What works for you?

in #life8 years ago

What works for you?

I’ve been on several wellbeing courses in my life and I can’t say every one of them worked 100%. My first dabble into the realms of mental health was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). I had tried it because SO many people raved about it.

Apparently, for some, it was the next best thing since sliced bread.

So I gave it a try, and it didn’t really work for me. Perhaps it was my mindset at the time, or the way the psychologist delivered it to me, but it had no positive effects for me whatsoever. I was still in a negative mindset in the end.

The next venture that opened up for me was counselling. My Doctor allowed me 6 sessions, although it was abundantly clear I needed far more than 6. But this helped a great deal. Counselling helped me to introspect, to realise the person that I had become and how to change anything that I didn’t like.

There was a lot I didn’t like.

Counselling was my stepping stone journey into the micro-analysis of everything I do. And it helped me forage for coping mechanisms buried deep inside me. All in all, it was a success, even although I only had 6 sessions. I had a further 20 when I was able to afford it many years later.

Then there was Psychotherapy. This helped me get in touch with my emotional side. As a man in today’s world it’s not good to be emotional. We still live with the remnants of the Victorian era and the stiff upper lip, where men just deal, and that’s it. I’ve learned since then that I’m a very emotional person. And Psychotherapy has helped me bridge my body with my emotions. Since then I’ve felt more whole and emotionally connected than ever.

Mindfulness is a big player in my world. I don’t think it works for everyone but for me it was a clear cut winner. Live for the moment is Mindfulness’ mantra.

What does that mean?

For me mindfulness helps me concentrate on what’s happening right now. If I were to think too much about my tarnished past, then that would have a negative impact on the ‘now’ and the ‘future’. 

If you asked me what I am going to be doing an hour for now I couldn’t honestly tell you. The future is uncertain. Anything could happen. And if you asked me about my past then I’d have to think of a positive outcome from the situation. My own self-protection system I guess.

What works with you? 

The beauty of the human species, wellbeing and mental health is there’s no clear cut formula. I mean I know I have a formula that works for me, but I expect yours is very different. Or you’re still finding yours right now.

Sometimes the journey to peace of mind is a hard one, but if you haven’t already I’m sure you’ll get there eventually 

Care to share what works with you? I’d be really interested.

  • Singing and dancing
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • Ho'oponopono
  • The Work by Byron Katie
  • Writings of Eckhart Tolle

For me, putting on some headphones and getting a workout in can help me escape from what is going on and just concentrate on doing something positive for myself.

Really good - I actually forgot to mention the basic things that help me 'feel good' and yup, music is a big one :)

excellent post for reflection thank you very much

Love this post. I'm so happy that a little sub community is developing here on Steemit of people who want to live more openly and share their experiences, both the struggles and successes. What works for me for a happy life:

  • More to Life training (basically its mindfulness training. Gets u to start noticing your own filter that you see the world through. And techniques to keep it cleaned off. You can google it and find workshops)
  • Enneagram study (FANTASTIC tool for understanding our root fears, why we respond the way we do, and solutions)
  • Yoga (just...everything about it. Clears our thinking, our emotions and our physical pains)
  • Trust and surrender (this one is just personal for me. Not all Masters are gods in the sky. Mine is my husband.)

Lovely - I'm big on mindfulness - I'll have to check the others :)

I was forced to go to drastic lengths to save my self - I moved countries! From the chaos of an English city to a remote village on the wild west coast of Ireland. From a view of suburbia to a view over the open ocean. It was the best remedy, as counselling and even meditation weren't the answer for me. I have been content now for 4 years :-)

That's really awesome - good to hear that it worked out for you :)

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