Is our generation self-centered and entitled?

in #life8 years ago

This question was sparked from a conversation I was having with friends online, we were talking about the show "GIRLS".

First off, for the record, I actually love "GIRLS" but it's no secret that the plot revolves around a group of white, privileged, self-centered, entitled girls. I am sure Lena Dunham herself intended this as she has no problem calling herself out and poking fun at herself. But that's besides the point. I don't actually want to talk to you about GIRLS. I want to talk about our generation.

Let me also say that I don't claim to know the answer to the question this title poses but simply have been dissecting it and have a lot more questions that bubbled to the surface as I explored the initial one.

Disclaimer: I am only referring to the youth in first-world countries.

For my own sake and yours I am going to go ahead and make a bullet-point list of the questions to keep this organized:

  • Is it true that even the worst off person in a first-world country better off than most of the world's population?

This one came to me when my friend said how I have endured so much abuse and am entitled (there's that word) to say that my life has been bad. It's true that I have been through a lot of horrific abuse but I responded by saying that though I have endured much abuse my life is still infinitely better than that of many people in third-world countries. There are girls who are raped for their entire lives until death, literally and families doing everything they can to try to feed their families (including eating mud) and still watching their children, piles of bones, starving to death. So, even I am in some light pretty fucking privileged.

Is the culture of social-media making people vain and self-centered?

Almost every young adult has at least one social media account and most people more than that. Platforms that are run on "likes" and unlike here on steemit the likes are not based on valuable content but just likes to stroke one's ego. People obsessing over how many likes their new profile photo got or how many people are interested in the photo of their lunch that they posted. It's not hard to imagine that people may be becoming a bit more self-centered and vain. Especially since many people live their social lives more online than offline. I am on of those people.

  • Are we really that entitled or are we simply afforded more freedoms that previous generations?

I was full-on hating myself for being such a privileged fuck when this question popped into my head. I am often referred to as lazy simply for pursuing a creative avenue. Perhaps, the youth now just has more freedom to explore their passions than previous generations did. Maybe it's some sort of subconscious resentment that makes the previous generations think we are lazy and spoiled. Or, perhaps, we really are lazy and spoiled as a whole. Again, I am not claiming to know the answer to this question. Even after much deliberation I am simply left with more questions.

  • Is focusing on shallow portions of one-self just an escape mechanism?

We live in an age where, if we want to, we can easily look up what's going on in the world outside of our country and in parts of our country we would never see otherwise, via the internet. We can now watch documentaries on sex-trafficking in Bangladesh or easily find a video of the Haitian food crisis and see people eating mud cakes to stay alive. We can see the places our country is bombing and if we dig deep we can find out the ulterior motives for our country doing so. Perhaps, it's simply easier to post cat memes on facebook and count likes than it is to admit all these atrocities going on in the world around us that we are not equipped to deal with emotionally. Sure, that isn't always going to be the case but I do have plenty of friends that use the internet as a form of escapism and I am wondering if I do that myself.

Obviously this goes beyond the internet too. For example, capitalism, people often focus on material items and shopping trips to escape reality. Or one might become entirely captivated by video games, comics, TV shows. There are many ways people escape their reality. I am also not saying it's inherently a huge deal if people play games or watch movies, I am talking about excess here. My point is simply that it may just be easier to focus on things that are less "heavy" and that may end up making a person seem shallow or self-centered.

Well, those are just some thoughts I had on this subject and am open to a deeper discussion and different view-points. Let's have a discussion!


Selfie girl:

Girl with headphones:

We are all connected, yo:


This about sums up my views on the subject:

I often wondered myself about the younger generation being self- centered. Sometimes it sucks to think that there are those who are practically given everything on a silver platter. I worked hard for everything I own. Some world countries are not so lucky. It makes me sad to see the pictures of world countries, knowing they have it so rough. People really need to teach their kids not to take things for granted, whether be tv, videos, all electronics.

Yeah I had a super poor mother who was neglectful and no father until 12 and then when I met him was horrifically abused by him so I had to work super hard to get ahead but even so, I know that so many people in the world have it much worse and literally cannot escape the abuse or cannot, no matter how hard they work, eat enough. D:

And yeah, many young people I do think take it for granted. I think parents need to teach their kids more of these things, in general. The school system most certainly isn't going to do it. It is up to the parents. I am not a parent though so I don't know anything about how to do that.

I have a teenager who has been taught at an early age, that if you want something you have to work for it. If he wanted a particular toy, he had to do chores to earn money (except for Christmas and b-days). I agree, schools don't teach any of that. But that is the parent's responsibility anyway. I shy away about talking about my upbringing since so many were definitely worse off. My life made me stubborn as heck. I don't know if that makes me self-centered (which I hope not). My escape from reality is online.

Being nothing and nobody, I can't take a compliment, as I have nowhere to put it, and I have no compliments to give.

In the game of life, self center is ONE, and being the only player, ONE can never loose.

It's not about if others are real or not, it's all about deleting my ability to believe, then simply know, and go with that flow.

The idea of WE is a slave mentality by default.

That phone looks like a tablet.

Very interesting thoughts you share, I think our young generation is centred on the internet and social media very much; me included.
And I really don't like that it's important for so many people what others think about them. This is not living in your own kind of way.

Yeah, I am most certainly including myself in this list. I KNOW I am too into the internet and am definitely realizing I am some-what self-centered.

I am trying to let go of caring about what others think of me though. :)

As a mom with 2 daughter's 11 and 17 I think films have a contributing factor. I.E. " Mean Girls" the movie. Just a thought!

Very true. Media most certainly has an impression on young minds. But that movie was made to appeal to people because of a culture that was already underway in my opinion. However it does perpetuate it. I haven't watched much of the TV for youth honestly. I am 28. I wonder what types of shows kids are watching right now. I guess you would know more than me about that.

Pretty Little Liars is the trending program right now, younger girls watch I Carly, Victorious.

Don't get me started on PLL i tried watching it. It's soooo cray and the storyline seems like a 5 year old wrote it

Great article @lauralemons I think a little of each and with social media having such an influence these days, it can be hard to just be you and have no expectations! Thanks!

Very good article laura and thought provoking

Haha, what? Are you saying you have a lot to say on this subject? If so, feel free to share your perspective. :)

Pay me darling, pay me :)
see my new post about mothers,
you like mothers right?
(give me the razor)
knock yourself out

Uhhhhh, I don't pay people to interact on steemit. Feel free also to not share your perspective. lol

I didnt mean to say it was you who actually paid....
Im told you have other options
(give me the razor)
you are not killing yourself tonight

Ah, I think I know who you are. Trying to restore your negative rep, eh? I will continue ignoring you.

Too slow baby, shape up, we're gonna eat you for lunch if you continue at this rythm. Are you savory?

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