When Spirituality and Natural Living Become Dangerous.

in #life7 years ago

I have been wanting to write this blog for awhile but it may be hard for my to put into words how I feel about this subject.

Let me just say I in no way am against personal belief systems different than my own and am glad to live in a place and time where there is relative religious freedom. However, as I have many friends who are not religious but spiritual I have witnessed some pretty dangerous belief systems. I want to talk about when the desire to eat and live cleanly and spiritual beliefs can become dangerous.

Not getting help for mental and physical illnesses and instead relying on spiritual tools.

This is the main point I want to make. If you feel like crystals and aligning you chakras helps enrich your life and keep you balanced, go for it but if you are mentally or physically very ill and have been for some time and are refusing to get help because you think you can fix it on your own then you are harboring dangerous beliefs. I have seen people I love spiral into mental and physical decay because they don't trust "big pharma" or doctors and want to fix themselves with tonics, oils, and crystals.

Herbs, oils, crystals, and yoga don't replace the need for Western medicine. If you have a chemical imbalance there is no shame in taking an SSRI. If you are sick physically and diet alone hasn't helped you then you need to get tests. Pee in a cup, do some blood work, share your symptoms with a doctor. We has spent hundreds of years researching illnesses and cures and many of the things people suffer from can be corrected with medicine or at least can help ease symptoms.

Only trusting organic foods and being afraid of many foods.

There are so many people cashing in on people's food fears these days. Spreading bullshit diet tips. Just take David "Avocado" Wolfe. His dad was a con artist just like him. The argument that many people make against "Big Pharma" is how they are profiting off these drugs. Do you know how much people are profiting off of "GMO free" and "Organic" foods? Profiting from cashing in on people's fears and peddeling bullshit "healthy" foods? It is a HUGE business. In fact, Amazon just bought Whole Foods for 13.7 billion dollars. Do you think Amazon, as a company, cares about your health? No but they know good business.

Be critical and do your own research but check your sources.

Let me just say I don't trust everything a doctor tells me. I DO know that I need tests that only they can do and I know they have medicines that I need. I have multiple chronic illnesses and finally realized I can't skip the doctors. I also DO need to eat healthy. But that doesn't mean I need to eat 100% organic and GMO free. I do research and look for studies to back up ideas I have about my health. I look up medications that the doctor suggests. I ultimately choose what goes into my body but I don't go to "naturalwellesstruth.org" or some shit for my info. I don't consult "Dr. Axe". Don't kid yourself into thinking the natural food business isn't using you the same way big pharma uses you. Get informed, really informed through non bias sources but don't deny the need for certain medications if you need them and don't replace them with healing stones and prayers. We have all seen how "praying" over people's illnesses works out. Spoiler Alert, it doesn't. People literally die from this regularly.

I have known people who are so afraid of food that they end up pretty much starving because they can't afford to keep juicing organic veggies and taking wheat grass shots every day. Don't. Just stop. Juicing can be great but it's also expensive as an every day habit and you don't NEED it to be healthy. You don't need to have this relationship with food where you are too afraid to eat anything. Go for whole foods. I eat 90% unprocessed foods most of the time. I eat vegan but only due to morals. I would say pescetarian is a great diet that can be achieved without breaking the bank. Veganism can be healthy too but you must keep an eye on your nutrients and if you are riddled with chronic illness -like me- it can even be detrimental. Most people with IC who are vegan stop being vegan. In fact, all of them I have seen. It is NOT a good diet for people like me but I am going to make it work because I have stuck to it for 15 years. But I digress, that wasn't my point my point is just that you can be healthy without all the fear tactics. So go see a doctor, eat some food and then use your spiritual tools.

If you feel completely healthy and vibrant then keep doing what you are doing. This really just goes out to people who are suffering, and sick because of their beliefs and fears. No need to change anything if it's working.

One of the most dangerous beliefs I see held among spiritual people of the type mentioned in this article is that if you have to rely on medication you are somehow failing and not living positively enough or doing something wrong. This is untrue. Sometimes people just need medication. Use your spirituality to enrich your life not to control how you live it.

I could go on endlessly with more examples about this topic. Perhaps I will try to organize my thoughts for a future post bringing up some other points.

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Everything in moderation!!!

This includes spirituality, religion, processed foods, whole grains, steemit, red meat, wine ...

Hey now... >:( You stay away from me and my steemit addiction! growls

I'm offended that you included Steemit in this one LOL!!!


An addiction is an addiction.

So make sure you moderate yourself when eating steak kebobs and drinking wine while discussing religion on Steemit. Got it. ;)

That's the best advise I've had in years!!!

I will put it to good use.

Balance is the key! I think some people (myself included) have to tendency to go full force into a certain area of life and neglect others. But knowing where to start and stop and ultimately listening to your intuition and your own body helps a lot!

Yes balance matters but many of the people I am referring to also have dangerous beliefs and are unwilling to get help because of them.

Followed! :) Haha yeah I am one of those people that like to try to do things the natural route the best that I can, but when push comes to shove, and I need serious medical attention, just give me that injection.

Yeah, I don't go running to doctors for anything but now that I have become seriously chronically ill I am certainly going to take the help. Though it's a long, long process. haha

Thanks. :)

I like your observation at the end, because it's the same sort of rationale that the more rigidly religious have when bad things befall them. That somehow they're the ones to blame for their afflictions. That is an absolutely unhealthy way to live.

Yes I could absolutely go further into this issue and was going to expand upon it but it's a complex issue. I agree though, the same mentality and so unhealthy.

Upvoted and resteemed. Very thoughtful piece!

Thanks a lot! :) It's something I think about a lot as I have many friends with different beliefs than myself and I have watched some of those people over many years suffer because of it.

It's so easy to go from one extreme to another. Avoiding "Big Pharma" at all costs, yet falling victim to the same nasty strategies used by unethical health food companies (great example btw). There's a lot of human psychology behind belief systems and general rationalizing which plays into it as well. Not to mention if you start assigning your own self-worth to how closely you follow a belief system, it's a recipe for disaster.

Very well said. This is exactly the point I was trying to make. So true. :)

This is so true. People tend to follow the herd and not do their own research. This is especially prevalent in the media. They constantly spread false news and people believe it the first chance they get. My motto is trust but verify

Exactly. I do my own research now. It is important to study the source of our news and try to set aside personal biases. I have had to learn this myself. Though I have always been rational when it comes to science, health, and medicine I was less smart when it comes to political news. I am working on that. :)

but yes, with social media the false health news people follow is unbelievable... They don't even question health memes from health "gurus" a lot of the time. Just take their crap as factual.

I have to respectfully disagree. I think individuals are the only ones who know what's best for themselves. I think you have some more soul searching to do... Don't put others down because their beliefs don't directly line up with your own. Just be the change. Peace

I didn't put anyone down and I don't have any more soul searching to do and your implying that because of this post means you are actually judging me for not having YOUR beliefs. If you think praying over sickness is effective then yes, we disagree and that is fine.

:/ unfollowed... bye.

That is fine. If you don't agree with my blogs feel free to unfollow but I was in no way putting anyone down. Hope you find plenty of blogs that resonate with you. :)

Actually I misspoke I DO have soul searching to do as does everyone but my beliefs in this area are certainly not a reflection of that.

This is a good point. Orthorexia is not in the DSM currently, but it's a descriptor for the obsessive anxiety that comes with clean eating when it becomes pathological, and it's emerged with this new swing in culture towards conscientious eating, which of course is a good thing on its face, but extreme anything is going to cause problems.

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