Is there a meaning to life? And a purpose?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I can guarantee that you have asked yourselves these questions. Or more specifically if there is a meaning to life what is it? And what should I do with it?

These questions are not easy to answer. They will never be. But we all ask ourselves. We want to find meaning and purpose in everything that is happening. If you want to answer these questions you should go back in time where it all started.

I am a Christian as most of my readers know. Simply our consciousness is so well-done that it must be made by an architect of some kind and the complexity of it is hinting that it can't just be randomly generated. We call the architect God. God can be interpreted in various ways. We have the human kind of God, we have the universe as God and we have a big conscious mind that has created everything with his mind. My point of view is that the human-like God that we know as Jesus was not that important. It does not matter how he has looked because we cannot know for sure. What matters are the teachings and what he showed us when he was here on Earth. He told us that what we see with our eyes is just one layer. He told us that we have a soul. We all knew that deep down. He simply reminded us. What he also did is to remind us that we are here for a reason. That we have been created from scratch by the image of God.

I do believe that God is one big conscious mind that with his word created everything. Our conscious comes simply from him. It comes from the creator, from the beginning. Consciousness cannot just magically appear out of nowhere through evolution.

So do we have a meaning and a purpose? We as human beings are masters to our own world in our heads and around us. We create things like writing, art and etc. Every creation that we do has its own meaning. Whether we know it consciously that does not matter. The meaning is there. For example when you draw a face and you "randomly" draw it to be a sad one that may indicate something about you. We give birth, meaning and purpose to everything we create.

Let's apply this to God. He created us because we have a purpose. If we did not have a purpose we would not have existed in the first place. Why do something meaningless right?

The meaning of life is unknown. Because it varies from person to person. Many philosophers have tried to find the ultimate meaning of life. The truth is that there is no ultimate meaning. Their writings are just showing their meaning.

How do we find the purpose of existing? Oh, dear reader. That is a paradox. The purpose of existing is to find the purpose and do it with all your hearth.
To all of your questions, you first need to ask.
There is certainly a meaning and a purpose to everyone's life.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
-Matthew 7:7

God Bless



If you asked me; no, there's no meaning in life and purpose because we have to create it ourselves, we only have one life; either we have to do something to create real value in our lives or we have the choice to destroy it. We can see around us the buildings, the roads, the cars , the computers and etc..... this stuff around us was made up by people because they have something to offer in this world that gives real value in their lives and to the people, once we know our true value and we have something to offer to the society because it's not a privilege it's an opportunit.

We all have our points of view. I am more of I discover my meaning. Simply because I try different things. When I find something that I will do even without being paid for, is what I should offer to the world. Thank you for taking your time to comment. Have a wonderful day.

Some people say that the meaning of life is to be lived. As for the other theme in this article - there is a computer simulation of the known universe, and if you look into details, will see that the whole ting is like a giant consciousness. And a very good picture for example:

Image Source

It has been proven, that it doesn't matter wether we observe something, or daydream about it - the same areas of our brain are active.

And one more thing. There is a song (ONE of my favorite), named "Never Like this (A dream)", and some lyrics:

This is a dream that I have
A glimpse of a world more real
The night is young, my mind is strong
And I walk of paths so unreal

Maybe there’s more than meets the eye
More to this world than we see
And what if what’s true is a lie?
What if this time I’ll be free?

Oh no! It’s just an illusion
It’s never been like this, been like this
Where do I go from here?
Caged in a moment’s reflection
It’s never been like this, been like this
Been like this, been like this, been like this, like this

Ok. So what I wrote about these two theories :

we have the universe as God and we have a big conscious mind that has created everything with his mind.

Are in fact one theory. It makes sense. For the song. It is really good, I like it. If you have other meaningful songs and you want to share them. Do so. Have a wonderful day.

Great post!

I personally haven't found that one answer i can keep with me for the rest of my life, but lately i've been fascinated by the way of thinking that we live for the death we will face in the end.

we are not human yet. we are still changing as life goes by. even for a tiny bit, as long as there is change, we are not yet human. and we can't break the "change", not as long as we're still alive. we're bound to change. our way of thinking, our behavior, or feeling towards others, etc.

we're simply humanizing each day. we're getting more human with each breath we take.

when we die, we break the chain of change.
and therefore we are a human.

for example, people from the stone age period couldn't have guessed that a beanbag is some sort of a chair/sofa, because chairs and sofas are still evolving. from a rock to a wood, to a wooden chair, to a sofa, and then you got yourself a beanbag.

we're stuck at the limit of language so we use "chair" or "sofa" or even "beanbag" as media to simplify our life. but it's still not a chair, nor a sofa and a beanbag. it's simply "chairing" or "sofaing" lol this sound funny.

again, great post brother. keep on writing!
cheers :)


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Very doubtful

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