Popular legend The light of the forest

in #life7 years ago

Fuente: https://snowpassmd.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/bosque-japon-jpg/

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you very much for supporting my work, surfing the web I cross with this beautiful legend, speaks of a very humble child who has to make much sacrifice in his life to finish his studies, in the end life rewards him With something beautiful.

Long ago in a former Hong Kong town lived a young man named Chang. He shared a humble little house with his professionally hard-working parents, who spent all day working to deal with misery.

Parents worked very hard for their child to have a good education, were aware of their situation and wanted to give a different life to Chang, they dreamed that he could travel to the city and complete his mastery.

Chang was a very intelligent child, aware of the efforts of his parents to study, for this reason studied and had the best qualifications, made a great sacrifice to study, morning attended classes, in the afternoon collaborated with work In the orchard, when he was about to study darkened, this was a great impediment to his studies, this family were so humble that they had no electric light.

In the middle of darkness Chang could do nothing, he wanted to read his notes but it was impossible, the partial ones were close and the one unable to read and study, he wanted to perform well the exams. How to do it if I did not see to study?

Desperate to study, he peered out the window and could see a reflection of light coming from the snow, how wonderful, he could not believe what his eyes were seeing, very determined, while his parents slept, he went outside and took his notebooks with him. studies.

I throw a tarp over the thick snow, lie down on top of it and open his reading book, get as close as I can to the snow, take full advantage of the dim light that gave the snow to read and learn his studies.

Every night after their parents went to bed the child went out to study, the cold was impressive, but the child made the most of the effort to learn his studies, so he spent all winter.

Chang was very happy with his learning method, but he did not take into account the passage of time, one morning he woke up and spring came, with him the thaw, the snow evaporated taking Chang's illusion and his methods of study. I could not believe his bad luck!

All afternoon I work with his parents in the garden, but his face was very sad, as I would do now to continue with his studies, so spent the afternoon very worried, at nightfall after dinner retired to his bedroom, very Worried he sat in front of the window, after a few hours of looking into the distance, saw a small light in the middle of the forest and then another and another, after a few hundred lights lit the forest, very intrigued came out quietly from his room And went to the forest, when he arrived he could see that it was thousands of fireflies, this left him frozen, could not believe so much beauty.

He stayed hard from the emotion for a few seconds, as it was a very smart young man ran to his home and brought a wicker basket covered with a very fine fabric, together hundreds of them inside the basket and took to the gallery of his home, bag His books and began to study under the dim light of the fireflies.

Every night I study under the light of these luminous insects, before dawn I let go of all the fireflies and at nightfall I picked them up again, so I spent every night of spring and summer studying.

Chang with this method studied all year and maintained the good qualifications, it was necessary to recognize that he was sacrificed, but he understood the great sacrifice that his parents did for him to study.

Several years ago Chang studied this way, in spring and summer with the light of the fireflies and in the winter with the slight light of the snow, his grades continued to improve, he even was a standard bearer of his school.

Poor Chang did much to fulfill his parents' dream, he traveled to the capital of Hong Kong, to finish his mastership, to receive himself with the best qualifications and great recognitions, he became an intellectual and wealthy man.

Finally life rewarded his efforts and perseverance, the parents of the Chang had a calm and happy old age.

Fuente: http://www.pixelaco.com/magico-espectaculo-las-luciernagas-japon-verano/

Fuente: http://www.mundoprimaria.com/cuentos-clasicos-infantiles/nino-la-luz/

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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