The role of success in your life

in #life5 years ago (edited)

You're going to get the benefit of life, but you have to choose for yourself what you want to achieve. But the reality is there aren't many shortcuts.It's a long term process because there are only two ways in life success or failure an mostly People don't test their potential because they fear failure.

No matter how high your ambitions, no matter how determined you are to be successful in life, if you are not happy with the results, it doesn't mean you are not trying. You can't force it or think about it in that way. It is your mind that is making you unhappy. Now I want you to stop and look at yourself. When you look at your life, you are going to realize the things you have done aren't working, and if you can't look at your life objectively, there a lot of things you have done that may work out right now and may never work out. And if you take a look at that then it may be a good idea to look at yourself objectively and try to determine if what you are doing is actually working. And then you can then change your life. No matter how high your ambitions may be, no matter how much time or energy you put into something, if you are not happy with the outcome of the change then that is your own individual issue, not an objective or objective-based issue.

That is because the people who don't know how good they are, they just haven't chosen correctly, they didn't know what they wanted to get out of life and they're making a mess and they're going to pay for it. Are you just a winner or are you a winner? Do you play by the rules or do you play them anyway? (if you're a runner – do you believe in karma, or no karma and you're just following your own passion, or do you think karma is real and you want to win as much as possible? if you're a winner – do you believe that you can make your own rules or do those rules just follow the ones you accept from others?

These questions and more are important and often overlooked. But as with any exercise, it pays to be patient, and to understand that just because it doesn't work with your past self, or that you didn't win last time doesn't mean that it won't ever work for you.

So in a nutshell, I think success is in the way you approach the world and the way you interact with people. It's how you see the universe through glasses of different lenses.


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