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RE: What works for you?

in #life8 years ago

Love this post. I'm so happy that a little sub community is developing here on Steemit of people who want to live more openly and share their experiences, both the struggles and successes. What works for me for a happy life:

  • More to Life training (basically its mindfulness training. Gets u to start noticing your own filter that you see the world through. And techniques to keep it cleaned off. You can google it and find workshops)
  • Enneagram study (FANTASTIC tool for understanding our root fears, why we respond the way we do, and solutions)
  • Yoga (just...everything about it. Clears our thinking, our emotions and our physical pains)
  • Trust and surrender (this one is just personal for me. Not all Masters are gods in the sky. Mine is my husband.)

Lovely - I'm big on mindfulness - I'll have to check the others :)

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