Everyone has one, or knows someone who has one, but no one wants one!

in #life8 years ago

What is it? 

That's right I'm talking about the dreaded Double Chin! 

Have you looked in the mirror lately and decided that there is just too much wobble under that chin of yours? Do you see a giant turkey neck where there used to be a stud? Do you see 2 chins where there should only be 1? If any of that sounds like you I have some advice that may work for you. But first...

What is a double chin exactly?

Well according to Urban Dictionary a double chin is defined as:

Being so fat that you have one chin under another.
Brysons double chin makes him look like a turkey. Gobble Gobble!

That is a little crudly put, but you get the picture! A double chin is excess skin or fat that protrudes from underneath the chin to make it look as if there is another chin underneath it. It is not very flattering and can make tying a tie or buttoning that top button an impossible task!  

What causes a double chin?

First and foremost, the vast majority of double chins are caused from excess body fat. That means the first thing that should be done is look to your diet and your exercise routine. If you are routinely consuming more calories than you are burning, something has to change. Get that diet right and try to make sure you are getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Once your diet and exercise is under control we can go to the next step...

How can we fix this?

Now if you are like me and you are already moderately fit yet still seem to have that saggy skin below your chin, there are some exercises that I have listed below that can help. By strengthening the muscles of the face and jaw the skin will be pulled tight and greatly reduce that saggy area under the chin. 

I listed the ones in order that I think can help the most.

The first is called: The Kiss
(Health and wellness expert K. Aleisha Fetters shared this exercise from personal trainer Mike Donavanik.)

 While standing, tilt your head back and look toward the ceiling.

  1. Pucker your lips and “kiss the ceiling.”
  2. Hold the kiss for five seconds.
  3. Relax your lips and return your head to a neutral position.
  4. Repeat this 15 times.

Stick It Out
(This tip was shared by the online medical guide HealthGuideHQ.com)

  1. While facing forward, open your mouth wide.
  2. Stick your tongue out slowly over a five count, until it is as far out as possible.
  3. Return the tongue to your mouth over another five count.
  4. Repeat this 10 times.

Jaw Jut
(Faceworks Natural Facelift shared this Jaw Jut exercise)

  1. Tilt your head back and look toward the ceiling.
  2. Push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin.
  3. Hold the jaw jut for a 10 count.
  4. Relax your jaw and return your head to a neutral position.
  5. Repeat this 10 times

Neck Roll
(HealthGuideHQ.com shared this tip)

  1. While standing, drop your chin forward to your chest.
  2. Slowly rotate your head to the right.
  3. Hold your head for a five count.
  4. Slowly rotate your head back down so that your chin is to your chest.
  5. Continue to rotate your head to the left.
  6. Hold your head for a five count.
  7. Repeat this for 30 seconds.

Chin Slap
(HealthGuideHQ.com shared this exercise)

  1. While facing forward, carefully slap your lower jaw with the back of your hand, not too hard or too soft.
  2. Repeat this careful slapping at a constant and regular pace for 30 seconds.

Laying Lifts
(This exercise was shared by wellness writer K. Aleisha Fetters)

  1. While laying face-up on a bed, allow your head to hang off the end.
  2. Slowly lift your head up toward your chest while keeping the back and shoulders flat against the bed.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds.
  4. Very slowly return your head to its starting position.
  5. Repeat this two times.

Try these out and see what you think. They are meant to tighten and tone the face and neck muscles thus pulling that sagging skin skyward. Let me know in the comments section if they worked or didn't work for you. Also, remember not to feel bad if you have one of these, as you can see they are very common... :)

Live healthy and well!


1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=double%20chin

2.  http://www.littlethings.com/how-to-get-rid-of-a-double-chin/?vpage=1  

3. https://www.healthambition.com/exercises-to-lose-double-chin/

Image Sources:

1. http://www.thedailypedia.com/2015/03/double-chin/

2. http://www.nvpsaz.com/neck-lift-arizona-rid-turkey-neck/

3. https://www.pinterest.com/harrypugloaf/trump/

Follow: @jrcornel


@jrcornel you are a funny, funny man.

I've always seen the double-chin as more of a double-grin, but maybe that's only because I'm an optimist and a hippy-humper (I'm not overly selective or judgmental).

Anywho, I enjoyed your content so...

Upvote to you and follow you I will!!!

Haha thank you! Hippy-humper.... I've never heard that one before!

Cool share
I Think Surgery May Help Me

Haha that is the way out! Although there are always risks... and costs with surgery. Give these tips a try first, if they don't work, surgery :)

Tom Turkey
So Cute

I did have a double chin but now I'm exercising thankfully :)

Haha that's awesome! I'm farely fit but still have a double chin, that's what inspired my research :)

Once you get to a certain age like Trump the only solution is cosmetic surgery because the skin just naturally sags and losing weight can actually make it look subjectively worse.

Yes, that is true. I added him more for comedic effect :) Good points though.

The best thing to do for you skin is never get overweight to begin with. Although that is much easier said than done...

Haha I hear you! I am not too bad thankfully as I have been in athletics most of my life... however, I have always kind of had sagging skin under my chin, it's always made my face look a little fatter than it is... that is what prompted me to research these kinds of exercises, hopefully they will be able to give my old ego a boost ;)

When I was a child my older brother told me I had a double chin. I thought that was the same as having a cleft chin ala Kirk Douglas. So I burst into the house and declared, "Mom, I have a double chin!"

Haha! That is hilarious! When I was little I was super skinny and my ribs would show... I was always running around and flexing my arms thinking I was a tough guy... my parents use to call me "Ethiopean Man!" saying it like it was a superhero name... just recently I figured out they were saying that cause I was alarmingly skinny... Ha! How mean and not very politically correct!

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