Lack Thinking – The Fundamental Error.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

First thing to say is this isn't a blog about manifesting your dream partner or Maserati!

But my invitation is to pose this question:

What If you weren’t who you thought you were?


But a big THANK YOU to @atmosblack for re-kindling my enthusiasm and delight for A Course In Miracles. I highly recommend his articles, one of which is HERE

What is Lack thinking?

It is a simple case of mistaken Identity.

We take ourselves to be a physical body, which by nature appears to have a limit; a boundary.

If you were to look upon the body of someone who has passed away, it would be immediately obvious that the very thing that made them, them, as it were; the animating force – the 'Paul' of Paul or the 'Mary' of Mary, is simply not there!
Yet before your very eyes lies the form you understood and took to be them, yet there is certainly no identity apparent in this somewhat inert flesh and bone.

So, did the identity, the Animating force die too? No. And it Cannot.

Whilst this is far from a comprehensive illustration, it is a simplistic way to expose a profound Truth….
What we are is not contained in within a physical apparatus and limited to its boundary.

A body may indeed seem to offer a worldly experience, but is experience itself really body dependent?

In our association with the physical, we adopt the idea that, not only are we inside this body, but our very existence relies upon that body, and the natural assumption that follows: Should the body die, we too will perish.

How could an inherent fear not arise from this assumption? And herein lies the fundamental of Lack thinking.

The Course puts it thus....

The body is a tiny fence around a little part of a glorious and complete idea. It draws a circle, infinitely small, around a very little segment of Heaven splintered from the whole, proclaiming that within it is your kingdom, where God can enter not.

(You may wish to substitute the term 'God' for your preferred term... Eternal Love/Being etc)

Lack thinking then, is the result of this mistaken identity. In perceiving ourselves within this confinement, as less than we truly are, we adopt also the inherent sense of lack.

Of course It is a misguided assumption which lies at the heart,and gives rise to, an idea separation in our experience.

There is no such separation. We lack nothing at all. Our Home and True Identity is Infinite.

This imagined separation from our Inherent Nature; our True Being, is the only lack that ever needs correction.

That correction comes about from our desire (willingness) to see that what we are is not separate from anything in existence, for we are existence itself; To discard Ideas of division and hierarchy and be open to accept a deeper Truth, which is ever-present, Ever Lasting Love itself.

This is your True Identity – Welcome Home.

Thank you for reading, I hope to post more 300-500 word blogs on this and associated topics and record some words of a similar nature. Should you have an interest. I aslo write songs, posted on the Dsound platform, with this theme at their heart (mostly) heres one

Your comments are always deeply appreciated. Thank you.


I could in a much easier way feel the stream of consciousness going through me before we had the kids, maybe it was partially influenced by the use of drugs, but I "Saw" my animating force in action several times.

I think I had much more time to think about it as well, much more time to feel what it means to be alive.
Having children with my wife, has really shifted slowly but surely all my desires, and dreams.
This is something that we really both wanted, and we were being really misunderstood by everyone else, we live in a societey that does not encourge people to procreate, but to focus on improving yourself, and be a tool with a purpose for society.
We decided to direct that love for ourselves, outward.It didn't come naturaly as I am probably one of the most self centered human being.
No it actually took me years, maybe 3 or 4 until I really realized that I was now living "for" someone else.
For me , this is the "Holy" couple that @atmosblack describes, that was the real miracle that bind us through life, we now share the same goal and dream, and we build toward that objective, with each one of our hand on the steering wheel

So now by not focusing on myself, i actually did focus more than ever on myself.It's hard to define, but it's like when you stop looking for love, you find it .The same way, when I stopped caring about my dreams, they started manifesting in very organic way.

It takes just one person for a narcissistic to change...

That's beautifully expressed! Yes, having kids was also very important for me to learn experientially, what it really means to live and love for another without any self-concern.
Kids are a beautiful teaching tool for us learn this lesson, that once may extend beyond our kids to God including everyone we experience as outside of ourselves. ❤️

I can't remember which religion (Ra or Horus), where at first God was just "The eye" , and wanted to experience, so he created a second dimension, then a third, a fourth, up until the 7th , all of these realities were a mere reflection of its creator, and its purpose was supposedly for him to remember what it feels to be alive.
So in some way we are just mimicking god in a very small scale, being part of a cycle

Lovely comments. All kinds of relationships in the world seem to be a fertile ground for exploration, I guess because our behaviours are examined so closely by the so-called 'other.' But I get the Egyption connotation which work so well.
Self interest is key, and you put it so well. No 'self - no problem' That really is the alpha and Omega of the whole debate. Great reminder.

Yes you sparked some thoughts, I actually kept on thinking about it the whole day, I even started imagining people living 2000 years ago, and wondered if only the people at the top of the pyramid were allowed to have an "ego" while the rest of the population was living for the king/queen

I would opt for the ego-less everytime :) not sure it would be a priviledge to have an ego, more a curse!

There are so many teaching tools for sure, and a delight to embrace when the teaching is less intense!

Funny how we take 'what' we are as a given, before experiences come to challenge that assumption. lovely words Ed, thanks for your great ocntribution.

It's a true pleasure, I would love to read your thoughts more often, maybe even a radio show !

Thank you Ed, I am putting a few together, may record some too. I do love this subject matter. All the best.

Look forward please let me know when you do so !

Thank you and again, I'm glad, that my articles are inspiring you!
Lack thinking as a case of mistaken identity is a very nice take on this subject indeed...
What's interesting in all this is, that I never saw myself as the physical body, but nearly all my life as an energetic body. This was my standard identification. When the course speaks of us "not being a body" it is meant also in the way, that we are absolutely no body at all - also no energetic body.
This is a game changer in a way and with that, I also lost my life long identification as some "energetic being".
What we are is pure Mind without any inherent body or form.
I AM is already the first mistaken identity - but as long as we believe to be ("I AM"), we have the decision between "I am Ego" or "I am Love".
That's basically all we have each and every holy instant.
Blessings and much Love! ❤️

Indeed, it is fascinating how subtle Identification of any kind sets up the sense of separation. I like the take that all there is, is experiencing- A verb. The Idea of there being a noun,or 'things' is obviously linked to our dualistic world language.
I must admit the non-dual direction, for me, is beautifully clear depending upon the delivery, of course.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, very much appreciated.

Nicely said @kryptoe!

Since these ideas are often dismissed by the majority of the world as "woo-woo thinking," I've found the easiest way to make it relateable for a wide audience is to consider the simple question of whether someone is a human DO-ing, or a human BE-ing. Nothing and no"body" is needed to BE; being simply IS. As soon as we get into "doing," there's an identity engaged in the doing.

Anyway, thanks for adding content like this to Steemit! We need more of this, and less "how to make money in cryptos."

Bright Blessings!

Thank you @whitelightxpress. That's a delightful way of expressing it. How beautiful is being! These reminders and exchanges have such richness. Thanks for you energy and comment.

Interesting I came across ACIM on Steemit :) I haven’t read it yet but it seems to be popping up all around me (maybe it’s just the internet tracing my tags :) ). Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for dropping by Petra. Yeah, its not the easiest of reads and has a very christian flavour, but it worth sticking with. There is a plain language version but not for every one for sure.

WOW!this scenery is Amizing ,

Your thoughts are a lot better. There is a lot to learn in life.,,,, People make many mistakes while doing so much.
Many is to be confronted with falsehood.So it is necessary to know the truth.

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Thank you for taking
The time to read it, and for
Adding you comment.

                 - kryptoe

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

thanks you....

Is a delightful thing to read the today. I really lean alot from it. And it is making so many things clear to me.

Thank you for reading it and dropping a comment.

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