Its been a happy day today, lots done with a happy dance from Sprout... 🦜

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I have got so much done today, i can honestly say we have had a good day that i feel i am now 2 steps forward instead of running behind.


I had a lovely lie in waking up just in time for my next dose of tablets, i got ready for hubby coming home as had a load of things that needed doing but not sure whether i would have the time or energy to get them done. Thankfully i got a text to say my new glasses where ready, as we were going that way today it made me smile as it was going to save me a journey later and can complete a few tasks at the same time. Hubby needed to go back to the opticians to pick up a receipt for his last new glasses purchase, he had just found out he can claim the money back from his health insurance, the trip was well worth £139.00 and to top i came away with my new glasses.

I also had to go to the bank as had a lot of change that needed to be counted and put into my account, the bank has a counting machine that adds it all up then your given a receipt that you hand to the cashier, she will then add it to you account. Another job done.

Posing in New Glasses

New Glasses.jpg

On the way to pick my glasses up we popped into the carpet place to pay for the carpets to get fitted on Tuesday 29th. Next Tuesday i will have new carpets, At last. Whilst we were at the carpet shop we checked out the pet shop, hubby is after a bigger fish tank as his fish are getting far to big for the tank he has now. I bought the dogs a few treats, hubby saw the perfect tank, its a Black gloss fitted tank with a curved front. It will fit in perfect. That is coming in a weeks time * Another Job Done.*

Whilst we were at the opticians we dropped in for shopping to last over the weekend, we are only buying a couple of days shopping at a time to cut down on waste we throw out. We have to finish the painting for the new carpets then on Sunday me and hubby are off for a Tea for two experience at Lumley Castle, I am taking my good camera to get a few good shots as the castle as some outstanding views. We are in for some Coffee and treats.

We we got home I had tea cooking away in the slow cooker, A lovely hot Beef Stew, I was ready for it as hadn't had anything to eat all day. I changed into my Pyjamas and warm slippers ready to relax.

I love days like this, when everything just falls into place then at the end of the day you feel like you have achieved something.

Nichola sent me a video she had taken of her little Parrotlet Sprout, she wasn't sure what the bird was doing, after some research she found out that they do this when they are happy playing with there friends... This is just how i feel today.

Thank you @son-of-satire


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That sure sounds like such a busy day, and remind sme I must take my jar of coins to one of those coin counting machines I am sure I have 2 or 300 Dollars worth by now

the new glasses suit you :)

Have a great weekend

Thank you, those little coins quickly add up :)

OHhh yeah I will cash insoon when I am ready to buy my next lens :)

Youth have a thing about lenses... Lol

LOL that I do ) I have two more I want to get before i retire and have to be more sensible LOL

Great to hear about a good day!

We need more of 'em, keep 'em coming!

Oh, and when you have a spare, please send it my way... :D



Sending you a good day,
Make sure you use it :)

Thank you kindly!

I shall use it on my Sunday afternoon nap! :D

Yeah I love days like that too. Just every thing seems to just go smooth. Makes me wonder though how long it will last when I get one LOL

Nope never get 2 together lol :)

Cute Sprout :-)

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