“A Sinful Woman Forgiven” (Luke 7:36-50): Part II


I have mused on what specific words words of power that Jesus must’ve been speaking at the moment the sinful woman was moved to tears and repentance. Being a person who cries (fairly easily) at moving words, I can only imagine the influence of what He was saying that assuredly spoke directly to the woman’s heart. Whatever it was, it seems like it reached her in a direct and extremely profound way.

It has been hypothesized through the Harmony of the Gospels that perhaps Jesus had just said:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
(Matthew 11: 28-30)
Wow. What sheer power in such words.

A sinful life sure is heavy, and hearing these words from the mouth of Christ would have brought me to tears, for sure. Regardless of the specifics, we know she was repentant and she wept at the feet of her Savior as she used her tears and her hair to wash His feet, and then poured her perfume out onto those same feet. Perfume is still an expensive gift in today’s society, and the same was true then. She was showing Jesus her devotion. This would not go unnoticed. (More on that later.)

She didn’t have much—an alabaster jar of perfume, her tears, and her hair...and her heart. Her intention. She brought these things to the feet of Christ and quietly began to offer these to Him in a pride-swallowing, bold humility.


A few months ago, at the altar, I cried out my own tears to my savior on my face. It had been a long time coming, and after an incredible sermon that spoke directly to my heart, I went forward to rededicate my life to Jesus. As I prayed at the altar, overcome by emotion, I remember I kept saying, “I’m so ashamed,” through big ole ugly-cry tears, and I was reassured by a kind lady named Rhonda that I am forgiven through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. That by my coming to Him in humble repentance gives us that amazing assurance through His promises for us. I knew this, but I think I was feeling it truly for the first time. I was weary. I wanted rest. It had been too long. Come on and get your rest, too. He’s waiting for you. Faithfully.

Tomorrow we will look into the conversation that followed between Jesus and Simon The Pharisee after this event at Simon’s dinner party. I hope you’ll join me. <3

Click Here To Read “A Sinful Woman Forgiven” Part 1


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More About the Harmony of The Gospels

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