
in #life6 years ago

I randomly started to think of the dating scene. What would happen if I dated someone that didn’t fit my life?

They ask every single time.

The first thing they ask when you start dating is a series of questions.

If I’m with my church friends, they ask if he is a believer? My parents will ask about his faith, his line of work, and his long-term intention. My running mates will ask if he runs and the distance? My swimming mates will ask if he is a swimmer? My volleyball friends will ask if he plays indoor or sand? It’s common for your friends to integrate you, well if your a girl its normal. Well, if your me it’s normal for your group of interest to ask questions like these. It’s common to try to associate people with our interest.

Do people, do you really believe opposites attract?

Seriously, does he even blog, bro?

If I were to come up to you and say that I’m dating a non-believer, unathletic, non-Brazilian individual, you might be surprised. You might ask, what exactly do you have in common with him? This wouldn’t be out of line. We all consider this to be normal. Sometimes it’s not until you met someone that you see the way, you see the connection, you understand the match. At least that what I rationalized. I then started to think of other situations that are similar, but not as accepted.

Questioning character

Is it out of line then to question a person when they are out of character?

Is it out of line then to question a person's’ belief? Is it out of line then to question a person line of work? Not sure where I was going with this post or with these series of questions was going, but it is where my thoughts went. What say you? Are there double standards in a relationship that aren’t acceptable in personal convection?



My first question is, is he hot? :)

That is why you are my bestie, you only ask important questions.

Not being unequally yoked is important logistically.
You have kids and you start drawing lines in the sand.
If your lines and his lines don't match up it gets ugly. Real ugly.

As believers its important we pray about everything including who to date. Dating an unbeleiver may sound adventurous however you dont share the same value system which may result in conflict.

Ohhh - but it's the faith and the heart that are important here. If overlooked, disaster will strike - no happy outcome.
Volley, running, blogging, these things are not so important - but faith and character are.

Opposites do attract, but which opposites, and attracts in which ways? Do opposites attract but only in absolutes of every single way, thing, opposite? People don't tend to think too deeply about a lot of idioms, ideas, including this Opposites Attract generality which is left rather open-ended.

Physically, a strong woman could be with a wimpy man. That is an example of an opposite, an ironic couple maybe. But that kind of opposite may not be the most important kind perhaps, but it really is up to each person to make those decisions themselves on who they want to date & be with.

Opposite in Styles

Your lover may be opposite in style, but maybe not in principles, the goals. You two should not have different world views. Have the same heart. The same root. The same foundation. How can a house divided against itself even stand?

Questioning Character

I believe in questioning character because that is how iron sharpens iron. It is how we grow. For more info on that, on character, philosophy, dating, people can watch @Stefan.Molyneux and @HodgeTwins and @Cernovich videos.

How can a house divided against itself even stand?

You said it all there!

I might be a little different, but my boyfriend can believe whatever he wants... As long as it doesn't hurt anyone! I think that's the most important, abusive and neglectful behavior should never be tolerated.

I think there has to be some common ground, but there is lots of room for different beliefs and interests. In fact, I believe it's important to maintain time for 'you' rather than 'us'. As long as you're happy when you're together, none of the other stuff matters.

If he doesn't fit your life in some way then it's going to be a very short relationship?


Probably a very very short relationship!

Life is often a mess like that paint can. Just use that really big eraser and remove them from it! It sounds like they need to fit in more with people around you than you. Who cares what the rest think.

Find someone you enjoy enough to want to build a life around. What you find in your inner self that is important are the core things you more than likely want to have in common. Everything else is a nonfactor as it’s great to have your own thing as well. Those things tend to be religion, politics, law, and dessert.

How is your inner self seperate to religion, politics, law and desserts?

It's not, maybe I miss wrote the way you are understanding of how I wrote it. Those tend to be some major arguing points for many. If those things don't line up most seem to struggle even more if its deeply seeded within their cultural/family values.

Ahh, now I see your point more clearly.

Sorry if no sleep enjar is far more confusing then normal. Have a wonderful evening :)

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