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RE: Is It Difficult to Make Friends in CHINA?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Related to career!
When I'm not engaged in this industry I'm happy to help my friend
When I work in the computer industry Some people just want to repair computers for free! However I need to eat (making money)
for free = no talk
Can you read Chinese? I'm afraid there is a problem with the grammar of the translation that leads to poor communication.


我会看懂中文啊。就我自己写。我不用翻译。 不好意思,我的中文语法不完美哈哈

真是太好了 別人寫英文我看翻譯看得懂 我一直很擔心我寫中文翻譯的英文別人看不懂
如果你的中文不錯 如果有空可以來我的國家觀光旅遊
你可以先看看簡短的介紹 主要語言也是:中文

我真想去台湾!! 我也想找台湾工作但是我找不到工作比我的更好

也許你可以存一些錢 來台灣當個小老闆!賺多少由自己決定!!

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