Checking In and Leveling Up

in #life5 years ago

Every so often life offers us wake-up calls.

Yesterday was one for me, and I did need to be shaken, I think, in order to jump tracks and make a new pattern for myself. My self-talk of late has been unkind.

I’ve done this before, getting stuck in an ongoing hole of self-loathing, tunneling along through each day barely surviving, frustrated with myself and so angry I feel like there’s a warrior swinging her sword around inside me.

But I’m swinging at myself, and that isn’t working. That’s not how I want to live.

If I want to be strong, I need to stop undermining myself.

I have to shift my mantras from ones of self-destruction to ones of nurturing and connection with something that grounds me and helps me remember I’m more than this body, more than this human experience.


Like I said, I’ve done this before, and I had a decent handle on it. That was in the years when I was studying yoga intensely and teaching, before twins.

I need to stop comparing myself to who I was before children. But, you know, I’m still grieving. Guess I should take that to the fire.

I have been focusing on self-care lately. A lot. It’s just really hard to do when my kids want my attention all the time and there are two of them and they never shut up.

But they’re amazing! Like, yesterday, when I was leaving with my friend to go to the hospital, leaving my kids behind with my friend’s daughter until their grandma got there, telling my boys how much I love them, one said, “I’ll always be sending you love through my third eye, Mommy, even when I don’t see you or if I don’t tell you.”

I love them so much.

Still, I think being a mother is about the most vulnerable thing you can be. There is strength, for sure, and I’m mama bear all the way, but the roller coaster of emotion is wicked.

ocean child

So what happened yesterday, anyway?

Right. Well, it went like this:

In the morning, I was trying to do my new physio exercises to work on the diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles) that I’ve had since having twins. I’ve been working on this for over four years, and I’ve made progress, but I’ve never been a patient person.

And me not having patience with myself means I have less patience with my kids while they interrupt my workout and yoga time, which makes me madder at myself.

At one point in the morning, before lunch, when they needed me for one more thing and I just wanted to finish my goddamn yoga so we could eat and go do something fun together, I blew up. And I wasn’t mad at them, I was mad at myself.

And directly after yelling, my vision went weird, like a crack across one eye with a strobe-like effect, and it didn’t go away when I laid down and closed my eyes. It lasted about ten to fifteen minutes, then faded away. Scared me silly.

I talked to a nurse over the phone who told me I should go get it checked out within the hour to be sure I wasn’t having a stroke or something serious. So I sat on the floor crying and called my friend, who is also my kids' godmother, and she showed up at my door eight minutes later with her daughter to watch the boys. Meanwhile, their grandmother started headed this way from a few towns over. I am so grateful to have that support.

I spent a good part of the day at the hospital, mostly being moved from one waiting room to another, but everyone was very nice and the whole thing was finished in about four hours.

There is nothing like being in a hospital to remind me how healthy I truly am, and how good I have it. I am grateful for my body. It’s beautiful. I am beautiful. Why is that so hard to say? I’ll keep practicing. It’ll get easier. Anyway…

The CT scan came back normal. The doctors and nurses were all kind and thorough. They sent me to an optometrist, who got me in at 4:15 on a Friday, and confirmed that it was almost certainly an ocular migrane.

I still have to go see a couple of specialists for follow-up (hey, I’ve never met a neurologist before), but all-in-all it seems like a gentle nudge from the universe to get my anger issues in check by switching gears.


What now?

I need to find a mantra that feels good and get it stuck in my head. Replace sharp words with nurturing ones.

I need to ask for help and leave my kids with other people so I can get out into nature and have time to myself.

I need quiet and music, writing and movement. There has to be balance.

I need to not look at screens so much, or get glasses that reduce eye-strain or something. Is that a thing?

I need to remember that not all of this is a mental game, and find a way to get out of fight-or-flight mode. I jump at the sound of the snow falling off my roof and hitting the ground two stories down. My cortisol levels are chronically high, which means I need more parasympathetic-nervous system action, but who has time for restorative yoga?

I guess I better make time.


Mostly, I need to breathe, relax, and remember that Emotion = energy + motion, and it is constantly changing. I have to find a way to flow with it and let it go, along with my ego, and whatever vanity I’m still clinging to.

I turn 41 in a couple of months. I am far gone from maidenhood, walking the path of the mother towards the wisdom of the crone. May my path be blessed. May I walk with grace.


I know I’m not alone in navigating life with anxiety and depression, which is why I’m sharing this. It’s okay to feel. There are ways to make it better, even if changing those patterns isn't easy.

Self-care and self-kindness are key.

Please be kind to yourself. I'll do my best to do the same.

Thank you for reading.

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
Photos mine unless otherwise credited.

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of life.

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oh... look after yourself! That funny vision thing doesn't sound good at all... good that you had it checked out.

My wife also struggles with the change in expectations from before the children to after... although our lives are more balanced (in child-rearing loads) due to our freelance work as musicians, I think that somehow, it does seem to affect the mother much more... after all there is the 9 months of carrying and the breast feeding, all of which can't be fully replaced by the father...

Find time for yourself! It ends up being better for everyone!

Thank you. Yes, so many moms end up depleted and push themselves too hard. The neurologist more or less told me to meditate, focus on mindfulness and lower stress levels. But we moms do need to take care of ourselves, you're right. Better for the whole family. ;)

Good to hear it wasn't a stroke, the wife and I have friend who is 38 or 39 and had a pretty bad stroke last year. She won't ever be able to drive again and has lost vision in one eye.
Seems like I hear more and more younger folks having strokes so just glad you didn't fall victim to one of those.
Take care.

Oh wow. That's so scary. I'm grateful I'm okay, and I'm definitely aware of the need to go easy on myself and focus on self-care. Thanks for the comment. You take care, too.

You are most welcome Mam, all the best.

I love my life and I'm grateful for it.

My mantra. I say it at least 20 times a day. Sometimes it's 20 times an hour. Because, at the end, I do love my life. I do miss what I was but part of who I am is because of the was. I just have to honor that.

My mother, who was among the top 1% and should be considered for sainthood would occasionally get frustrated and even angry with my kid brother and I. It was just part of the path that we walked (or ran backward). She told us when we were around 40 that she was glad she had us first. Because if she'd have had the good ones first she'd have drowned us. :)

I had to get glasses when I was 40 something. It was a real shock to my system that I might not go on forever.

The cougar's name is Butch. All cougars are named Butch even bronze ones. Maybe particularly bronze ones. Just sayin'

That's a great mantra. And thank you for sharing. It's helpful to remember to just enjoy the journey. I'm practicing. :)

Oh my goodness, @katrina-ariel! Be good to yourself, being a mom is so hard, never ending and of course comes with so many blessings!'s so hard! You look amazing, can't believe you had twins, wow! Take it slow, take it from an old bird! You're doing an amazing job! Your kids know it and love you! Be well my friend!

My daughter is now an adult, yet having raised her as a single parent since she was a year old, parental anxiety is no stranger to me. One approach to counter it was to follow that less practiced spiritual path ... karma yoga.

Erich Fromm outlines the different chapters in our lives that helps us naturally step outside of the ego as we place others before ourselves in, his wonderful book, The Art of Loving.

Children are a major chapter in that natural awakening process; arriving normally after having lost ourselves in the love of the person who helped created them.

It sounds like you know what needs doing. May you find the needed strength to get there. 🕉

Indeed, I know what I need to do, it's a matter of doing it. I think carving out some "protected" meditation time, where the kids know they can't bother me unless it's an actual emergency, is a good first step. Maybe I should do that right now, before I head to bed. ;) Thank you for the kind comment, and for sharing this wisdom from your perspective.

Well what a garbage day! I am so sorry the day got the best of you but am happy to know you are well enough today to write about it. From across the Internet you seem like a warm and lovely human. Yelling at your kids and feeling stressed definitely don’t make you any less lovely. Hang in there. I am so glad you had people around to help you yesterday. Hugs.

Thank you so much for the sweetness. Truly appreciated!

This too shall pass
The kids and how needy they are
I may be wrong but your twins are around 4?
I don’t have twins but I had 4 kids in the span of 6 years and this is after I had convinced The Hubs we were better off sticking to our cats. I didn’t really want kids.
The early years were crazy, many a time I wondered what was I thinking. I get that Mummy this Mummy that and even when the Dad’s at home they’d call me at work to ask me something trivial they can check with their Dad.
Today, apart from needing me to drive them around, they don’t really Mummy Mummy me as much. Suddenly I have all this time.
I love them to bits and have absolutely no regrets but I do sometimes envy the freedom my friends who have opted for no kids have. It is all good.

Hugs for your unpleasant day and hope you are feeling much better
And your son’s 3rd eye and love for you gave me the feels <33

Okay, this comment is the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out and share so honestly. Huge hugs!!!

I'm the kind of person wants everyone else happy before I can be, so glad to hear you on the up and up and are taking slower 'steps'. Enjoy it. All of it. Those years you have now with them so young and innocent will be gone before you realize and it'll be hard to keep up with their fast rate. So pace yourself love - this is a marathon🤗🤗🤗

Working on it, thank you. I do enjoy it, I just reach the point of exploding on occasion, too. Gotta figure out how to sidestep the BOOM! ;) I think it has something to do with letting things flow.

I don't think it is just a "mama thing"! I do believe everyone goes through these moments for one reason or another, it is a "human thing".

Thinking of you and sending you strength, healing, peace, love and hugs 💖

So appreciated, thank you! And yes, it's a human thing, for sure. ;)

I remember who I used to be. I miss her, too. Maybe that's part of the journey.

I think so. Glad to have you along for the adventure. Thanks for walking with me.

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