Sometimes, its Right to be an Argumentative Bastard...

in #life6 years ago


Sometimes, its Right to be an Argumentative Bastard...

When I was a teenager I developed a pride that I was talented at debate. I seemed to have an ability to corner people, identify the flaw in their logic and blast them with irrefutable brilliance. Yet, afterward, I wouldn't feel all that good about it.

I had angered the other person, burned a bridge, but for that price what did I gain? Nothing, at least nothing beyond a glory within the confines of my imagination. Gradually, over time, I came to realize that winning a debate didn't make me feel like a winner at all, it made me feel like a jerk.

I eventually went on to be so deeply frustrated with my tendency to rock someone's socks, that I started reading the old book How to Win Friends & Influence People and began applying it in my life. Did everything turn around? Hell no. And if anyone tells you they suddenly transformed they are selling you something. We don't change rapidly, at least not most of the time, and when we do there usually follows moments or months or years of relapse.

Nevertheless, the book was applied in my life to the best of my ability. It did help. However, years later, despite the fact that I grow more peace-seeking the older I get, I can't shake the need to verbally rough someone up from time to time. But some of the time, that's just the right thing to do.

I'm a free speech absolutest, its tough for me to block anyone on Twitter or something along those lines. Everyone should be heard. But at the same time, because people need to have their free speech protected, they also need to be able to get totally crushed by superior logic. Yes, everyone should have the right to say something stupid, but in that world, it becomes equally important that we have the ability to point out the stupidity of said stupid comment.

I would go so far as to say it becomes a knightly obligation to rip someone a new one. But why would this be so? Simple, because nothing is as contagious as a seriously idiotic idea. I'm not kidding, for some reason brilliant ideas get forgotten but absolutely ridiculous thoughts spread like wildfire. Occasionally, we find ourselves ordained to be the one to change the course of history by speaking out about incorrect and dangerous thinking.

Don't be a douche, but sometimes, be argumentative. You just might find yourself becoming the sole sentinel defending the walls of Truth from the ensuing doom to be begot by the horde of propaganda.


Keep up the logic, this world surely needs it.

Wellyou made my day LOL ... If it comes to making friends it depends on the person what you can say/they accept. A discussion with an idiot, brainwashed person or... can never be won. Simply because they do not understand what you are talking about (or are not able to) and those with a strong (brainwashed) opinion will also never be able to understand or not willing to (religion, politics all great subjects to fight about). Simply be yourself and accept other people the way they are. There is no need to share the same opinions to be good friends. Great post!

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Hola buen día. Revisaba tu blog y veo la variedad de tus contenidos, creo que aportan gran valor a la plataforma. Es triste ver que estos valiosos temas tantos reflexivos como los relacionados con la blockchain, queden vacios de comentarios. Veo también que publicas con frecuencia, estaré atenta para leer continuamente y apoyar. Con relación al tema, me agradó mucho. Me hiciste recordar sobre la empatia. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en cuanto a que todos podemos cambiar las actitudes. Creernos superiores a otros pensando en verdades absolutas, es sbsurdo. Yo aprendi con un ensayo del Dr Miguel Ruiz, "Los cuatro acuerdo" un contenido que invita a pasear e identificar nuestras acciones. Fue excelente, lo recomiendo. Gracias por tan valioso tema. No se equivoco @crypto.piort al seleccionarte. Saludos desde Venezuela. Éxito.

I think we might just be two peas in a pod. Prove me wrong 🤔🤗😀 Good message though, I fully endorse it. I tell people I've never lost an argument, there have perhaps been a few draws, but I share your sentiments that it doesn't feel great. I also tend to go overboard, especially when I was younger. Nowadays I'd prefer to think I'm artfully using the tactic of inception or subtle persuasion to instill my highly evolved positions on disputed perspectives. Basically, I'm an asshole that's trying to be true to myself whilst also being compassionate and empathetic. Cheers

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erm.. argumentative?...🤔 argumentative?!... 🤔 argum...!! oh yes! yes, that rings a bell.

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