“A Sinful Woman Forgiven” (Luke 7:36-50): Part I

Over the course of the next few days, we will be discussing the story in Luke 7: 36-50 of “Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman,” or “A Sinful Woman Forgiven,” but I want to start at the end, with some wise words from a theologian and Bible scholar, and tomorrow we will move to some thoughts from the beginning.



“And He said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you, go in peace.’” (Luke 7:50)


Warren Wiersbe writes of this passage:

How was this woman saved? She repented of her sins and put her faith in Jesus Christ. How did she know she was truly forgiven? She had the assurance of His word. What was the proof of her salvation? Her love for Christ expressed in sacrificial devotion to Him. For the first time in her life, she had peace with God. Literally it reads, ‘Go into peace,’ for she had moved out of the sphere of enmity toward God and was now enjoying peace with God.


I hope you’ll join me this week as we take a closer look into this story and its relevant significance in our lives even now and how we, too, can make this kind of bold move in faith for our Father. <3


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The degree to which you have faith is important. Equally important is the object of faith. Many people place faith in money, power, success, or self. That kind of faith does not lead to salvation.

I appreciate how scripture talks about God speaking truth into existence. This forgiven woman had peace because Christ declared peace in her life.

So true. I also really enjoyed learning about the Greek words originally used here which meant more than just going in peace, but rather into peace, which in that forgiveness brought her essentially into an entirely new existence alongside Christ. A full dwelling literally inside His love. It’s huge.

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