Porn on Steemit - how to deal with it?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

@alexanova and others want to post adult content on Steemit.

I support @fyrstikken 's suggestion about adult content. There is really nothing more to say to it:

Lasse Ehlers @lasseehlers is the first DANE on Steemit



steemit is quickly turning into a trash rag mag.

Steemit will get famous for porn.

FUCK YES. Trash garbage heap, Steemit here we go! Porn and sports betting, Steemit --> your one stop location for degeneracy and vices. Wo0o0t! What a great place that will become just a like Facebook, right? A good place for the whole family to connect socially. Porn and gambling. Awesome fucking shit! Great future for Steemit! Fucking retarded.

If Steem is for everyone then all kinds of content will end up being represented in the blockchain. Our options would seem to be
1 Educate / culturally homogenize everyone
2 build an x-rated app for steem
3 re-organise steemit as fyrstikken and lasseehlers have suggested

Hopefully, option 3 is the simplest and most reasonable to implement where everyone can be happy. One day perhaps option 2 will be built if there is a advantage to do so.

follback pleasee

Yep. In my opinion porn should be kept off Steemit. There are other places to post it, like porn hub or Reddit for that matter. I don't think people should have to be tolerant of everything.

I don't think people should have to be tolerant of everything.

If that be the case, and someone is intolerant of the things you elect to post, are you going to be as accepting of their position...I only ask because most people who do NOT believe people should be tolerant of everything, usually expect others to be tolerant of what they find acceptable. I am in no way attempting to start an argument or debate, just food for thought.

No, I am ok with people not liking or accepting my point of view or being tolerant of what I post. Just because someone doesn't agree with me doesn't necessarily mean they are against me, it simply means our point of view is different.

"I don't think people should have to be tolerant of everything". You are right. By example, I don't tolerate bigots. Who decides what is the limit? Why should people tolerate you, by example?

You don't have to be tolerant of me at all. I don't think it means a person is a bigot because they choose not to accept everything that is out there. We all having different views on things and we will never all agree on everything. That doesn't mean we are being intolerant, it means our opinions differ.

The point is not that you have "a different opinion". The problem is that you want steemit to work according with your opinion. Which is why I call you a bigot. Now, steemit has a nice button which is "MUTE". So if you do not like people posting porn, just mute them, and you will never see it. This would be your solution, if the problem was being of a different opinion. But, instead of using the "MUTE" button to quit porn, you are trying to make the whole steemit to obey your opinion forbidding porn. Which is what I call "a bigot". And no, I am not forced to tolerate bigots. This is why I am gonna mute you , just to say. This is because you claim to have "just a different opinion", where actually you want YOUR opinion to apply to the whole social network. Never read you again... I am not tolerating bigots at all.

Here's the problem with sites such as the ones you mentioned:

A better solution would be a parental control filter option. Other than that, people will search for their interests, no sense in censoring (centralizing, prohibiting) content to drive it into the realm of taboo.

Facebook bans porn!

So you want to start banning everything on Steemit that Facebook bans, is that right?

I have nothing against any people wanting to post Porn however understand that the first image shows in the new feed and some people don't want to see some cock up an arse at the breakfast table. Make your first image a nsfw warning. People who are interested will click to open. Others will scroll past.

The OP wanted to flag your comment for nothing? Huh. I flagged him to show him how that is.

discussion is ok, I removed the flags, it was only be course its already been discussed in the discord chat, so I was trying to use the "flag" as a downvote button... I think we need a "downvote button" or somekind of improvement so that we better can rate people.

Thanks. I was just relaying exactly what happened to me today.

I support it as well, I can understand why people would be bothered about it appearing in front of their faces when they don't want it to so it may well be worth Steemit having a seperate NSFW or 'Adult' section so that people can choose whether not to look at such content.

If Steemit wants to prove to the world it really is censorship free, then believe it or not porn is one of the greatest ways they can do this. Oh and there's nothing more fun than trolling the anti-sex crusaders who want to micro-manage all our lives so that's a nice bonus.

Don't let the pathetic moral crusaders run our lives, if no one is being genuinely hurt or having their privacy violated through doxxing, it's none of our business.

Yes, let's appeal to a censorship fallacy some more!. Let's not censor anything. Child porn? Welcome! Murder videos? Welcome? Sex trafficking transactions? Welcome! After all, censorship is evil. Tolerate everything, have no values...wo0o0ot!


Child porn, murder videos, sex trafficking - those are crimes. Why do you think anyone would agree to tolerate those things here? As I commented in another post, crimes like those are worse than "hate speech", which also isn't tolerated here. But porn? I don't care about supporting porn at all, but unless it's criminal, I don't see why it should be disallowed - but I do think it should be sectioned off and some measures taken to protect kids from accessing it or from accidental discovery if possible.

Censorship of things in life in common place. We censor behavior. We are not talking about information here. This isn't mainstream media censoring news or inromation, or wikipedia doing the same. There is a big different between freedom of all information on a platform vs. censorship of information, and the issue at hand, of freedom of all behavior to be seen on a site vs. censorship of having it seen, or even allowing that behavior on the site. It's about where is Steemit headed. Another platform for the majority of people, based on information, or a platform for anyone who like porn, gambling and others vices that keep most people away.

Then what is your suggestion and solution to the issue?

They may be crimes, but not allowing them on Steemit is still censorship. You can't have a censorship-free online platform without running the risk of breaking the law.

On a practical note: who is going to check if the people in the porn on Steemit are of legal age? You will have to, you know. A few minors that slip through and Steemit will be ripped to shreds in court.

Really, I think we need to get our terminology straight (myself included). We're not really talking about "allowing" or "disallowing" on Steemit. If we could in fact disallow content, then that would be having power of censorship. As far as I'm aware, nobody has the ability to disallow any content. Content can only be flagged and thereby made less visible. It can still be found, still be linked to and viewed.

So no true form of censorship is currently possible anyway, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't think you're wrong. I'm just illustrating the risk Steemit runs in some jurisdictions. I don't have a solution (or I would have posted it 8-).

Because allowing porn on a website automatically leads to everything else right? You are a fucking moron and I will always fight fanatics like you who want to control other peoples' lives.

I want to control your life? Really? Well if you want to try to do something I don't want, while I'm here, then yeah, I'm going to speak up about it and against it. How is it that where I can control what you do? We, as a community, need to decide where we are going, like any community does, and set rules and boundaries for how we operate. Society doesn't allow nudity in public. It's censored, filtered, and disallowed.

Why don't you get mad at everyone for controlling you or other people and preventing them from doing certain things that none of us want to see around us, like nudity (not that you want to do that)? I don't want porn here, and I'm allowed to say it, and post about it, and I don't value it, and I don't see a positive future for Steemit based on rewarding porn and gambling and other content from people who with jump in on the opportunity to make easy money or feeding this content on Steemit.

I've frequently suggested as have others about categorising adult content seperately so people like you don't have to look at it if you don't want to. The fact that people suggest this and you still act like a pussy about it shows you have an ulterior motive as do most people who push for censorship and control of what others can write or say.

Unfortunately, I don't tolerate Aristotle. Which was, btw, a pedophile using the current standards. Are you advocating pedophilia under the name of Aristotle, by instance?

Yes, I agree with @lethn. I wrote a comment about my own stand as a Christian on Alexa's introduction post. When you support freedom of speech for everyone, you support it for yourself. But a lot of peoples' idea of free speech is "right for me, but not for you". And if you think your own content could never offend anyone, it probably already has.

I added a short video to this post.

I dont believe in religion, I believe in freedom to do what you want... the crowd will then jurge you, if alot think you are doing something wrong... porn we cant stop, but it needs its own section on steemit, I guess you agree with this.

Yes, everyone can believe what they want to believe. I do agree that porn needs its own section. And I believe we have an obligation to set that up to protect kids if for no other reason.

I have nothing against sex/porn but I don't want it to be thrown in my face. I came here because this was kinda a sex free zone where I could read and have fun without having to see porn. I want to have to option to not see it! What people share or want to share is none of my business but I am a FIRM believer in a separate spot for sex related content. A simple NSFW tag is not enough when you open your laptop when there are kids in the room, or me for that matter! Again, not against it but I would really like the option not to see it!

I don't see anything wrong with having the option to hide adult content at all, however it's when people start dictating entirely what content is allowed and what isn't that things get dicey.

This seems like an absolute no-brainer to me...unless of course I am missing something (which is entirely possible, I am not a social media block chain expert, nor do I play one on Steemit)...this platform allows you to use 5 tags to place a post into a specific category (granted, not everyone uses the tags correctly) also allows you to follow PEOPLE, rather than the categories associated with the tags. In the event someone wants to post pornographic content, it is assumed they would use appropriate tags (porn NSFW adult nudity s& get the point). This will place the post in the appropriate categories. In order for you to see these posts you must either follow the person, or frequently visit those specific categories. The only other way to stumble across it is to find it streaming through the NEW feed feature...and lo and behold, guess what that means...(go ahead, shout out the answer if you know it)...YOU DO NOT have to click on the post and read it...magically, as if it were part of having the ability to make choices, you can scroll right on by it.

Are people really that upset and disturbed by the thought of glimpsing an image (the size of which amounts to a thumbnail) containing nudity that they need to lose their minds over the subject...because here's the skinny folks...if you're capable of reading this (or seeing a small pic with brief flashes of nudity in them) then someone got NAKED to create your ass (virgin births are a myth associated with a single story in an archaic misinterpreted text). If you have children, chances are you got NAKED with someone else and engaged in acts most of us are equally familiar with ourselves.

Ultimately, the point being...if you do NOT like something, scroll on, move on, get over your overblown self-important ego and enjoy your life...nobody is demanding that you personally engage with every category or person on this platform...hell, I've followed a few people on here who I've already unfollowed (obviously the content they were posting wasn't anything I wanted to participate with)...and guess what, YOU CAN TOO!

The problem with society today is that we have trained future generations to believe that they are ENTITLED to act like spoiled little brats...nobody can say anything that might offend someone else...when I was a kid, if you said something someone else didn't like, you got punched in the mouth, you didn't get offended and demand that they apologize, or that they tolerate your opinion/ didn't get into a flagging war with them, or report them to the Social Media Justice punched them in the mouth and you moved on. Granted, we can't all punch each other in the puss here on a social media platform, but we can MUTE people we do not want to interact with, which also "hides" their posts from our various feeds...and ultimately solves the problem of placing porn on this platform. You MUTE those posting pornographic content when you see it...and just like can modify your experiences here to suit the things you are willing to tolerate!

This post is not meant to support the idea behind posting porn (porn just happens to be the hot topic)...I would make the same case were the topic anything else taboo, yet perfectly legal to engage in behind closed doors, or out of the public eye.

Something else to keep in mind...there are no shortage of cultures here in the Steem community...what is offensive to some, is not offensive to others...if you've ever visited the Red Light District in Amsterdam (I have on several occasions), then you know that pornographic content is not only on's FOR RENT!

My final thoughts on the subject...there isn't another animal in the entire kingdom that is as concerned with nudity as the human being...why is that?

A final question for those opposed to pornographic content on the Steemit block chain; do you ever watch mating rituals on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel programs? If you do, then your opposition to pornography borders on hypocrisy.

Carry on my fellow Steemsters!

NO! Facebook bans it for a reason. This is free advertising for an already too extensive industry! And people post other people's photos..I am very sure that is not this woman's photo because all you have to do is read her smut and know an innocent face does not belong to it. This is all meant to titillate men and humiliate women on steemit! I am against anymore objectifying of women in this crude animalistic fashion!

Some woman want to do porn and most men watch it, so you can't stop it.

Well none of the women I know do and I do not want to be on a site that condones it!

Some woman, not all woman.

Porn is already here with the tag, @fyrstikken 's suggestion is just an improvement of that.

What I suggest, There will be a front cover page. Then Tag NSFW
A Pre-Warning for content.

remove the flag please

If you start a thread to encourage discussion on a touchy topic be prepared for touchy answers.

As @fyrstikken said in one of his replies (but unfortunately not in the main body of his article) our youngest users are 13 years old. That's why we need a section where you have to confirm you are 18+ to enter. Simply a tag indicating that the content is adult, is not good enough. I have boys of 13 and 14 and I clearly do not want them to see this type of stuff at their age.

I haven't exactly been able to shield my kids from seeing some of the stuff, so I gracefully opted to teaching them about human sexuality, and how it often manifests itself online. They understood, and didn't even giggle about it like kids their age usually do. We actually had a pretty constructive discussion about it. My boys are 6 and 10 years of age. I may have had it easy, or perhaps kids really aren't that stupid they need to be shielded against everything. Yes they may joke about these things and act lewd for a while, but if you let it be, they soon get over it.

Hormones: the difference between 13/14 year olds and 6/10 year olds. Explanations are ok before the hormones kick in. Then more drastic measures are needed: computers only in the living room is my solution. When they are 18 they can live the life they want, but not now.

I don't want to alarm you, but by that age they probably already know about porn, they will find out themselves, if not via the family computer, from their friends, tv, movies, books, youth journals and magazines. They will sponge up the information whether you are there watching or not.

You might want to ask. They might not want to tell, but you'll know. I was 13 and 14 too once. ;) Trust me, we knew.

They know. I told them like you about its existence a couple of years ago. I just don't want them to browse the internet for this.

Ok, just know a little bit of trust goes a long way. Don't chain them up.

Understandably; an adult that wants to maintain their children's innocence for as long as possible....the major reason why most Christmas-celebrating families wait as long as possible to tell their kids about Santa.

Sure the adult section can have that for legal purposes.

In reality we know that our children will see some of it no matter what. When I was a child, one of my friends smuggled a porn magazine with him into the school and we where a group of guys reading/watching it in secret in the library.

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