The pain I feel from not seeing my children, is unspeakable. Here is the list of people that have made my life and my childrens life's, a living hell!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

First of all the mothers to my 2 children

Ditte Hende Bilde Jensen (the white girl in the photo below)
Joanne Duarte Padilha (the mulat girl in the photo below)


Second of all, the main lawyers involved in the 2 cases over time

Trine Sofie Hansen, Statsforvaltningen midtjylland, Social worker or law-worker with the power to deciding, whether or not Amanda and I should have contact. She was running the case for years (2009-2010 or so), with very very poor results for me and Amanda's visitation rights, as we never meet. Trine Sofie Hansen might be the reason that I had more problems in the following years, since, had she given us the visitation rights, other meetings and trails may have been unnecessary. In other words, she started the hell! I think Trine and I wrote about 50 letters back and forth in 2009, with no result, other then a court case after that. I don't have a photo of Trine Sofie Hansen, even she might be the person who made the most damage to my life and my children's life's. The reason I say children's life's, is that Joanne got affected by what she saw was possible with the case of Amanda.

Dorthe Horstmann, lawyer, responsible for defending my and Amanda's interest in the court-case in 2010. She did a very poor job, I didn't see her defending my and Amanda's interest for a second.

Dorthe Horstmann.png

Angelo moved with me to Copenhagen in 2012, according to a written agreement I had made with Joanne, about that Angelo should be raised in Copenhagen. At this time she began to involve lawyers and accusing me for kidnapping Angelo, when all I did was following the agreement I had made with Joanne, since before she got pregnant and she had confirmed it in written at divorce in 2010. I contacted Asbjørn Rønn-simonsen, who took the case and also wanted to help with the case of Amanda. In the end he didn't helped me with any of the two cases, I got nothing out of it. Asbjørn could not go in the court in Sweden and he referred me to Johan Fernvall, that I think was maybe the worst lawyer I ever had.

asbjørn rønn simonsen.png


Johan Fernvall, was only shortly on the case regarding Angelo, and in that time I lost the residency of Angelo.


Elisabeth Ask Lundgren was working for a very long time with the case of Angelo, but at each court meeting, I lost more and more visitation. At one point I lost custody, that was joint for many years, until I was pressed to give it up "voluntarily" in order to not lose all visitation rights.

Conclusions of the years 2006-2017

In the end, it has been about 11 years of hell. I have had good times with Angelo, but boy have I spend much time in the court and thinking about these stupid cases. Only because the mothers, wanted to blow up the families, its clear to me. Joanne only got together with me to get a passport and she never cared about Angelo's and my feelings and/or life's. It is also clear to me that the lawyers was not helping me to defend my and Angelo's rights, they was just thinking about their paycheck and "almost enjoyed" seeing me suffer, since they also thought it was "stupid" of me getting involved with a Brazilian.

These 11 years was supposed to be the best years of my life, raising my children, where I am biologically on the top. But instead it was a hell, "thanks" to Ditte's and Joanne's selfish ways of life and the corrupt society we have.

My conclusions about the court system in Denmark and Sweden (and I think it is similar in the whole western world)

I got the feeling that in the court system, you have very bad chances as a man and if you on top of that have a child with a foreigner, everyone will work against you, just to make you look like a fool, in order to make an example to all other men, not to get involved with foreigner woman. I can only say this is my experience, not only in the court system, but in many situations in society.

In the end, they got what they wanted. There is nothing I can do about it, other then tell the world, which is also what they wanted, right?

What can I say, we live in a statistic hellish society, they will find ways to punish them that go outside of the norm.

Ditte found out that I would not be a SIMP, that she could not control and enslave me. That's why she ran away and used the corrupt state against me.

Joanne used me to get into Sweden. She might have considered having a long term relationship with me at one point, but already gave up the relationship after the birth of our son. Using the corrupt state against me.

Steem on!

Lasse Ehlers

Copenhagen, Denmark





I got the feeling that in the court system, you have very bad changes as a man and if you on top of that have a child with a foreigner,

I would like to say that this is rare but sadly I think in most family breakdowns the man is at a severe disadvantage in the courts. I have heard many such stories.

There was even a group in the UK that tried to fight for the rights of fathers - haven't heard from them in a while but I suspect they still exist.

I have heard about the existence of similar groups in France. It is sad, but fathers are kind of discriminated in such cases.

There are MRAs all over the western world, the problem is that it will never solve the problem, in the current state of society, the only way for a man to prosper, is to go MGTOW. Then if he want one child or more children, then he will have to use a surrogate mother.

We indeed need a change in mentalities as a starter.

To just tell people to change their mentalities is not enough, what is needed, is that all the victims expose the people who did it to them (mostly exposing the mothers and the lawyers involved in these scams and frauds). Then when everyone knows the risk of using the corrupt state as a scam for extracting men's resources and ruining men's and children's life's, then the mentality change will happen.

But first the consequences, that is why I recommend all men to expose the people who did this to them and the children on Steemit!

on steemit and elsewhere!

Please correct what you write, it is not rare, and I guess that's not what you meant? It is often that this happens.

There is a reason that there is something called MGTOW, that is an autonomous movement of men that refuse to marry and get children, as they know they will most likely live a similar scenario as mine. Had I knew what I know today and had MGTOW existed back in 2006, then I think I would have never made those woman pregnant, but instead used a surrogate mother and fathering a child alone.

Of course I love my son and (hypothetical) my daughter, but how can I really give them my love, if I almost don't see them?

There is something called MRA (men's rights activists) that is men that have not realized that they will never get their rights in order, they will always loose, that is what MGTOWs have realized.

You misunderstand - I said I would like to say it is rare but it is not rare - that is the point I was making - I have heard the same story from many others.

It happens to a lot of men and a lot of children. The only solution is to expose those creppy lawyers on Steemit (as in the past when men tried to expose them on the internet, they just got taken down, which is not possible on Steemit, right?).

They make a living on ruining children's life's. What will happen if all the stories come out in the light?? Imagine that one day nobody want anything to do with lawyers who ruined one or more children's life's and nobody want anything to do with mothers who did this to their children and the fathers. That is the solution to this problem.

I have much more to say about it, but I will try to come with a little at a time :)

Sure the more people that talk about it the more likely it is that change will come.

My experience is that it does not help to talk about these issues. In-fact it usually lead to social isolation and such. The only thing I believe help, is to expose those who do this to the children and the fathers, and I mean the mothers who do this and the lawyers who help them do it. When enough got exposed, then woman will begin to make better decisions, before getting pregnant and not doing these destructive things, as they will know they will get publicly exposed.

That's my best idea, but it will take time, the hell we live in now, have been here for generations, its not a new thing.

Wow! I am so sorry to hear how the "justice" system (if you ca actually call it that) just dragged you around while in the mean time your kids lives are going by. My uncle, originally from mexico but then an american citizen, moved to Denmark and married a woman there after becoming a doctor. They decided to have a child here in america, and since his then wife was unable to have a child, they had a surrogate, then moved back to Denmark. Since then, they have divorced and somehow, his ex wife STILL got custody of the kid, even though she didn't give birth to her, the kid likes my uncle a hell of a lot more, and she is just a stay at home mother with no job to support her... It really makes me angry that it seems most court systems always favor the woman because "shes the mother so she must be a better parent." Again im sorry to read about your circumstances, having children is hard enough, let alone when someone else is forcing you to raise them in a way you disagree with.

If you only knew how many men and children this happens to. This is happening because of the "manginas" and "white-knights" who will help and support the woman, at any expense of the children, just to get the chance of female attention.

The only way to solve this huge problem for our society, is by shaming those who do this, the lawyers and the mothers who do this (not all mothers, but a lot of them).

I think we got a tool now to do this, its called Steem! People just need to realize it... I believe I am the first to do this, I hope others will follow.

To all the men out there, with similar stories... believe me it makes you feel better to get these stories out in the open. I already feel more relieved today.

well thats right wingers for you

I don't think this topic is related to politics, more to believe in statism or anarchy.

An Anarchist know right from wrong and don't need a corrupt statistist lawyer or judge to tell them what is right or wrong.

In this topic, any mother should know that its of course always right to keep the family together. In most cases woman make excuses to blow up the family, in order to go out and find new partners in the game of hypergamy, at the expense of the father and the children. This is only happening because of the corrupt state, if there was no corrupt state, woman would stick with the father to their children 99% of the time.

Its not about politics, as politics are dead, its about changing the society towards anarchy, with new systems to obsolete the old systems. Bitcoin and Steemit is the best examples of this till date.

Yes the best thing you can do is expose them and shame them to the world! Get creative and find other ways to do that. Other men need to be told. Maybe plan a free coffee shame campaign outside their work place.

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