Day4/30 Be Happy Challenge: Start Your Day With Gratitude

in #life7 years ago

Today's topic is gratitude.

Gratitude can help us on our path to more contentment, as its all about appreciating what we already have in our lives and there will be good things if we sit down and think about it.

If we consciously choose to start our days thinking about all the good things in our lives, it starts us on the right note for the day.

Being grateful puts our focus on all pleasant and good things in our lives, which has a direct positive impact on our overall happiness.

Put simply, spending a few moments first thing in the morning thinking about all the things that we are thankful for can improve our mood for the entire day. You really don't need to spend a lot of time of this and it's gets easier as it becomes a daily habit.

So when you wake tomorrow (put a reminder on your phone, if you think you will forget), spend a few moments, whether that be in bed, at the kitchen table, or in the bathroom, to concentrate on being grateful for all the good things and people in your life.

You can think about anything positive that happened the day before, or positive things you envision happening today

It can be small things. I wake up and am grateful for my first cup of tea in the morning that turns me from zombie into human. Are you thankful for your partner, parents, grandparents, friends, children, colleagues or even a boss that has given you a job? It is good to try and think about something positive about all the significant people in your life.

Maybe just looking around will help you - is the sun streaming through the windows into your kitchen, can you see or hear the birds outside? What about admiring beautiful trees or flowers that you might be able to see out your window?


Whatever your living situation is right at this moment, I'm sure something about it that you can be thankful for, even if it is not ideal. (You are able to read this, that's something to be grateful for in itself).

Make this being thankful exercise a part of your morning ritual, like drinking your morning tea or coffee or brushing your teeth. If you focus and practise this exercise on being grateful at the same time each morning in the same place, it is more than likely become a habit and you will do it automatically.

Making gratefulness a habit is the long term goal, as one day it become effortless and a natural part of your day, without having to think about it too much.

If this is the only thing you take away from this challenge, it will hold you in good stead to making a positive effect and impact on your daily happiness.

So give it a try for a few weeks and see how it makes you feel overall and you may find adding this little gratitude exercise in the morning giving you a huge boost for the day.

Acknowledging all the good things in your life is an opportunity to feel happy not to be missed.

I'd love to see your comments and questions and make this an interactive challenge. I am here to help.

Please Resteem if you feel this could benefit your followers

Previous Be Happy Challenge Days

Day 1: Making Happiness a Habit

Day 2:Commit to Nurturing Your Happiness

Day 3: Begin a Happiness Buzz List


A great and very positive post
I am lucky to have a very positive attitude and I think that in a big part is I do exactly what you discuss in this post taking time to be grateful

My ritual is first thing in the morning as soon as I sit up in bed and last thing at night before calling it a night I do thing about what's going on in my life and see the good in it

Yes, I was going to mention doing it in evening as well, but I forgot in the end, but now this is here to remind me and everyone. Also thank you for sharing that it works for you. :)

It's a privilege to read such an optimistic character! Congrats for this post!

That means a lot, thank you.

Nice. Follow you and I wait your next be happy days. :)

They are fun to write and it helps knowing that people are enjoying them as well. Thank you.

Glad that I started following you, you spread so much positivity here :)

Steemit (well, more the people on it) have helped me immensely over the the last few months, it's nice to give back. Thank you for your kind words.

Couldn't agree more! this community is so much kind and helpful! It's always a pleasure to get such platform where most of the people are this much friendly! Hope you have a great day with your little singer :)

Positive thoughts always, I am getting better ignoring the negative thoughts :)

Yes me too. Though still sometimes have the little angel devil scenario go on in my head.

It tries to weave its way in, now I am stronger I can divert them :)

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