To Build or Buy? Help!

in #life6 years ago

Today I went looking at undeveloped land. I already have a house in contract. Though theoretically I could buy both the raw acreage and the developed property, doing so would leave me house poor. Meaning I would have so much money tied up in real estate that I’d be having to watch my spending to get by. So really I have to choose.

If I wasn’t doing this on mobile (still no internet at my new place) I’d fill this post with pictures I took of beautiful vistas today . Maybe I’ll come back at the end of the week to update it to include more. For now, here’s just one.


Now granted, you’ve got to like that desert aesthetic to appreciate it, which has grown on me.

Minimal Impact

There were a couple properties I could see myself building on, but none at my desired price per acre had the landscape features I would need to make the decision an easy one. Specifically, when you develop undeveloped land, altering it to suit humans for the first time, you want to have minimal impact. At the same time, I like trees and want mature ones on my property.

So if I buy land that’s all sagebrush I have to plant trees. No biggy, but you can only transplant a young tree. So it would be years before I’d have the shade or privacy I want them for. (Though I could immediately enjoy their energetic presence and beauty.)

If on the other hand I buy land that is forest, I immediately have mature trees, but have to pull up many just to have someplace to build the house. I don’t like the idea of that at all. Which brings me to my initial question: build on raw land or just buy a house that is on land that has already been altered for human use? Don’t advance the frontier.

The house I have in contract is purely for renting out for cash flow better than a bank can give me, so for that I’m not debating about a home for me to live in. That property completely doesn’t work for me personally. It’s just an amazing profit opportunity that I would only pass up if it was so that I could start the process of building a home that is really my art project for the next few years.

And maybe that is what I want. Maybe I want to let the investment house go and buy some raw land instead, assuming I can find some in the area I want to live in that has both flatlands and forest, and at no more than what I think raw land is worth here.

What do you think?

Would you buy the investment house and just rent a lovely place (one you couldn’t afford to buy), giving up the idea of slowly building your dream home as you can afford it?

Or would you keep the cash on hand in case the perfect land does come along for minimal impact development?

Do you not really factor in the human conversion of wilds into suburbs?

Well this is what my head is going around in circles with today. Have to decide whether to move forward with the house purchase or let it go this week. Big decisions.


What is the price of one acre in such a desert ?

What’s amazing is the variance. It goes from as little as $1k per acre to where I’ve seen about $150k pa, all within less than a 1 hr drive. I’m aiming for about $10k pa.

That's a really tough choice. Hmm... I know the area, and understand your predicament. I total,y hear you on not wanting to develop an undeveloped area, yet still wanting tree cover. The winds really whip over the Mesa and sagebrush doesn't do much for wind or sun protection.

No advice for you beyond listening to you heart. My only input would be that your influence is not a fraction as big as major housing developments, roads, or ski resorts... Follow your intuition and you'll know, it just may take a long time and be uncomfortable during the in between

Best of luck and blessing on your homing journey.

Thank you. That really does help me settle into the decision more.

Thank you. That really
Does help me settle into
The decision more.

                 - indigoocean

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

For me, i will advise you get yours. There is comfort that comes with it is your own. That i experienced when i travelled from the town to my village and I stayed in the house my late dad built, there was this comfort I found.

Now taking a look at yours, if the land is affordable by you and you can start up something on it and at the same time get an already built place where you can be living for the mean time then do it.
Development of a place starts with one person and building of estate is a long term investment if you use good materials for the building. If at the end of building it and you don't wish to stay in it, it can be rented out. But before you start, try to check the cost of building materials in that area and make comparison to the prices in other developed areas.

Great advice. Thanks.

You are welcome

I'm even having a hard time making the decision for myself as I imagine I am in your shoes lol.

I do know that I wouldn't be so concerned about the minimal effect of developing the land. You will in turn nurture that same piece of property for years to come.

In the end I think it comes down to how much flexibility you would like. A developed home can be sold or left to renters in a short time. It would be tough to up and leave a project in progress. Good luck with your decision!

Great points. While I have enough capital to make this decision once right now, I don’t have enough to know for sure I can complete the build if the unexpected happens. Even the investment property involves some risk of not being able to keep it renting, needed repairs popping up, etc. but it’s the less risky play for my finances.

Maybe I’ll just need to wait to build or buy my dream home until after my crypto investments mature in a few years. In the meantime either just hold cash I gradually chip away at for living expenses, or have the cash flow from the investment property at modest risk. Hmmm. Thanks for that.

It all depends on whether or not you want something shorter or longer term and being able to live off current or altered conditions and money savings.

That’s the mystery! I don’t know. Will I need the money for something in a couple years or is it more useful to have income property for cash flow? I’m so responsive to how spirit guides me that it’s really hard when I can’t tell what it’s guiding me to. Thanks for helping me clarify that.

If you are able to set some savings aside for maybe a couple of weeks or a month you may have a little more money for things if you decide on the cashflow option for the longer term gains and just watch your spending :)

Man, do I relate... Being a Libra, I always try to take my time to fully explore all options possible. From this objective point of view, I would stick to your heart's guidance towards a dream home and adapt accordingly (i.e. cut back on unneeded luxury as need be). A rental property is a good idea, but can also pose risks of unwanted extra costs and/or tenant issues as well.

If you can't find rough land with space between the trees to build, you may still be able to carefully transplant in the winter months the trees needed to build between. I don't say "carefully" lightly either, as I too very much love mature trees. Follow your intuition and spirit, and I doubt you will go wrong.

Thanks. I’ve decided to put an offer out on land with no trees and plant. We’ll see within the next few days.

Thanks for sharing. I love these sorts of adventures... Life is so full of them.


If your dream is to build your own dream house, I would recommend buying the land.

If you want to buy a house for a rental to get monthly income coming in, maybe better to buy an existing house.

The problem really is that I want both but can probably only afford one right now. Of course, once again it comes down to wanting more money than I have. Darn. I thought that was behind me.

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