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RE: The pain I feel from not seeing my children, is unspeakable. Here is the list of people that have made my life and my childrens life's, a living hell!!!

in #life7 years ago

Wow! I am so sorry to hear how the "justice" system (if you ca actually call it that) just dragged you around while in the mean time your kids lives are going by. My uncle, originally from mexico but then an american citizen, moved to Denmark and married a woman there after becoming a doctor. They decided to have a child here in america, and since his then wife was unable to have a child, they had a surrogate, then moved back to Denmark. Since then, they have divorced and somehow, his ex wife STILL got custody of the kid, even though she didn't give birth to her, the kid likes my uncle a hell of a lot more, and she is just a stay at home mother with no job to support her... It really makes me angry that it seems most court systems always favor the woman because "shes the mother so she must be a better parent." Again im sorry to read about your circumstances, having children is hard enough, let alone when someone else is forcing you to raise them in a way you disagree with.


If you only knew how many men and children this happens to. This is happening because of the "manginas" and "white-knights" who will help and support the woman, at any expense of the children, just to get the chance of female attention.

The only way to solve this huge problem for our society, is by shaming those who do this, the lawyers and the mothers who do this (not all mothers, but a lot of them).

I think we got a tool now to do this, its called Steem! People just need to realize it... I believe I am the first to do this, I hope others will follow.

To all the men out there, with similar stories... believe me it makes you feel better to get these stories out in the open. I already feel more relieved today.

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