Reconnecting to the Natural Way of Things

in #life6 years ago

@perceptualflaws just wrote a great article about the slow manipulation that threatens to disconnect us from the earth and our natural way of being. We've slowly been placed under conditions that favor disconnection from ourselves, eachother, and the Earth. This has been happening longer than any of us have been alive.

We've slowly been guided out of the natural way of things by our leaders. Whether these leaders had the best things in mind for us or not doesn't really matter. What matters is that in our culture today, being disconnected is the norm.

"But I feel more connected than ever @jakeybrown! We have internet connection everywhere we go, our cities run into other cities, we have maps and data about everything on earth, I can call my friends from thousands of miles away."

This is all true, but this superficial connection is not the connection I'm talking about. I'm talking about connection to the flow of life. We have been disconnected from this flow in simple ways - Chemical and genetically altered food, contaminated water, insulation from the earth(shoes, construction materials beneath our feet, etc.,) EMF's, conditioned and/or polluted air, synthesized drugs, and psychological warfare.

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Simply put, our lifestyle is out of harmony with the rest of life.

So how can we get back into harmony? How can we reconnect? Well, unless our culture flips around and realizes our lost connection and starts making changes on a governmental and societal level, it's up to us individually. Right now the money is against finding harmony with the rest of life, so we need to reconnect in our personal lives. Here are a few ways I've found that have worked for me:

  1. Nature - This one is simple and free to do, it should be available to everyone. Get out into nature and unplug from your cell phone and your worrying mind. Just experience what nature has to offer. Nature has a healing effect on us and presents us with the opportunity to see how life operates without our influence. How things work together, and how complex and mysterious natural creations are. While you're out there, be sure to take your shoes off and stand with your own two feet on the earth. Grounding has many positive health implications, such as reducing inflammation, and is totally free.

  2. Food - Pretty simple, stop eating chemically created garbage and food grown in labs. Instead, shop whole foods, shop local, and shop organic when you can. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, find the foods the land makes itself, and find the foods that are raised in the most natural way possible. Do your best here, this is a major hurdle in our society, but the concept is simple: Eat real food.

  3. Spirituality - Indigenous cultures were much more in tune with the land and with themselves than we are today. They lived by nature's rules, took what nature gave them, and had ample opportunity to explore the world and themselves. These days we are all stuck in offices, finding food in stores that is ready to serve, and have almost no free time to explore life because we are busy with the rat race and glued to screens. Spirituality is a personal thing, find it in whatever you resonate with, whether it's religion, nature, plant medicine, meditation, helping others, whatever helps you see the truth in life and stops the thought that we know that which is inherently mysterious, like our very own existence. Challenge your pre-existing beliefs and discover your individual, natural vibration.

  4. Chemicals - Try to use as few household chemicals as possible. A huge range of potentially harmful chemicals are sold in household and hygiene products. Be aware of what you are buying and putting on/in your body as some are harmful and easily absorbed through the skin.

  5. Don't be easily manipulated - There is so much propaganda and fake news and conflicting information these days that we really have to watch out. There are outright lies and huge distractions taking place on a broad scale to manipulate the masses. Fake studies, staged events, false reports, cover-ups, there are people out there trying to write a narrative to fit their needs. We have to start digging deeper than the front page news and be skeptical of the information we view. Things are not as they seem.

  6. Power down - Research has been slowly trickling through about the dangers of EMF radiation. There are wide concerns about 5G, smart meters, and cell towers. So what do we do about it? First of all, take an interest in how rapidly we are employing these new technologies without significant health studies. Next up, find ways to block emf or limit your exposure, there are a number of potential remedies, some may seem a little woo woo and I haven't tested them all myself:

  • Contact your smart phone as little as possible - take it out of your pocket, use a headset, don't sleep near it, etc.
  • Avoid smart meters in your home if possible
  • Shungite - This stone appears to almost completely blocks EMF radiation
  • Pyramids - Russian pyramid research is promising in blocking EMF
  • Biogeometry devices
  • Grounding (as mentioned above)
  • Orgonite

I'd also suggest staying away from the sources of these EMFs as often as possible.

I remember learning about the Native Americans when I was younger. Growing up in MT we had a lot of history involving Native Americans, their lifestyle, and the abuses and atrocities that they suffered when the Europeans came. Here was this people so in tune with the land and the seasons and the cycles of life, and their way of life was very nearly completely removed by a people who thought they knew what was a better way of life and thought they could own things in this life and thought intelligence was in how well you could control.

Indigenous cultures across the world have slowly been destroyed by this mindset. The wisdom and knowledge of the land and nature that these people once held has, for the most part, been lost with them. Now this wisdom and knowledge is sorely lacking, and because of it and our disconnection, we continue to destroy the earth, eachother, and even ourselves in the foolish idea that this is how it's always been and so it has to stay this way.

If you think we need banks, government, schools, better technology, war, whatever construct that is here, it's because you've been conditioned to believe that we need them. We've held the same beliefs about how things should be for way to long, we've outgrown our creations and we need to change, adapt, evolve. We need to wake up and see the things that no longer serve us and transform them.

We have the potential to replace every construct that we've used in the past with new ones that can help everyone. We may have caused some damage along the way, but we are also in a place where there is more knowledge and technical capability than ever. We have the means to completely transform the world, to end war, to end poverty, to end hunger. We just need to stop thinking that we are separate from each other, and that we are separate from the earth.

We're all in this together, let's each do our part to heal the world and reconnect to the flow of life.

Thanks for reading,



Yes, yes and more yes.

When I lived in Maui there were a few people who I thought were so enlightened because when I was around them I felt powerfully grounded myself, like in the presence of a spiritual teacher. As I got to know them I realized that they were no more wise or emotionally mature than anyone else. What they were was living off the grid, so in harmony with the energy of nature. That is a naturally healthy, balanced, grounded energy (but we still have to develop our emotional and intellectual intelligence too).

Even with that realization, do you know it has taken me 6 years to finally start hanging out in the part of my property that's far from any house running AC current? I have always hung out on the deck off the dining room and thought was plenty deep "in nature" because it's a huge garden overlooking a regional park. No! In the garden, feet on soil, far from the electrical field of the house, that's where the magic lies.

It's really easy to spot someone in tune with nature, they are naturally at ease outside and can seem out of place in urban areas. I totally agree that there is a separate maturity that can be developed for other aspects of ourselves, like you said (physical, emotional, intellectual)

Ya, I'm so excited for summer, it's been a long winter and just lately I have been getting my feet on the ground, I need more hikes in my life and backyard days

I think the using technology is one of the reasons that made us disconnected from ourselves.

you provided some awesome tips of being connected.

Nice post.

Thanks for your advices.

Thanks, I agree about technology

you remember when we lived on 13th, near Joeys? The high power electrical lines were right next to our house. We moved because of them and the potential for causing cancer. EMF emissions were high from those lines. It is a real concern. It would be hard to comply with all your suggestions and still function in our world without becoming a hermit I think. I do wonder about carrying the phone in my pocket but don't know where else to carry it.

Ya I remember, I'm not sure how much EMF comes off power lines, I'll have to check into that. I remember it being a partial reason for moving. I agree, it's hard to interact in the world normally and still do some of this. Cell phone is a tricky one, don't have a great solution since most of us have them

Yeah, personally, this 'technology is making our lives so much better and easier'is something I don't resonate with. Emulating a machine's motion sequence is more and more what people are required to do, basically to the extend that we repeat them without need to think anymore how to do it. This carries over to everything else, hence we don't question things anymore, lose inspiration and will power.

Balance is key as always.

Well said, balance is hard to "get" because people struggle to drop all the mind's worry and feel it out

That's good reconnecting to tha natural way.l like your content

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