Musk is at it again! City Transport & Car Elevator Test! Is this Man an Alien? My thoughts?

in #life7 years ago

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Once again, Elon Musk that crazy nut is showing the world his tricks.

Before talking about the elevator test, I'll just explain why Tesla is testing a car elevator.

Elon's future vision for inner city transportation isn't flying cars. aww, shame. Let's face it, having hundreds of cars flying over head in densely populated cities isn't going to help anybody's anxiety or insurance policies. For the foreseeable future, it just poses too much risk.

His alternative is underground tunneling networks. The car isn't actually being driven in the tunnels. Instead, it sits on a pod which carries it through the network. It will be fast, accessible and there will be no need to worry about any more traffic jams! hooray!

The network will also consist of multiple​ layers meaning hundreds​ of different destinations can be reached. All in all its a game changer!

Obviously​, this project is going to take some time​ to actually be a reality​. Big factors like cost, engineering​ and safety all need to be nailed before this vision is real.

But... Elon is beginning the first steps towards making this happen! Not everything is imagination​. Here is the REAL elevator test.

Pretty cool huh? Not going to lie, the way the car drops through​ the ground in the video actually looks like the simulation. With someone​ like Musk at the helm, ​I'm sure it will work exactly​ the same!

As for Musk being an Alien? Well, he does come up with stuff from outer​ space, so who knows?

Exciting times aye. What do you think about this project? Will it work? Is it the future?

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You're​ all legends, peace out from Greenerz!


Very interesting idea. But only in long range distances.

agreed, maybe from suburbs into central?

That sounds really interesting! And much safer too, you are right. I am already scared by all this drones flying around above my head nowadays!

the future is down not up!

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