the next world war. Finally we're being turned against each other so that we will eliminate each other, rather than putting the people who brought us to this state on trial, and moving on to the future we can all live in, without having to fight over crumbs.

Whew, that was a good one. Maybe I'll grow a post out of it.

Was there anything in particular that you liked, or just the tone, or something else?

"Strive to remain ever vigilant against attitudes of division that come from within ourselves. I know that I fail, but the more that I succeed, the fewer divisions that I play a part in, the better the world is overall." This fact is what has inspired much of what I post. Your awareness is made clear by how you write, not taking sides, not condemning the afraid and conflicted participants in this madness. I think exactly what you wrote here and in your response. I have felt growing urgency in the past five years, and I look around and see mostly lost and afraid people. Even in my family I have tried to communicate what can be seen, what is actually taking place, but they continue with their work. If we really saw the stakes, the risky state we're in, we would stop immediately what we're doing and live differently. Maybe that's an idealistic fantasy, but it seems so obvious to me that, "We should be, on the foundation of the inheritance of intellectual property of the human species, living in a lavish paradise." Thanks, it's good to be reminded I'm not alone. Grow it into a post!

Thank you for the encouraging comments. There are more of us than are usually apparent.

I know the growing urgency of which you speak. Sometimes it feels like the door leading to our dreams is right in front of us, and is even a bit ajar, and here we sit, the totality of humanity, with hammer cocked on a filed down trigger, and barrel pressed to our skull, about to sneeze.

I'd rather fling the door wide, grasp the dreams and forge them into reality. I know it can be done with just a change of focus. Right now I'm trying to use Steemit to better find that focus. It doesn't seem to be an end, but it is a decent means.

so what about those who are protesting in nonviolent ways and actually holding on to culture? sure there are those out there who go out of their way to set fire to the order of things but there are countless others who don't and are getting blamed for the ones who are. it's about humanity as a whole. not right or left. when you point the finger and go out of your way to stigmatize others then offer no solution then it's not helping. it only makes things worse.
the problem is people and blame... lets call it what it is... blame... division is the real problem... on the other hand if people respected others for who they are and their choices then there wouldn't be these problems. so how can you be a part of the solution?

I started a reply, and it grew out of proportion. Since this is an open conversation, I've decided to let Steemit be the judge of my post. Here is the reply.

well. it's not gone unnoticed... you surely realize that not all leftists are bad. just like not all Muslims are bad... not all people are bad... all anyone can ask for is fair and equal treatment and when I see posts like this frankly it's disappointing. why might you ask? because it breeds division... Americans. left or right are still Americans.. newly landed immigrants and refugees are still Americans... ultimately still human beings with human circumstances. when you paint people with a broad brush
you miss the little details that make them great. this is why iv un-followed you. lastly posts like these only serve to breed negativity... you see the whole point is this... all people are deserve to be treated equal and fairly. all people have the right to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness. you cant just throw out the majority because of the few... that's not how life works... that's not how we solve the problems of the world. fear does not ever fix or repair issues...
do you not see that?...
the more you shove people away the less likely the chance you have to hear their story, or understand their reasons behind their life, if you cannot accept others for their differences how can you possibly accept your own flaws?...

You're pretty pissed. Please explain to me who I've unfairly demonized with a broad brush. If I make broad generalizations I am doing so as a conversational shorthand to get a point across in a timely fashion. Someone is doing the violence. They are doing this as a result of a combination of things that we can identify. How can we maintain individual rights and stop the violence? If you self identify as a leftist and witness the results of your ideology as being fire and mayhem, what do you do? Defend the ideology that produced it because to face the flaws in ourselves is negative? I usually go back to the beginning a find the action in the dynamic that spawned the error. I'm not always successful, but I do try to be methodical about it.
If I am advocating the violation of We The People's individual rights, then I want to know about it. What am I missing, or failing to communicate correctly?

I think the unfollow is unfortunate. I will try to learn what I can in the remaining nested comments. I think that you may hold the key in a frustration of communication that I have been trying to track down. I used to think it a lack of tact. I think it is something else. I lack the knowledge to tread lightly enough on the sense of negativity of some, so as not to cause offense. I have tried to discover it's aspect, but usually drive the person off before I can grok it in it's entirety.

There are negative subjects in the world. I do not know how to reach solution without demonstrating the problem exists. If you do, tell me, please.

not pissed at all rather a slave to principal, unity,human dignity and integrity.
there are those of us in the left who are dead set against violence and entirely for ethics and reason. the fact remains that political ideology is not the culprit the individuals who do not follow within the law, are. sure there are tons of people who dislike the current electoral choice. but anyone worth their salt doesn't go out and smash something to prove a point. because it never ever proves a point.. it is not fair or nice to label an entire group of people based on the actions of some... it's also not dignified to present the facts as such if the truth is quite the opposite. don't let yourself get sucked in or be fooled. people who tell you it's us vs them are ignorant to that which is beyond their own prejudices and narrow scope... as for solutions
here is a solution, get to know people, learn to understand their views by asking honest and sincere questions. empathize. perform a random act of kindness whenever you have the chance to without an expectation attached.
the whole issue is that division closes all doors to communication.
in reality when you put down the notion of us vs them we are more alike as a people then we are different. but it's diversity that makes a people strong not fear, assumptions, generalization and hatred.
you may not agree with a person's ideology but at the end of the day every person has a right to their ideology. if that has not been made clear then there is nothing to be gained by replying back to me. wisdom is sadly lost on those who only act on what they are told...

Wow, so I was correct in thinking that you don't have what it takes to hash this out.

I went back and reread your comments. Here I am, trying to communicate honestly, and I failed to notice the amazing number of logical fallacies assumptions leveled against me, one right after another. I wouldn't have even noticed until you accused me of the same, then I realized, Saul Alinsky 101, "accuse others of what you do". That's Classic, straight out of Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin "accuse others of what you do."

How do your beliefs differ from the people doing the rioting, other than the actual rioting? You won't even entertain ideas other than the ones you already have. I have at one time or another, believed all of the things you've stated.

I was forced to give up on every single assertion that you've made, bit by bit, in the last 10 years.

If you are not interested in hearing from me anymore, please do me a favor. There is a little button on the upper right when you pull up my profile page that says MUTE on it, if you could go ahead and click that button, and come back when you're open to some new ideas.


last I checked the constitution still said WE THE PEOPLE.

Flagging huh? Just like a marxist to go after your bottom line. Speaking of bottoms, did that last reply increase the hurt of your butt? If you are going to flag over someone not agreeing with your opinion then you've made yourself an adversary for life. Look who's creating division now. I think I'll make a series of posts about it, to inform others how not to act, you know, malicious and vindictive, like a marxist.

if you are going to call a person a marxist you should at least know what it means. kind of like knowing what a leftist means. or a socialist... you are just a child with a temper...

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