How To FREAKING Sleep!

in #life8 years ago

It's amazing; I wake up at 4:00 a.m. And I can easily pull an all-nighter. I know the importance of sleep, Its so beneficial. And it gives my brain the juice it needs to get through my day. I hate sleeping. The nightmares I have are really interesting I gotta admit. But to me it feels like a waste of time, I just lay there unconscious for hours and hours only to wake up with nothing accomplished. I've been looking into lots of tips to help me sleep better! And I figured I should write a post about it :)

Wear socks to bed

I love that feeling of having your bear feet touching the sheets, Especially when it's nice and cool. But so many people swear by it, So last night I tried it!
It worked well. Something about the extra warmness to my feet helped me sleep. You can always have a fan going if it gets too hot.
I got a nice personal fan for 3.00 at the second-hand store.

Have a Dark Room To sleep in

Did you know that even the light from the Alarm clock can interfere with your sleeping? If there is a setting to turn it down, Use it. Or turn it backward or something. You also want it nice and dark when the sun comes up, So have thick sheets or curtains covering the window!

Expose you to extra light during the day

Open the window and the blinds. Go outside. Having extra light during the day will reset your internal clock and let your body know that it's daytime, Then when it gets dark it will help you go to sleep!

Excercise more during the day

This can wear you out, So you can go to bed earlier. Don't exercise too close to bedtime, though. Otherwise, it will have the opposite effect and keep you up all night. I used to hear this advice, and it never worked for me. I'd go for a two-mile run, Then expect to go to bed right after, That DOESN'T work.

Cut Caffeine in the afternoon

Caffeine maintains it effects for hours after you take it. If you are a coffee drinker, This is probably easier for you. If your a soda drinker, Probably not as easy.

Write in a journal, Schedule your day, BEFORE bed.

I have this problem. I get into bed, and my mind starts to race with all the things I need to do tomorrow! It's ridiculous. I NEED TO SLEEP DANG IT!
Fill out your planner, Feed your pet, Make sure everything important is done so you can focus on sleeping. Not Stressing. Scribble down everything bothering you before you fall to sleep.

Read before bed

If you know you are not going to be able to fall asleep the second your head hits the pillow, Then take a book to bed with you, Avoid fiction. Because that gets your brain fired up. Read a boring nonfiction book. Preferably a text book, That will make you tired. And you might learn a few things in the process.

Hopefully, some of these tips will help you sleep better! Sleeping is hard to do! I totally get it.

Thank you Pexels For the photos


beautiful pictures, no doubt!

Thank you :)

Good tips, Kaylin, thanks. But if I write anything to blog before going to bed, I will not sleep at all )

hahah ! It's amazing how everyone is different. I actually wrote the ideas for the post before I went to bed last night :)

Sure) And it is very important wheather you are a lark or an owl. I am the first one, that is why in the eveing I try not to use my brains. Do you agree, that Wise Lark sounds stupidly?)))

Yes!! SO true hehe.

A perfect article to read as I start to feel sleepy after my big day :) Followed and upvoted!

ZZZZzzzzz... :P

Hahah thank you so much!!

Most of these don't work for me, but I'm sure they'll work for some people. Letting the sun wake me up naturally has always made me feel really good, when it happens. Unfortunately, my current apartment doesn't get much sun, so your advice on going out during the day is useful.

But sleep is awesome. And you do get a lot done when you sleep, it's just all inside your body.

Aww I hate that! I love to live in places with big windows. I used to like the sun waking me up when I was a kid. But now it goes straight to my eyes and it's a bit overpowering haha

So true! I didn't think of that! I am getting stuff done! LOL.

Steemit has been waking me up lately ... I should be be writing something new, or I feel that I'm going to miss out on catching a really important article to upvote or curate or reply to if I don't get up. So somehow I roll out of bed by a couple hours earlier than I ever was before Steemit!

OMG I am the same way, Or at least a couple weeks ago. I've been too exhausted to be too dedicated lately hahha. But I know how that is !

Well it's definitely working for ya (except maybe for some bags under your eyes, I don't know!). You're an inspiration tho, showing us all that it CAN be done. Hard work, hours, diligence, etc = $
Best, Guy

I sometimes practice bi-phasic sleeping. So if I do wake up I get up, and then go back to sleep again later on for a few hours.

I think the same, I hate sleeping because I feel I'm not taking enough advantage of time. But it is necessary; I generally sleep 5 hours and i fall sleep in class sometimes! I was thinking what to do about it, thanks for your advise

No problem! I used to have that issue too haha.

You should also add "how not to wake up after you fell asleep" .... love to know that

EEk! I should Hehe! I have to try that one.

I am with you on the socks, the dark, and fresh air. When I travel for work, the hotels can be so bright at night. Even at home, the moon can be so bright sometimes, and the town lights reflecting off the clouds, too. So I use one of those soft, snuggly headbands that people wear for cross-country skiing. I pull that over my eyes and everything is so soft and cozy and dark. I can have my window open for the fresh air and sleep so, so well. It's changed my life for the better.

Certain herbal scents like lavender are very relaxing and help to make you sleepy.

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