How Much Is Your Time Worth?

in #life7 years ago


We settle way too much, We throw around time as if we have an unlimited stash of it. But our time is so valuable. More valuable than some of us realize.
You are going to die one day.
It's so scary think about really. But it's going to happen. But would you want to regret how you lived?
We seem to think we can keep waiting until “Next Year”. But one day there won't be a next year.

Stop Settling

Sure if you have kids and a family, This is a harder one. To a certain degree you always have some kind of responsibilities and expectations from those people. But too many people are settling for jobs they hate, And life situations they don't want to put up with. They get so caught into chasing “happiness”. That they forget that they can be happy right this second! Instead they settle in situations they don't like.
If something in your life is causing you so much discomfort, Find a way to escape. It's not worth your time to sit and suffer when your life is so short.

There Are Opportunities!

People often settle because they don't see another way.
If you don't see another way you aren't exploring, And you aren't seeing enough.
I always feel overwhelmed by the crazy abundance of opportunities. Everytime I feel “Stuck”. I start to look for something new!
I always find something eventually.
You waste time by settling and not trying new things, Because you could find an opportunity that could make you 10x happier. And give you a much better outcome.

Think long term, Short term. What benefits are you getting from everything that you do? What kind of benefits can you get from switching it up.

10 Minute Adds Up

Some people complain that they want to do something but they just “Don't Have Time.” But then those are the same people easily throwing away 10 minutes.
I like to joke, That I started my business in 1 hour.
Because thats kind of what happened.
I'd have an hour before I'd leave for work. So I worked on my business. I'd go to work, And come home so freaking exhausted. So Again, I'd do my best to get a little work done even though I felt brain dead. I didn't become “Self Employed” Overnight. It was over a year and a half of consistent effort. So even if you have 10 minutes. Start typing that book, Heck do it on your phone! That way there is no excuse you can't pull the “ I forgot my laptop” excuse.
Either that 10 minute becomes your future book, Business, Or dream career, Or it's wasted. Which would you rather have?

Laura lemonss hehehe.png


this is a tough question because its all relative.

Your personal time is worth a lot. People don’t realize this. Your personal time is how you live and grow as a person. Its when you’re supposed to be fostering your relationships: watch your kids grow, pet your dog or cat, get to know your relatives, chill out with friends, participate in some group classes/hobbies.

So.. whenever you are asked by another human being to give up that time to and spend it on advancing someone elses projects (whether thats a job, collaboration, or relationships) .. you really need to contemplate what youre giving up to help them. Money is a bribe.

You are so right! Best thing to do is probably to create a morning routine for yourself and include your personal projects in it. This way you take steps towards your goals every single morning and feel much better during the day!

Time is so precious and this is so true that 10 minutes a day in a life time adds up to sooooo much time

Good advice Kaylinart. I have started writing on my tablet on the bus on the way home from my day job.

thank you for this! Don't settle! :) Something I have to remind myself when I'm in a situation I don't want to be! :) Missed you at Steemfest.

Exactly! Aww I Wish I could of met you in person! I gotta go next year :) Hopefully you'll go too.

yes!!! I heard it will be in the US next year! Which would be closer for us :)

Excellent post! Even if you have a family, hell, ESPECIALLY if you have a family, you should appreciate time more than anything else in this world! because children grow up and move out etc etc, time comes and goes and we cannot stop it or even slow it down. I wrote a blog recently about quitting my career and how I gained 'time' rather than a salary, and I feel more enriched because of it! Here is the post if you fancy a read :)
We should all stop worrying about what other people say we should do, and start looking at our time as the most valuable thing we own and use it to make ourselves and the people that matter, happy :)

I've always had an answer to "How much is my time worth?". It changes as the years pass, but it's always been something like this.

If I am spending my time on something I love to do, my hourly rate is $0/hr. If I am spending my time on something I dislike doing, it is $100/hr.

For example, I really enjoy cooking. I have no problem spending 2 hours preparing and cooking a really nice meal. On the other hand, I don't enjoy cleaning my house. I have no problem paying someone $100 to spend more than half a day cleaning my house for me. I believe I am saving money.

Once I started putting a monetary value on my time, it made life a lot easier to prioritize!

Sorry man can I ask that the fruit a sense of how because it looks tasty

wow ,,,

Well said. We aren't meant to be stuck doing something we hate and if I was to do that, I would probably be in fast food or retail doing something I hate.
Instead, I continued to work toward what I wan and have been living a mostly happy life, because of not being tied to something I settled for. :)

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