Change The Way You Think, Change Your Life!

in #life8 years ago

Rich people think big, While Poor people think in terms of small.

I briefly mentioned Harv Ekers Book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" Multiple times in my another article. But this is going to be more in depth about this book specifically.
This is a book review post; I will post the notes I took while reading this book.

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind (Part 2)

Getting rich isn't about you, It's about others.

What Determines Value?

  • Supply
  • Demand
  • Quality
  • Quantity.

In your life, How many people do you serve and effect?
You need to serve others and help others get what they want, Offer value to their lives. If you want something, Help another couple people get it.

Many people choose to play small because they fear failure and they fear success.

These people feel small and unworthy


  • Rich people Focus on Opportunities. Poor people are left seeing only the obstacles in front of them.

  • Poor people make choices based on just fear.

  • Rich people do what they can to make it work, Even when things get rough.

  • Poor people expect failure out of the things that they do,

  • Rich people expect to be successful with the things that they do, Because they are focused on the potential of growth.

No risk NO REWARD!

  • To succeed financially, you must start with something, Buy something that will help you accomplish your goals, Do something to provide value for another person.

  • Rich people focus on what they want, They don't make life about solving problems. Instead, They get ready the best that they can, and go after it.

If you want to be rich, Focus on making, keeping and investing your money. If you want to stay poor, Focus just on spending.

  • There are no straight lines in the universe or with life, You need to get in the game with whatever cards you currently hold.

Raised by a poor family? Who cares! GO FOR IT!

Don't make excuses you ARE capable!

When you get started, many opportunities will open on their own. Rich people often admire other rich and successful people. While Poor people resent the people, who are successful because they can't seem to get their Shit together enough to get it for themselves.

Rich people are often grateful when they see others doing well and are successful!
Poor people are negative; They will criticize and judge them. They are often the "trolls" of the internet you see. They want everyone to be pulled to their level.

Don't try to make those negative people change; It's not your job. Be the model, Be satisfied and happy.

Energy is Contagious

I can completely relate to this, After working a very physical job for four years. People often came to work every day, Grumpy and upset. I'd put a big smile on my face and run around working fast, and happy! It seemed to rub off on my coworkers who's mood started to rise. It's often difficult to be upset and down when you are around someone so happy and upbeat.


" Refrain from others negativity as a reminder of how not to be, Try not to condemn them for who they are. If you do begin to judge, Criticize & put them down for who they are, You are no better than they are. "

I have to admit I often don't follow this rule, But I want to, It's so confident and amazing.

People can affect you or Infect you, Bitching, bashing and frustration

What are things that are poisonous energy

  • Arguing

  • Gossiping

  • Backstabbing

  • "Mindless Television"

  • Rich people are more than happy to promote themselves and their value that they offer to this world. While poor people often think negatively about selling and promotion.

  • In the real world, you need to "toot your own horn" even if you were raised it is impolite.

    You can't be a good teacher without followers and supporters.
    "leaders earn more than followers."

  • Rich People are bigger than their problems

  • Poor people are smaller than the problems that they face.

Instead of avoiding problems, the rich people tackle it head on. They grow themselves bigger than the problem. Problems never go away so it's important to grow larger than what can arise.

Rich people are excellent receivers, Poor people are poor Receivers, It's important to be willing to accept something. A gift from someone else. Help from anyone. You should do things for other people, But it's also important to be able to receive too. Often poor people feel they are unworthy, or they do not deserve it. But when you deny someone's help or gift, you deny them the right feeling associated with giving it.

  • For every giver, their must be someone who is willing to receive.
    For every Reciever, their must be a giver

IF you aren't willing to receive in life, Your share will go towards someone who is whiling to receive.

The money will only make you more of what you already are as a person.

Have gratitude and excitement for those who have money

Rich people like to be paid by results, While poor people like to be paid by time.

Never have a ceiling for your income. Don't get paid by time, Instead get paid by results of your efforts.

Learning how to manage your money is extremely important. If you can't manage and balance the money you have right now then you cannot have more in the future.

Thank you pexels and Giphy for the photos/gifs


The most amount of money I have, is the amount a I keep a secret

Kids say mommy, and adults say money

All hail be unto money, art thou shall make it rain

YENOM is my magic money mantra

I do not earn money, money earns a place is my life... Craig :)

I hear, that the first million is hardest to make, once you get into the higher frequencies, it all gets easier and easier.

saying it's not easy, makes it so

In life you have to struggle with some things, why not money? Because time is never a factor to struggle with.

I agree CONTRIBUTING helps others and yourself.

I look forward to contributing myself/ Now what to write about? hmmmm

Yes you need to :)

Great article and so true.

:) Remember that Kaylin, NO RISK

Have gratitude and excitement for those who have money

Yes, it's true formula. If you don't like the rich, then you don't like money. If you don't like money, you have no money.

What is that saying, Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.

Great post! Thank you for taking the time to put all of this into one post, I hope to read the books soon!

Hehe good ;) I think you'll really enjoy them.

Energy = Rewards

I always admire your work @kaylinart, indeed being success a person must change its mindset.

Love your work! How do you find your pictures?

pexels and Giphy I also use Morguefile and unsplash :)

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