Does Rehearsing Make You Unauthentic?

in #life7 years ago


It hit me after I wrote my post How "Planning" Can Change Your Life!
That some people may feel that I'm encouraging them to be unauthentic.
These days we love authentic individuals and businesses! With the rise of social media, we get a lot of Bullshit, Throughout our day. People were claiming they woke up looking like a model. People were claiming that they have more than they do.
Seeing this kind of thing all the time is often bad for our self-esteem. We compare ourselves to those people based on limited knowledge of their struggles and issues in their lives.
So we are starting to love it when people post a more honest perception of their lives. Even when it's bad, Or ugly!

Who Rehearses?

When you think about it, Pretty much Everyone! Politicians rehearse, The president Rehearses. All the dancers, heck sometimes they even have wedding rehearsals.
Rehearsing can help you avoid

  • The embarrassment of messing up.
  • Forgetting what your going to say
  • Looking less professional.

Imagine if dancers just went up to dance, And they did no planning beforehand? That would be some pretty funny stuff!

Is it authentic though?

I feel like rehearsing does kill a bit of the authentic-ness though. It might not be as full of emotions.
And it may not seem as genuine.
Also if the person used a ton of outside sources, The words they are saying, May not be coming straight from their heart. But at the same time, Rehearsing allows the person to convey the message in the best way possible. So maybe their intent is better displayed. I think we can argue both ways on this.

Should we not Rehearse?

Imagine if no one rehearsed for anything. People would seem more authentic because their mistakes would be on display. But would the ultimate goal be accomplished?
Would the speech of the President, Motivate people? Move people? Or would it confuse people, Because it was never practiced?

Our negative view on Rehearsing

I think we should be rehearsing for important events. Why wouldn't we?
We can still be our authentic selves.
We've developed this opinion as a society that was sometimes rehearsing is silly, Or unreasonable. People go up to make a speech at a wedding or Funeral. With no planning beforehand. They may jumble their words or say something that sounds like something else that they never intended.
We should encourage rehearsing because it encourages people to take things seriously and be more dedicated to what they are doing. When we have a negative opinion on rehearsing, we give people the expectation of doing something well without practice. Which is a skill that has to be built up. They are almost guaranteed for failure at that point. Unless they get lucky.


I think rehearsing makes for better communication. Sure, it can come off as insensere, but if done with good intentions, it can bring a lot of value to a message. Heck, I changed my words and thoughts just in this comment. This is why I like to write. It allows me to rehearse.

Exactly!! I feel the same way, Thats why I get nervous with human interactions.

good post. I think that when you rehearse it is genuine because you put a lot of thought into what you are going to say. Now, if your intentions are to manipulate or sway someone in a certain direction then maybe it is not genuine. If you have to rehearse a lie, that would be different. It is very important to think about what you going to say and the way you say it is very important.

So true! I love the way you put it! Makes a more sense hehe.

Thanks for posting, prolific today! Yeah I think it's essential to rehearse for some things in life. My example would be a best mans speech! I was 'lucky' enough to have to give one a few years ago and without preparation and rehearsals I would have been a nervous mess! I didn't want to balls up a weddin day so I made sure I knew what and how I was going to present. Was still very nervous but the reshearals helped i'm sure!

SO true hehehe :) Aww thats cute I'm glad you did the rehearsals then hehe

I had a photoshoot with my wife because I needed some new "professional" pictures, and the BEST picture of the day was because I farted and had an amazing smile laugh :p

Still one of my best pictures of all time. lol

OMG! What is with men and farting ? LOL

Nice Kay, really inspiring post voted and followed hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

Thank you so much ;)

Anytime stop by my last post let me know what you think it would steem allot!

Checking it out now :)

I find that rehearsing a speech or speaking in public is especially helpful. To actually hear myself say the words outload helps me to prepare for questions that may arise. As a result, I can be better prepared. So, I agree rehearsing is beneficial and I do it quite often.

Exactly! I Love Rehearsing for things

Excellent article.

Interesting thoughts abut rehearsing! In my life, rehearsing help me to stay quite in many occasions ^_^

Great read!

Thank you :)

very cute babay

THank you :)

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