Why do people drive more recklessly in bad weather?

in #life7 years ago

You would think that bad weather would mean more cautious driving.

In my experience that is absolutely not the case though.

Source: Giphy.com

Yesterday it was about 70 degrees out but when I woke up this morning it was 30 degrees.

That's how weather sometimes goes around here.

All day the sky was grey and overcast.

Rainy, dreary, dark, freezing, terrible.

That was today.

However, everywhere you looked people were speeding.

I saw people turning quite quickly without signaling.

I saw people slamming on the brakes, and honking their horns, and screaming at other people.

I think I know the reason why.

When the weather is terrible outside and you're feeling cold and uncomfortable in your car you have a desire to want to get out of that situation.

Therefore you will move a little bit faster, turn little bit quicker, and do just about anything to hurry to get you to your next destination.

This is very illogical thinking though.

Sometimes it takes longer to do something when you're hurrying then it does if you're going slowly.

Driving is a perfect example of this.

You could get in a wreck......... or any number of different terrible things could happen to you because you weren't paying attention because you were moving too quickly.

I don't know if it's a symptom of people being self absorbed or if everyone just has too many things going on at once these days.......

I do have to ask myself.....

Why do people drive more recklessly in bad weather?


I think people are generally just frustrated and then feel the need to rush not taking into account that it is more dangerous and you should actually take it easy on the roads when it's raining. Most people think "nothing's going to happen to me" or "I know what I'm doing, I've been driving for years". I wrote my car off on a rainy day once, sped around a corner and the car started spinning out of control. It was scary and it is scary how easily you lose control of a car in wet weather. Needless to say I learned my lesson that day, but of course I still wish that people don't have to go through something like that to realise what they shouldn't do.

It's true...... people are frustrated and in a rush but they don't consider how their actions could actually harm somebody or cause serious problems for themselves and other people.

because they they are stupid?is that a good answer?

Yes that is a good answer.

People mostly think let's reach home to avoid any bad weather outside I guess but normally people are in hurry for no cause almost. If someone wants to reach a destination, he should leave for that destination a bit earlier than hurrying himself on the road which can lead to any mishap.


nice write-up, I sometimes wonder why too, they endanger not just their life's but other innocent road users do
pls in the spirit of love can you follow back

Also i am new here and i am thinking if this post will help me during my stay here


I think the bad weather causes people to focus less on the road.

True enough.

Sometime it happens because may be there was some personal problem with them like they are stressed out that;s why

That's definitely a possibility too.

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