DIVORCE after 10 years!

in #life7 years ago


Too many people I know have divorced after 10 years of marriage or are in the process of divorce. We are talking about people of the educated and aged 40. Some of the other couples are in a relationship for years but do their best to stay together because of the children.

  • What the hell is going on in this world?

I want to introduce some of the reasons for divorce that my buddies told me about.

  • Both partners have made considerable efforts to have a professional career and have come to dedicate too much time to the job by neglecting the family;
  • One partner has a job that involves frequent travel and work within a mixed team (audit, control, sales);
  • Some people, besides the extended work schedule they are subjected to every day, are also very involved in family life, dedicating free time to children. They are suffocated by the large number of duties and are making a radical decision to get out of a marriage;
  • Some people who have married at a younger age and have not taken up the enthusiasm of youth, are starting to take advantage of their position and the money they have and begin to release frustrations accumulated in time;
  • Pattern difference and entourage may be another cause of divorce after 10 years;
  • Desperate use of electronic devices and spending too many hours in the virtual environment can affect couples' balance;
  • Many people are afraid of conflicts. And he refuses to discuss personal problems or discontents, for fear of injuring or arguing. A healthy relationship however involves two mature partners.

These reasons are not exhaustive but show some of the problems we all have to deal with every day!




My husband and I noticed the same thing! We've talked about it many times, wondering why so many divorces occur at the magical number of 10 years. The discontent had to have been brewing for some time before that. I have a feeling that these couples are looking at the 10 year milestone, and instead of preparing to celebrate 10 years of successful marriage, are horrified that they are hitting 10 years in a marriage that makes them unhappy. As to why so many choose to divorce rather than stay the course, the reasons are myriad. I agree with you that it's a shame that, at least in western nations, the divorce rate is still so high.

divorce seems to be a normal part of our society over the last couple of decades, it is sad but true. I think people need to be spiritually awaken in order to understand our purpose here on earth. Are we here to be instant gratified? I think that is the main root cause of divorces not counting vanity and etc. People tend to believe that if they have a marital problem, the right thing to do is to walk away from it. This in my opinion is the worse character a person can adopt. I can understand if the problem was caused by physical abuse but I've seen many couples divorce over the smallest arguments! New relationship will come with new problems so why not stay and work with what you got and use that as a growth opportunity? I think our schools should get involved in teaching family values or our society is doomed!

hello friend, i agree your opinion 100%

i just followed you :)

once we lose sight of the purpose of a thing, abuse is inevitable. The foundation of a marriage has to be solid for it to last the test of time. Marriage must be premised on love, selflessness, integrity and a deep rooted conviction of the purpose for it.

While all marriages may face challenges at some point, sustainability depends on what the marriage was built on and how the couple chose to react to the challenges.

Washington post has an interesting article on 144 years of marriage and divorce. Now obviously, the more people that get married, the more divorces there will be statistically. So during rough economic times, there tends to less marriages and less divorces. I find it interesting that the real rise in the divorce rate (rising faster then the rate of marriage) began in the 60s and peaked in the 1980. Maybe feminist movement?
Credit goes to Randy Olsen that compiled the data from the CDC.

Dis agree in divorce!
Against to christianity...

You bring up some pretty good points and I think spending too much time on the phone or social media is a bigger issue than most people are willing to admit . Communication and the lack there of will always be a main concern as well. However, this up and coming generation seems to be struggling with putting to much time and effort in other parts of their lives and taking away from the family. I wonder if people thought of marriage as being deserted on an island except you get to choose your partner if they would fight for the marriage differently. I think it's a matter of perspective.

Interesting topic, I have long thought why people divorced ...?

Of course we have to recall a time in which we have not established a marriage relationship, what happened in those days, whether all beautiful or there is a problem like what happened during the wedding. I think it's all beautiful ..!

Many other examples .. not just after marriage, like a man scolded his girlfriend, if you can remember how the man's struggle to get his love for the woman, should the man have to solve the problem with an anger.

There may be no reason to be accepted in case of a divorce from either the man or the woman, because they have all broken their promises and vows during their marriage.

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