Sorry for My Lack of Updates and Posts.. Difficult Times Past Few Days.

in #life7 years ago

I realize I'm behind on my duties. Took possession of my house a few days ago and have not got internet in the place yet. Went out celebrating with a friend, went to a rodeo, picked up a few chicks from the city and ended up getting robbed... Lost my Jacket, phone and wallet with about $1000 CAD in it. Thankfully I still have my keys but as it sits right now I'm a bit panicked trying to get my life back sorted out and going forward. It's been a tough go. Between couch surfing the past month and now this I admit my moral is taken a massive shit-beating.

SHould be a time of celebration in my life but instead it's a time of sorrow. To top it all off it appears that @pumpkin has revoked his vote for my witness shooting me back down to position 26.. I can't blame him. The past month of my life I've not been able to perform as well as I can due to couch surfing and not having a secure and safe place to work. I'm hoping that everything comes together here soon because as it sits I'm struggling to remain positive.. Depression is kicking my ass all over the streets and what I thought would be an amazing week has turned into a damn nightmare. My apologies for not being able to keep up with everything and ultimately losing basically everything I need to upkeep my duties to the STEEM network.

In this time of struggle I need to remind myself to stay positive and not sucumb to the depression that's trying to kick me into the dirt.. Every day is a blessing, just need to remind myself of this.. Even in the times where I've seemingly been defeated as long as I'm still breathing there is hope.. Albeit in the past few days I admit some dark thoughts have crept into my mind. I'll stay strong and try to get back to the me that is an asset to STEEM. I'm sorry for failing to upkeep my duties to you all.


I totally get what you mean.
Depression keeps popping its head around my corner aswell.
A few things I am doing to help me get through this particularly shitty period.

  1. Eating fucking healthily! No matter what I am just trying to choose the healthiest food I can.
  2. Get some proper sleep
  3. Get my body moving and my blood pumping
  4. Taking some time for myself and just fucking relaxing
  5. Look at videos and pics of ANYTHING cute!! Seriously, this shit works. Just google pugs and BOOM!! A spark of joy amidst the darkness!
  6. Talk.

You know I am here for you if you need me.
Remember I am sheklye 😜
But seriously, I am here.

Keep that chin up my friend

xoxo, seasonal changes never help....
that steemspeak arse

Thx and get back up, you have been there and you will get there again. The most powerfull the to admit the things you could have done different, and then you could learn from it.. people who never admit things will never learn.

Just don't give up man, everything will eventually be fine. Be strong

We all have rough patches. Keep your chin up. Like the song 'you're only human, after all". You are right, there is always hope.

You gotta stay away from those Canadian chicks, if they are like the Canadian servicemen they will lead you i to trouble.
Look on the good side, you now have a roof over your head, a space you can set up and blob in, and before long you will be banging on the door of number 10 witness.

Oh, I can understand the way you feel right now dude, don't worry 😉 it's gonna be fine and normal soonest.

Just take your time and fix things up my friend @klye

I know you do you best to keep the black dogs at bay. I hope you find some stability in your living situation to take that stress away.

Welcome back!!:) im new on steemit, nice meeting you

Hey @klye keep positive man..., I resembled (used to) that remark ;-)

You've got a shit load of supporters here that are unwavering and know life sometimes gets in the way.

As you said, you have your keys and you now have a place to be a couch potato.

Put your energies into your work, get some good rest, eat well and smile.

You got this, man! And we are here!

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