Be Happy Day 2/30: Commit to Nurturing Happiness Today and Thank Yourself for the Rest of Your Life

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When you commit to something, what does it really mean?

Sometimes it means setting a goal and doing whatever it takes to reach that goal, even if there are obstacles and hurdles. We commit to relationships, for some of us this means marriage. We commit to a job or a career path. Some of us are fanatical about hobbies or Steemit and are completed committed them.


In the same way, we can commit to nurturing our happiness. We could make that our goal, care about the relationship with ourselves or make happiness a hobby. Being happy is something to enjoy after all.

So today, let's make a commitment to nurture our happiness.

As I revealed yesterday at least 40% of happiness is determined by our choices. My personal goal and purpose of running this 30 Day Get Happy Challenge is to help people make that conscious step to become more happy in their lives and create a habit of having a more positive outlook.

The first step is to make a commitment to this challenge and make being happier a foregone conclusion.

This is indeed the first step for any habit that you'd like to ingrain in your psyche. You must make the decision to commit to it.

From there it is a matter of maintaining a daily practise until the habit becomes a natural part of your life. It becomes a learned behavior - a true habit.

A habit by definition is something you do with little effort or conscious thought, so being more happy could get ingrained in your life by the end of this 30 Day Challenge.

How great would that be?

No habit is easy to break or form, so the step of commitment is essential. Getting more happy is no different.

The journey starts with committing to happiness. I wish it was as easy as telling yourself that from today I will be happier (although it will help if you do tell yourself this), but it isn't as quite as easy as that.

Before we can nurture our happiness, we have to define what OUR happiness is and no-one can do this but you, as it is different for every person.

So what makes you happy? Or indeed unhappy?

Spending some time today contemplating what it is that you really enjoy doing, but I need you to dig deep.

If curling up on the sofa with a glass of wine and watching Game of Thrones makes you happy, think why that is?

Does it give you a chance to escape the daily humdrum of life?

It is something you do to relax?

Does it help you forget about your life for a little while?

What is it that you are trying to hide from and what can you do about that? Is there anything you can do about that?

Sometimes it may not be a direct route, but an out of the box answer.

If, for example getting up at 5.30am to commute to your job makes you unhappy and changing your work hours is not an option - how about thinking about the positive things about getting up that early?

You must get to see the most amazing sun rises and you may also get home at a decent time and are able to spend quality time
with your spouse and/or kids before bedtime. It could be that solution is to create a relaxing bed-time routine and going to bed a little earlier so the early rise is not as unbearable. This could improve your whole outlook on workday mornings.

In some future posts, we will dig a little deeper about what makes us happy and how we can go about nurturing happiness in future posts.

But for today, find your personal definition of happiness and come up with a list of 10 things or people that make you happy and commit to your happiness today.

The rest of your life will thank you for it.

I'd love to see your comments and questions and make this an interactive challenge. I am here to help.

Please Resteem if you feel this could benefit your followers

Other Get Happy Challenge Posts

Day 1: Let's Get Happy


I think this is a great initiative.

Say good morning and give a little smile to strangers on the way to work or the shops. You could get a warm return smile, who knows you meet even start a chain reaction and make lots of other people happy for the day.

Absolutely, receiving a friendly smile can improve your whole day. I try to smile at everyone when I'm out walking, But I don't usually say good morning- but I now will, so thank you so much for your valuable comment.

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