How "Planning" Can Change Your Life!

in #life7 years ago

Some of us may see planners for college students, or for business people. But Planning your life has huge benefits.

The more I learn, the more I realize that life is like a chess match. You have to strategize to beat your opponent. In real life, you probably don't want to "Beat" everyone. So put the baseball bat down!

But using planning and strategy can enable you to easily get what you want!
Whether it's from people Or your work life.
If aren't very social, And you decide to ask your boss for a raise just out of the blue. Do you think you'd be successful?
Chances are probably not.
But if you planned out what you were going to say.
Assumed what they could say in return, Then plan your response after that, You are more likely to get what you want.
Because you practiced, You'll walk in confident.
Your boss doesn't know what your about to say, But you do. You don't know exactly how your boss is going to respond. But you can potentially guess, And plan for it. Then execute your predetermined response. Which will throw him/her off guard? They didn't have a chance to plan for this conversation. So your going to have an advantage.
Sometimes before I'm going to call someone out on something, I try and come up with ways to nicely tell them. But firmly. That way I can get the changes I want, Without burning a bridge.

We All know that Acting out of emotions can sometimes hurt us!

Planning before hand helps eliminate the possibility. Many break-ups happen in an emotional state. Those people sometimes get back together because they didn't mean to end the relationship. Sometimes you may get so angry at your boss you yell and quit.
When you neeeded to keep the job.

Sure, Life throws randomness at us. And we can't possibly plan for everything. But we can plan a lot of things.

Don't take it too far though

Sometimes we get so worked up by things we THINK will happen that we lose our minds over it. By planning, You shouldn't go to this extent. Planning is used as a tool to PREDICT POSSIBLE outcomes.
This creates unrealistic EXPECTATIONS. That no matter how much planning we do, Those people will never hit those expectations.
So use it wisely.

Planning Can Help Us Structure our day

Would you go on a vacation without any planning?
Probably not.
So what makes every other day different? By making a plan on what you want to accomplish for the day, You are more likely to get those things that you want to be done.

You can buy awesome Moleskine planners. Or make your own using a typical notebook. It doesn't have to be hard.

I've been using a planner for over ten years. I can't live without one. It helped me get through high school, College, Employment with a variety of companies; Now I use it to schedule my self-employed day.
Planners are for everyone! Don't be afraid to plan your life! It can still be full of fun and spontaneous moments.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


I always have a plan of my day:) I use a special diary for freelancers, and from the day I bagan using it my ife became so much easier. All of a sudden I bagan maaging to make more work in less time;)

Yay! i love that!! Where did you get it? That one sounds cool hehe :)
I love it when your able to get more done in less time. It's so refreshing.

It's a diary by Yana Frank "365 days of a really creative person". But I'm afraid it exists only in russian

Aww that looks amazing! i Wish they had it for more languages.

Yep, it would be great. The main idea of the system is looks like school system. You divede all your working day in intervals of 45 and 15 minutes. You work for 45, and do other stuff for 15. I usually work for 6-8 hours, and during these 15 minutes breakes I make all the housework. So in the early evening I end up with a huge piece of work done, and dinner cooked, and in a clean appartment. The main condition - no tricks. If you work for 45 minutes - you WORK, you don't go to the internet to watch cat's pics:). And in the 15 minutes period you DON'T work.
The main part of diary is lined like this:

Great piece to read. Upvoted and followed. I allways stick to the mantra: don't make promises when you're happy or decisions when you're sad

Yes, sometime planing can help us

Heya :)

Follow me @secter

Thanks @kaylinart,
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.

This is what my dad told me as a kid. I find myself at times being a better planner and more organized than others. Those that can carry out planning consistently for years really have developed a powerful skill set to strengthen their relationships at home and work.

I started 2017 by making a list of everything I want to do by the end of the year. So far I have knocked off some very fun activities and it encourages me to go out and do more each weekend! Must complete it all by 2018 :)

Great advice! I know from experience that planing is important. Also i'm learning patience in the process, sometimes it takes time for the plan to unfold

Is that your baby? She's so cute.

Great advice! Not that i'll put it to use but it's great advice. Personally i make small todo lists to carry in my pocket. Any scrap of paper will do. (recycle & reuse right?). Also i text notes and ideas to myself. Song writing ideas i capture in voice memo. Non-routine appointments get fed into iphone calendar. Major goals are fine in my head. They are not forgettable. I've started a half dozen personal planners and schedule books over the years but never gotten farther than a few pages and then they gather dust. But i'm a dude. If it doesn't fit in my pocket it's getting left at home. Except for an invoice pad i keep with my work tools in my vehicle. Its covered in notes as well. I go thru a couple or three of those a year. When carrying a pack all load is dedicated to necessities: water, rope, gear. i had an "ultralight" backpacking journal once. i have no idea where the heck that went. Never even wrote in it. But my daughters are wonderfully bonkers for personal organizers and planners and journals. I will most definitely send them your way. Peace!

nice post kaylinart...yes planning is necessary subject to its proper execution!

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