Story of a Lonely GuysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Photo on 12-4-17 at 3.52 AM.jpg
Since I’m not a whale on Steemit I guess I don’t have to worry about this going viral.

This is not something I write and share on a regular basis or on a weekly basis. I thank god I am NOT those types of guys that post too much of their personal issues on Facebook or yell or go apeshit mad in front of the camera about getting rejected. This is about me struggling with being single and the struggle of getting a girlfriend. I guess this is one of the big reasons why I’m active on Steemit.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not going to lie that money is one of the big reasons by being a whale here creating my wealth just doing what I love and actually earn my passive income and get out of this 9-5 slavery. I should’ve joined this about a year ago but guess what I was doing? I was too busy dating this one girl or some girls call it “just going out”. I don’t know why but a lot of girls consider “going out” and “dating” two different things. Girls are too complicated. All I know was I wasn’t hanging out with her like a friendzone because I asked her out on a date and she said yes incase if anyone was wondering. I almost thought she was going to be my girlfriend as everything seems to be set in place with the way how we met except after 3 weeks into dating it just ended in silence. Yeah I felt heartbroken but some girls would call this a heartache but for me I was heartbroken. I know I’m not getting into the deep details with how I met this girl since that is a different blog for another time as of right now I’m just expressing the struggle of being single and getting a girlfriend.

A little bit about me:
At a very young age I was living in a different country where my aunt tried to teach me 5 or 6 different languages (English not included) then when my parents had enough time that they don't need a babysitter they took me back to the US and while I was growing up my English was shitty. I was speaking broken English, I can't express myself, I was awkward, I don't speak to too many different people and people around me in my high school including my family were a bunch of condescending dickheads that I experienced social anxiety disorder at one point. Pretty much I did not want to put myself out there because of all of this bullshit. During high school I was that type of guy that just want to simply play video games, zombies, punk rock, experience REAL friends, and get a girlfriend or at least a lot of casual dating. I did not give two shits about volunteering, community service, politics, religion, education I don't know why but I know some people reading this would get so butthurt but this is me. I know if I expressed myself like this back in high school so so many people just get butthurt. I was who I was. I still am that type of person I was before but I got even more things to add to myself than just all that but I can go into even more detail in a different blog for another time.
You guys get the idea my high school was an extremely shitty one. I honestly don't feel like I have any REAL friends from my high school or even my hometown except this one guy but he doesn't count since he started to become a big part of my SOCIAL life during college years.

A little bit of where I grew up:
I live in a small ass city so small(not talking about my dick) that that place only had one high school. They say people in small cities are more socially retarded or just simply retarded than people in big cities which explains why people in rural areas helped Trump become president. But yes I grew up in a stereotypical Asian place where every Asian was book smarter than I am and talk shit better than I can. In a stereotypical Asian society everything was just getting into a good college, intense drama, a ton of anime, and lots of drama. Sure you learn plenty of discipline from growing up with Asian parents and living with a TON of Asians but there is a huge disregard for happiness and individuality. I was just average compared to all of that and out of that of range. I felt like I was living in a very shitty anime slice-of-life where I am that main character who is insecure and need a girl to carry my balls for me. People didn't respect me as a normal person cause I was fat and I was that awkward type of person where it can't be helped. There are a few different types of awkward and one of them is make things awkward on purpose. Thank god that is not me but sadly I met a few of these types of people in my life and nobody likes them.

Where I started the struggle:
After high school during my first few years of college I honestly thought things would come into place like the universe/god was setting something special for everybody but I eventually learned to get my head out of my dumbass. Long story short during college years, after getting my car, after getting out of obesity I started talking to random girls. Pretty much pick-up/cold-approach whatever the hell you want to call it its all the same to me.
"There is no shame in my game I am what I am." - The Booty Warrior.
Some girls were offended, some made their day, some were amazed, some were butthurt, some kept an open mind, some were close minded. I went through a lot of rejection but before I even started putting myself out there I was going through changes and I still am right now. My way has its ups and downs but AGAIN that is a different blog for a another time. I live in an area where males overpopulate females. I also live in an area where not only jobs are competitive but also getting a girlfriend feels competitive.

The way I feel, I feel like I don’t know if I will ever get a girlfriend or I just can’t imagine myself being with one. I have this feeling where my chances of being a whale on Steemit is higher than getting a girlfriend. I have preference and that is my fault but my preference is still broad as I still managed and went-out/dated several different girls from okay to beautiful but none of them was ever into me or it didn’t work out in the first date or showed any real affection towards me...except this one girl who is gothic with daddy issues and AGAIN that is different blog for another time. Oh wait I did find a girl who had REAL feelings for me from the start. She was beautiful by society standards but I think she is beautiful just not as much as society thinks. She can pass for modeling but I prefer girls a bit thicker. The funny thing is she just moved from a different state from far away so it felt different from the girls I went out with in the area I lived. She was the only girl I can think of where it was REAL from the start and didn't feel like a catfish. When I made my move after we first met we hugged each other goodbye and I felt her hugging me tightly with joy and excitement...but in the end it didn't work out as I thought it would and I was reminiscing the good times for quite a while.

Did I give it my all?
I give myself a solid C or for putting plenty of effort while an F wouldn't make any sense and a D is just too harsh for a not so optimistic guy like myself and an A+ would be wasting too much time from continuously chasing. I try to aim for at least a solid B. I know I can do better because I still have plenty of things I can naturally change about myself. My hope comes from the gym and fashion improvement.

I told this to my friends many times and I need to find another place to express what I feel. Also I'm not just writing this for reputation level or many upvotes but I really do hope that many of you guys who goes through the same struggle as I am to not give up and give it your all. Life is short and the worst feeling ever is never knowing the outcome without giving it your all. I'm giving my all when it comes to improving my dating life but I am also trying to live my life too. Never let a girl change who you are unless YOU YOURSELF feel like you need to change something about yourself because I use to be friends with a guy for years who is insecure has a girlfriend but the type of guy that I later lost my respect for. Rejection sucks but at the end of the day it doesn't meant shit. From where I come from where I started it feels like I'm not supposed to experience what its like to date a girl that I am supposed to be a guy suffering from social anxiety but I still manage to fight against my own personal backstory. I write this blog also for myself so that in the near future I can look back and see how far I've come. This is one of my most personal blogs and you the reader will see this kind of stuff every once in a while.


Dude! I love how real this is.
Good job putting yourself out there.

So many great points in this... I see so many people change when they start a relationship... and it always ends badly, so really good advice at the end there. If a girl doesn't like the real you then it's really just a waste of everyone's time.

I know Tinder and online dating are huge, but I've always been super awkward talking to new girls, especially in bars and clubs and stuff. What I found that worked for me was classes and hobbies. Getting to know people in a non-romantic place was really comfortable for me. I actually met a lot of people, male and female, through dance classes and because the male/female ratio was hugely in my favour I actually developed quite a few relationships. A lot of those people are still my close friends a decade later.

So, my advice is forget about dating for a while, and develop some interests that help you to get know new people... could be something like indoor soccer or a photography club or volunteering at an animal shelter or anything really, the magic will flow...

Awesome freakin' post man!

The funny thing is I tried the vegan club didn't work out cause I can't turn vegan. Maybe one day I will find a clique or a club with plenty of decent to beautiful looking girls that are down but I feel in the end I'm a loner with 2 or maybe 3 close friends around me. I feel like it is what it is and thats okay. Sadly I also live in a place where people are sensitive. But I love the advice about taking a break for a while. Taking a step back is okay as its better to reflect and find different ways.

Also I still got plenty to say on topics like this. Stick around to read more. When I get in shape I will post another one to let people here know if it improved my dating life or not. I feel like this is the place to open up about myself.

But thank you for reading this and I hope for any other guy who struggle let them know I wrote this blog for them as well.

Yeah, I don't think a vegan club is the right sort of thing... it's needs to be something fun; sports or dancing classes. Even studying another language or doing theater can introduce you to lots of girls. I'm more of a loner too, but it's amazing how exciting it can be going to a place where everyone is very pleased to see you.

i love the ideas that you bring i will definitely reconsider another language and theater. im not in the vegan club anymore. i was trying out new things and that was one of them in fact reading that comment of yours gave me more to write for my upcoming blogs.

I agree with you. dancing classes are always fun (especially if you do something like swing or blues).

Good point... it's really better if it's partner dancing. It's super fun, very social, and everyone is concentrating on getting the steps right they never even noticed they've fallen in love....

oh shiett! Thats a good point!! A lot of the girls from where Im at idk why but many of them play waaay too hard to get.

Aw yeah.... no one can play hard to get if everyone's distracted!

This was an amazing post. I love how real and honest it was. But I agree, staying true to yourself is so important. I have many friends who would change themselves the moment they got a girlfriend only to break up a month later. I do have to say, I have had success with online dating because it allows you to get a small preview beforehand so you know what you're getting into. But one tip I absolutely have is to make it a point to randomly go up to strangers everyday and try to start a conversation with them. The reason I'd recommend that is because it forces you to get uncomfortable. And eventually you get used to being uncomfortable and stop caring. And then talking to women gets easier. Also, best wishes on becoming a whale :)

Thanks man. I hope for the sake of your friends they still hit it. but yes going up to start a random conversation is one of the good ways to do it. i'll share more of that experience in another blog but lets help each other become whales 😃

Look forward to reading it! And absolutely ;)

Stay strong man, and keep posting. Im sure some day you will get some good income, and everything will be just okey.

Have a good day dud.

Thanks for your support!! It really means it!! I will post another one like this to show where my dating life is at in the near future so stay tuned!!!

I love the real of u . HAHA XD. TOA MATE

Glad you enjoyed it!!! There is a lot more to me than just that and i feel that that is just the tip of the iceberg.

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