Concussions suck, they make everything a chore. Now, answering replies is becoming a chore and that's not right...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I apologize to everyone I have not responded to in the past two days. I tend to go a couple days without looking at my replies, even though I'm also trying to post daily to get the "30 days badge" not that it means anything. And I owe @fishyculture a reply email from over a week ago.

There's a monthly group meeting for brain injury survivors and care-givers that my wife and I attend. At the most recent one, a discussion on "filling out forms" ensued. Nobody there likes to fill out forms; they get headaches or irritated or frustrated, and put it off to another day.

I just had to rush a form to my therapist which the insurance company needed the next day, because I just kept picking it up, looking at it saying "this needs to be done; perhaps, tomorrow" and putting it down.

There's an IRS form that I need to do tomorrow so it can be in express mail on Monday. I don't really freaking care. What can they do, put me out of my misery? Fecking parasites.

The tie-in? In HTML, the thing I'm typing into right now (and also, the thing I'd type responses to "Replies" in) is called a "form".

Ba-dum-bum, not that I intended it when I started writing this. I've had nasty headaches this evening.

Several benefits from attending those meetings, though! One is that I learn what others are doing to help with their struggles, like a breathing phone app to increase your energy. Another is that I'm not the worst off, and so it's a chance to see others who are perhaps struggling more than I am -- no identifying details, but one's in a wheelchair and another has "nervous tics"; there's a certain amount of "if they can keep going, why can't I?"

Really hoping that I can relieve my symptoms and go back to work at some point.

Hope you're all well, and:

If you have a head injury or know someone who does, I'd encourage looking into these group meetings.


The one I attend has no cost to it other than your transportation, and has already provided me with benefits so far -- although I've only attended two meetings, and a picnic.


Oh honey, you owe me NOTHING ever. Your friendship is just an amazing gift. I can hardly find my way around here so I see I missed several of your posts. They used to pop right up, now I have to go find your page it seems. Maybe I am too happy with the "follow" button? I dunno, but I am figuring it out. Please do not EVER worry about "missing" replies to me. My life goes nuts without notice, I may drop off here for weeks at a time. For instance... my son is getting married in 4 days, he told us 3 days ago... gonna be busy for a bit... Love and hugs!

Yeah that's the reason I had made this post:

It's much easier to find replies, from the Replies tab, which I try to process in chronological order because that's the way they were written (i.e., just now I saw two replies by the same user, one of which was on their post, and then they checked my blog out which they mentioned planning to do in the first comment, so it was less confusing than if I had seen their second comment first; I feel like I'm being over-wordy here).

I think I have also been "too happy with the follow button" :) but I don't really want to unfollow anyone! I know there's a tool to show you your "dead followers" but I'd be interested in "dead followings". Here's a link to that first tool:

I just checked, and of the 753 followers I have, 69 of them are "dead" and several of them have never made a single post!

Oh, and to your son, tell him "don't do it" ahem, I mean, "congratulations!" :D Safe travels!

You are running after honour badge, same we are for honey.

so so sorry for the challenge you are facing dur to the concussion you have.anyway in one way the other each an everyone of us have one problem or the other.may the almighty always give you the needed strength .take care of your health,because health is love.......steeming

Thanks and I completely agree, we are here by the grace of God and all have our struggles.

Regarding health, last night's dinner was completely from the garden! Well, except for the shrimp. Will post later!

Wow, really sorry to here this. I did not know dis. I hope you completely get well soon. Be strong.✊✊✊

Cheer up man! The joy of The Lord is your strength !

One of my clients is dealing with this. I believe last count was four concussions. The only reason I know about is sometimes he adjusts the dog walk visits depending on how he's feeling. No fun, for sure...

Hope you see some improvement in the coming days!

Please mention to him these two treatments: hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy; and, neuro feedback with a therapist.

I'm doing both and they both seem to be helping. The former isn't generally handled by insurance; the latter is; the former seems to help more, but has a side effect of making my vision blurry if I use too much pressure and/or too long a duration. The latter doesn't seem to have side effects. Wish him luck!

I will and thanks for the suggestions! It's good to hear you're seeing some improvements, too. I know he has regular visits to a specialty clinic, but have no idea what treatment options they have. More is better, imo.

If you happen to chat with him, please ask what he's doing to help, and let me know?

One other thing I'm doing which I think is a huge help is attending a monthly group meeting, for brain injury survivors and their caregivers. It's great just to know I'm not alone, and we all have different levels of injury as well as different numbers of years since the incident(s), and the greater perspective this affords is somewhat comforting.

I'll try, but he is a client, so I can't get too personal. (It's a balancing act...) From what I can glean, he's been dealing with this for years. He may very well have such a group to rely on.

I so appreciate the tips you've mentioned that have helped and it's good to know that things CAN get better!

Sure thing, no worries. Perhaps you could suggest he get on Steemit, as you know someone who might be creating an online support group? :)

He's actually read a few of my pet-sitting articles here, so he knows how to find us. That's a start. He's a computer tech, so he'd probably feel comfortable here, too. I do know his doc limited his online/monitor time. (Found that out when I had to send update texts to his wife instead of him for a while.) I can surely give him any links to follow if he wants. That's how I walk the tightrope. Lol!

For a dog walker, it's amazing how much info I stumble on about the critters' owners. That's a facet of my business that I never saw coming. Life sure takes some wild twists and turns.

Certainly! You remind me of a line from the movie "The Breakfast Club", where they're talking to the janitor; the janitor says, "I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends."[1]

If you can, send him this link -- you/he might not be in MA, but there's probably similar organizations locally:

They run the monthly brain injury survivor group that has helped me.

[1] -- I looked up the quote to make sure I got it right, and I see that's the end of a great exchange! Also, the criminal type's name is Bender, and I wonder if Futurama named the robot that in homage? As that robot is rather criminal... :)

So sorry to hear about the struggles. You probably know this but fish oil is supposed to be very beneficial for brain injuries. I hope you can find some relief. Note: If you reply to this comment you will receive a down vote! Don't worry, I have very little mojo. But seriously, please just relax and keep posting as you see fit. I will keep giving you my 2 cents whether you like it or not!!

I appreciate them! (Oops! :) )

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