Things You Can do Instead of Watching Television.

in #life7 years ago

Some ideas for anyone stuck in a T.V. rut.

If I forget outdoorsy active things it is because I am super disabled and can no longer enjoy them but I will try to channel past Laura's activities to make this a more helpful blog.

First off, I am not saying watching movies or television in general is the devil or anything. I sometimes have to watch T.V. for hours when my IC pain gets so bad I am driven to tears. It is a wonderful distraction in those times. I also like to find intelligent movies and review them. However, I have also fallen into life ruts and noticed all I am doing is watching T.V. this is for those times. Like, if I notice I watched multiple seasons of something like "Gossip Girl" then I really need to get my shit together and take it to the shit museum.

  • Take a walk outside.

This was a huge part of my life when it was an option. I would wear headphones and walk for sometimes 4 or 5 hours just exploring and seeing nature. This cleared my head and eased some of my anxiety and depressing. As someone who now is forced to be inside watching T.V. let me tell you to take advantage of it if you can take walks. Really try to just go walk around with no destination. For me, it was life-changing. It kept me sane. It healed me. Much more rewarding than T.V.

  • Work on something creative.

This is a great option and as I mentioned in past blogs you don't have to wait to be inspired to create art. Start creating now. If you are musical pick up an instrument. If you paint, start painting. Sculpt? Sculpt something! Knit. Do whatever it is you do creatively. This will be so much more rewarding than watching T.V. and will help develop your skills.

  • Go see a friend.

Another thing I can no longer do after moving hundreds of miles away from everyone but my roommate (who wants to be left alone 99% of the time) to get healthcare. Take advantage of it if you are near friends or loved ones. Go see them if it's an option. Go do something with them or go do nothing with them. Just be near an actual human you love in physical reality.

  • Put on some music and do some chores.

If you are anything like me you may be neglecting housework and sitting around watching T.V. if you are going to binge on Netflix then at least get chores done first so you can relax afterwards and feel accomplished. Also if you play some music you can dance and since and have some fun in the process.

  • Get some work done that you have been putting off for too long.

If you are in the midst of a T.V. binge you've probably been neglecting your actual work. Try to get yourself back into a routine and get some of that work that piled up done. Do something lucrative and productive if you can so that you feel confident, and less stressed.

  • Read a book.

Seriously, when is the last time you read a book? Try putting aside the T.V. for awhile to read a book. You are a likely a blogger if you are reading this and reading books is incredibly helpful in learning to fluently write in an engaging way. Brush up on your spelling and grammar and get your brain working. Reading books will do wonders and will be so enjoyable that you will wonder why you don't do it more often. If you have the right book.

  • Take a candle-lit bath.

It is no secret how much I LOVE baths. Sometimes, if I have been connected to media for too long I find a long bath really helpful. Just unplugging from all electronics and relaxing. It is almost meditative. I suggest doing this and seeing if you feel better.

  • Do some yoga.

I have to avoid a lot of poses now due to pelvic floor damage and IC but I used to do yoga every day and am about to buy some online videos for yoga designed for people with PFD. I can't wait to make daily yoga part of my life again even if I have to improvise poses and do certain videos. Try out yoga! It worked wonders for me. It can really help with all the aches and pains from hunching over monitors all day.

...and if you really earned it and you genuinely want it go ahead and enjoy some T.V.

Like I said this is more some inspiration for people stuck in a rut watching T.V. all day every day. I have been there and it was much healthier to get myself out of that place. Now, I still watch T.V. but I do other things far more often.

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I want to make a fire in my backyard, but it's been raining all the time lately :(
I guess browsing Steemit and playing Diablo III is still technically better than watching TV lol :P

Steem on Miss Lemons ^_^

Those are all great ideas. I feel like I get more sucked into video games and my phone more than TV or movies, but I get what you are saying. I feel so much better when I'm outside and it is not allergy season. One thing I always wish is those moments when I'm just being a zombie on my phone that I was using that time to create. I feel like when I'm working I always wish I was creating but then when I have time to create I waste it. My wife and I take a walk every single day. We walk about 1.25 miles. Rain or snow, we always get our walks in. I'm a firm believer that good habits are just as hard to break as bad ones.

I also started journaling every day and that has made a huge difference in my life. I highly recommend it!

I still enjoy watching shows and movies with my family though.

Oh yes, movies and shows can be wholesome, and even intelligent pleasure. I am a big movie person. :)

It's just about balance and keeping up with the healthy habits like you said. ^_^

Balance is key to everything.

If put in good use tv can be really entertaining, but if someone watches tv for the sole reason of killing time, then it is high time for some changes in his/her life.

Yeah I definitely find some T.V. and cinema to be works of art. This was just for people stuck in a rut. :)

We do not have TV, by our own choice. I have 3 kids and they were all raised with no satelite or cable. Interestingly, there are many of their friends in their class at school who also do not have TV at home. Great read Thanks

I didnt watch T.V. almost at all in the past. Now that I am disabled and confined I do but I think your way is much better. I love my time disconnected. :) Do your kids ever get angry about no T.V. because of seeing any other kids with it? Or are they happy? I bet happy. ^_^ Just wondering if they see other people watching TV or playing games and get curious.

When you are raised without TV really have nothing to miss. They see it I think like going to a movie. But the thought never really crosses their minds as it is habitual that they do not have it.

I would rather go to the dentist that watch tv, this box is soul destroying. Thanks

I am not sure I agree especially in my predicament of being disabled and confined to my room but I do think if you can go outside it is time much better spent and I do think I need to do things other than T.V. a lot. I love certain shows and movies though. :)

Hopefully you will get better and enjoy all of them again. I think very early mornings, when there's almost no one outside, are the best for a walk. on Steemit!

hehehehe that one is a given! But I was trying to mostly focus on steeping away from the screen but yes, steemit is more productive and I spend all my time here lately. :D At least we are learning and creating here and meeting people!

yep :P Screens tend to dominate our free time too much. We'll all have to wear glasses soon.

Here's a sneaky question: what do you think of my latest post? :D vote/resteem begging at it's finest

As we say being a couch potato...I think it is offensive to potatoes... potatoes are not lazy if you think of it, they are healthier then most food and they can roll super fast.. :)

Imagination, this what I do. Thinking some positive things that might and will happen in my life. Imagining some wonderful things give you a temporary relief and motivate you do more to get your goals.
Imagine if all the people in this world become happy, they all are living a peaceful life and no one is poor.
I myself imagine that how happy would I be if I develop a good game and it becomes famous within a few days. Going beyond, I also plan how and where to spend my money and the name of banks I would be depositing my wealth :P
Yes, it makes me happy :)

I don't have a back home lol... I practically watch TV 7 days / 6 months :/

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