“A Sinful Woman Forgiven” (Luke 7: 36-50): Part IVsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life4 years ago

Over the past few days, we have been examining the story of “A Sinful Woman Forgiven,” from The Gospel of Luke.

The Story So Far...

Simon The Pharisee invited Jesus over to his house for a dinner party, and their conversation was interrupted by a woman, described as sinful—who came up to Jesus, listened to Him talking, began crying, and then in a pretty unprecedented move—she started washing Jesus’s feet with her tears and her hair, and then poured her expensive jar of perfume onto His feet.

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Simon, being a Pharisee, was undoubtedly very proper. That said, this behavior from the woman was not considered appropriate decorum for a dinner party. While uninvited guests weren’t unwelcome at a party like this, the regulations concerning women were a bit different. Not only were women not exactly welcome in an audience while the men were eating, but also her reputation was not a positive one...she was known as sinful, so this behavior was not typical for a dinner party of this stature. Simon was embarrassed.

His embarrassment was two-fold. First, this is all happening in his house, so it could possibly reflect poorly on him. As a Pharisee, Simon upheld Jewish law to the letter and would have assuredly been known for being proper in all of his ways. Secondly, Jesus didn’t seem to be offended by any of it. He didn’t tell the woman to go away, and he didn’t gripe about her presence to Simon. So, in a sense, Simon is embarrassed both about the woman and for Jesus.

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

The Pharisees were always out to get Jesus in one way or another: trying to find holes in His stories, In His logic, in His miracles, and in His living. They couldn’t do it. Jesus not only IS the answer, but also He always HAD an answer to the questions designed to try to corner Him. This story is no different in that regard. However, the fact that this was a woman, and a sinful one at that makes this story one especially worth noting, and has great implications for our own lives.

After Simon thought to himself (see Part III) about this scene in front of him, Jesus told Simon a story of two men who owed a debt. Neither man could pay the debt, yet the moneylender forgave them both. He noted that one man owed significantly more than the other, then posed a question to Simon: If both debts are forgiven, which man will love the moneylender more? (Luke 7:41). Simon answered with the obvious—the one with the larger debt—and he was correct (v. 43).

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If a person owes more, they are naturally going to have a larger sense of the forgiveness they’re receiving. This is the picture Jesus was painting for Simon in regard to the woman: Simon was a Pharisee, who held pride for “living right,” and she is written of as “The Sinful Woman,” I mean, obviously she had some issues! That said, her act of worship and appreciation toward Jesus meant more because she had a hold on how sinful she really was. All Simon had done was invite Jesus over. He didn’t truly appreciate what he had in his home. We need to come to Jesus like this woman, for He has cancelled all of our debts through the cross.

Personal Implications

For a historic sinner such as myself, this is HUGE. In fact, sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my own brain around the concept that I am really, actually, one-hundred-percent forgiven through His epic grace. Like totally. In the eyes of my Father, the past is gone and done and I am a new creation standing before Him. This is for you, too. It doesn’t matter the size of your stack of past sins. He’s ready to forgive them if you just will bring them to His feet. And those of us with a big ole pile of sin in our past can literally feel the weight of what that forgiveness actually covers. Wow. Mind-blowing, y’all. His forgiveness is revolutionary.

One of my favorite pastors, John Stroup, is known to say that, “Addicts make the best Christians, because once we get ahold of something, we don’t know how to quit.” We have to drop the weight at His feet. Get a new fix through righteousness and sanctification through Jesus Christ. He’s so fulfilling, and He never lets you down—and unlike those bags and bottles of gambling danger, He never steals your life.


Thank you for reading this series, and I hope you have gleaned something you can use from it in your own life.

I’m a former youth pastor and church lay leader who graduated from a Christian college, and now I’m an addict in recovery who rededicated my life to Jesus about 6 months ago. While I was raised in church, I did a lot of straying over the past 10 years. Fumbling Toward Jesus represents years of study—both over the years and lately, and now combined with a whole load of human experience. I’m just a really nerdy sinner saved by a really awesome grace.


Additional Resources
“A Sinful Woman Forgiven”: Part I
“A Sinful Woman Forgiven”: Part II
“A Sinful Woman Forgiven”: Part III
Prayer Request Wednesday Initiative

Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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