Can't Say, Baby, Where I'll be in a Year

in #life5 years ago

The title of this post comes from an old Aerosmith tune. Sweet Emotion.

Words that have been stuck in my head for the past few days. Guess I'm just in that type of mood, you know? Because it's true. I was just thinking that at this age, you can't say where you'll be in a year. The fact you choose to settle down and allow predictability into your life, that's different.
In theory, you could be anywhere. Not just next year, next month. Next week, even. It's a great age, one that will never come round again, so make the best of it while you still can.


I apply this in many areas of life. I was just telling a friend who's the same age, she should enjoy her body, show it off (we were talking beachwear, don't be pervy) because she'll never have such a good body again. She should enjoy herself while she's still young. Everyone should.

But back to being. To freedom of movement. Most likely, you'll never be as free as when you are twenty. I mean, most have a tendency to get married, have kids, get a job, buy a house. All that. And sure, that's all great. Not trash-talking family or houses or whatever. It's a nice life, but a less free one. As a parent or at least a responsible employee, you can't just up and leave tomorrow. You have commitments, people who depend on you.

And even if you don't have all these things, there's always age to consider. Not as easy to up and go at 40. Even harder at 60. I'm not being ageist, it's makes sense, don't it? You can't go busk around, be wild,do all those things at any other age and I feel that should be appreciated somehow. That those things should get done, 'cause 20 never rolls around again.

And besides, it's a known fact that people tend to get more...what's the word? Docile? Not necessarily. More comfortable, less inclined towards adventure, if that makes sense, as they get older. Set in their ways, that's the word. Well, words. As we age, we become set in our ways, comfortable in our routines and less likely to leave them behind. Maybe for a week, but not for a month. Certainly not for a year.

Even if they're not that great a routine. Even if we could do with the fun. Doesn't matter, we like our telly and our cozy cuppa. We're not gonna go out into the world, not knowing at what time or at what age we might come back. And how. Changed. We don't want to be changed after a point. Would be too...inconveniencing.

So yeah, in a purely equal-opportunity way, the can't say where I'll be in a year thing can be true at any age. But not really. I have a feeling it's a limited offer.

I mean, you don't get many 40 year olds say "I don't know, man, I don't know what I'll be doing a year from now", do you? And that's good. Routine and settling down has its charm. Good to remember, though?

Limited offer.




I sort of agree as I recall being 20. I spent all my (not insignificant pay) weekly and did whatever I want...

However as I got older rather than my options becoming smaller they expanded as I did, emotionally, financially, intellectually etc. I found I was more able to do things on a whim, to be spontaneous, as I had greater financial ability to do so. Sure, I had more commitments also however it sort of balanced out pleasingly.

The thing is that what may be vitally important at 20 will possibly have no value or importance at 30, 40 or more. Things change, people change. I'm speaking generally here as some don't.

Some people value blowing around on the wind going wherever they choose and others like a little more structure. It's all relative I guess.

So, quite probably a younger person who thinks things will always be carefree and who values the idea of not knowing where they may be in a year may find that changes later in life. They just don't know it because they haven't lived it yet, haven't gone through the journey and changes. In reality none of us really knows what the future may hold. Think about a young 10 year old who thinks Taylor Swift is the shit. At 20, maybe she thinks Taylor Swift is simply shit. You know? Time changes perspective.

Me likey this post and we've talked about this stuff before so I get that you get it.

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I never said Taylor Swift was the shit. :P She was just, you know, kinda the embodiment of all the cool love stories and friendships that middle school and high school would hold. Hahaha boy, was I wrong :)))

Agreed, times change. People change. It's normal and I expect that will happen to me, as it does to anyone. Change is good. Perhaps an unpopular opinion among my fellow youth, but I look forward to being forty, to having gone through changes, earned wisdom and experiences and shit. That doesn't mean I don't love where I am now. I do, it's brilliant here. Exhilarating.

The thing is that what may be vitally important at 20 will possibly have no value or importance at 30, 40 or more.

Very true. But if you hadn't done it because at one point it seemed vital, then you'd have nothing to reminisce ;)

younger person who thinks things will always be carefree and who values the idea of not knowing where they may be in a year may find that changes later in life.

I expect it will. But for now, I like not knowing. I like watching time change, comparing who and where I was a year ago to who and where I am now. Fascinates me.

I'm glad you likey the post :)

I never said Taylor Swift was the shit. :P She was just, you know, kinda the embodiment of all the cool love stories and friendships

I never said I was talking about you...But yes, considering we were just talking about it I used that example. I know you never said she was the shit, it was just an example.

To be honest I think you're well on track for a great life. you have things squared away and what you don' know, you don't need to know yet. You're supposed to live it as it comes. We've talked about planning, laying plans and we both know they don't always come out as planned. It's the journey that you need to take. It will take you to your final destination and along the way you'll be who you are. it's inevitable.

I like watching time change, comparing who and where I was a year ago to who and where I am now. Fascinates me.

I like this line you wrote above.

You're very wise for wanting to extract all of the joy you can out of your youth @honeydue! Many younger people can’t fully fathom that quote, "Youth is wasted on the young."

After your mid-twenties, you start to notice that time feels like it's passing more quickly yet you're still young enough that it seems like you have all the time left in the world.

At my age (almost 50) the weeks seem to pass as quickly as single days did in childhood. I'm so thankful that my wife and I started living all the dreams we were previously saving for our "golden years" in our forties. That entire "golden years" philosophy is a ruse that so many older folks never live to enjoy. Even if you have the financial means in your sixties and seventies to make those dreams a reality sometimes the energy and intention just isn't there. We're going to be globetrotters for the next few years and then may settle down somewhere outside of the US.

Live your dreams while you're still young enough and have energy and passion for life to enjoy them!

P.S. Buy some Bitcoin so you can do whatever you'd like in a few years. : )

Ha I so love the way you're living your life, you know, quitting the bullshit job, enjoying, living the dream, everything. It's a very wise way to be :) The sorta thing most people just dream of. Good for you and your wife for going for it.

I know, it's horrible, I look at all the retired people I meet and they're barely alive enough (both you know, energy-wise and health-wise) to go to the market, let alone travel halfway around the world. In RO, we have a saying that's basically 'don't give away the sparrow in your hand for the crow on the fence' - which in this case means (at least to me) don't sacrifice doing it now for something that might happen in the future. Really scares me to think I could wake up in that future and find I was wrong, I postponed and that 'later' became 'never'....

We're going to be globetrotters for the next few years and then may settle down somewhere outside of the US.

That is so awesome<3 There is so much beauty on this planet, be a shame not to see as much as you can!

P.S. Buy some Bitcoin so you can do whatever you'd like in a few years. : )

Here's to hoping. Yeah, I'm seriously considering buying in a bit more, so I hope that works out :D

Honestly, stepping away from the security of that job was one of the scariest things I've ever done. Sometimes I still have nightmares of going broke. Once I did I step away though "the universe provided the net" and I realized how much I was brainwashed into believing a job was the best option.

With the volatility in the crypto markets I still have concerns and am still trying to figure out the long term plan. People really aren't buying books like they used to so authors have to be very creative if they wish to make a living by writing. It's a necessity to have multiple revenue streams, like crypto, book sales, speaking engagement, entrepreneurship, workshops, real estate, etc. If you plan to make a living at writing start thinking creatively about those multiple revenue streams. James Altucher's podcasts are a great education on this. A writer's life is a great life and you don't have to starve to live it.

Even with all of that uncertainty I see that it's so much better than the alternative...sitting at a desk and pushing paper at a job where your worth is measured by how good you make your superiors look (so they can reap higher bonuses). This is what a corporate job is in a nutshell.

The traveling has been AMAZING and we're just getting started. I get a sense that this traveling-phase of life is allowing us to experience many places so we can decide where we want to settle. So far the Netherlands and England have been the places we've connected with the most. I'm hearing wonderful things about Estonia though, they're very tech forward and crypto friendly.

I think the safest play is to buy as much BTC as you can't afford to lose. Not that it will go to zero but because of how scarce it is I don't think you'll need much of it to win big. Half a BTC has the potential of being worth in the range of $250k to $2.5M (USD) within the next decade. That's a very broad estimate, I know, but so many factors can come into play. All but the strongest Alt coins, with real world use and value, will die eventually. These next two years will be a time of cleansing for Alts, just like the last bull market was a cleansing for ICOs.

It's great talking to you, as you confirm a lot of my ideas and hunches about life. From time to time, I get the idea that maybe I'd be better off taking some job somewhere, to get in some extra cash. And you know, you say it's temporary, but it never really is. And slowly, you don't write as much and soon enough, you're lucky if you get a story a year out at all.

A writer's life is a great life and you don't have to starve to live it.

Putting that up on my wall somewhere :)) I have this guy's podcasts open in another tab and will start listening to one soon. I think it's very good advice to have multiple revenue streams, as you said, particularly as the writer life in-so-far isn't exactly paying off. Not financially, I mean :D

Even with all of that uncertainty I see that it's so much better than the alternative.

Agreed. Often, just remembering what the alternative is is enough to kick me out of any moodiness :))

I feel so too, about BTC. And am trying to store a bit away :D You know, just enough to make the writing life possible :D

I love the UK, there's just something magical about the land there. I mean, politically, it has its flaws like any other country, but there's something in the air that makes it compelling, keeps you there.

Have a great weekend, Eric :) And thank you for the thoughtful comments, as always.

It's so easy to grow comfortable with the perceived security of a day job. I probably wasn't as motivated as a writer as I should have been those first 23 years of trying because I had the excuse of lack of time. The best thing to ever happen with my writing career was to end up taking a nightmarish promotion at the insurance company. The job was so dreadful and stressful that it fueled me to finish Alarm Clock Dawn by any means necessary. That usually meant lack of sleep and social life. : )

I connected with the UK too. I could easily imagine putting down roots there. London was pretty amazing. It had the kinetic energy of New York City but it was much cleaner and more orderly/refined. I hope they get their political woes sorted out soon, although it's often foreshadowed by the insane f*ckery that's happening here in the US. I hope we can manage to get out before the start limiting our travel. I can see that happening eventually.

You're very welcome and enjoy your weekend!

The job was so dreadful and stressful that it fueled me to finish Alarm Clock Dawn by any means necessary.

Amazing that you had the focus and determination necessary, all I can say. Most people just slink into over-eating in the little spare time they do have or watching some depressing game show or something, so really good for you there :D

That usually meant lack of sleep and social life. : )

I can accept that :P

although it's often foreshadowed by the insane f*ckery that's happening here in the US.

Sadly true. :/

I think you're right about the travel limitations, too. And I think that might become a global issue someday soon. Not just, you know, with your own country not letting you out, but with others not letting you in, especially when it comes to smaller countries like RO. One of my nightmares, really, as I love to travel :(

But I guess we'll wait and see :)

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