in #life8 years ago (edited)


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Yes, I have learned my lesson dearly.....

I have always been cautious to make friends.  Perhaps because I have been hurt so many times by people's betrayal.  People have lied to me in my face, and I have caught out some of my so called friends to be very dishonest.  Clearly I don't have room in my life for these type of people anymore.  I would rather be alone than to have a fake friend.  

What has happened to the human race?  What makes people so selfish, that they are not prepared to give someone the time of day? Some people just don't care about anyone or anything except themselves!     

It's all about me me me! 


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As long as some people get what they need, they don't really care about others.  Some people call themselves your friends, but can you really trust them?  


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Trust ...that's another issue....what do you see as trustworthy

To be trustworthy is to be honest and truthful.  

I know quite a few people that are really trustworthy and honest, but for the same price I have seen just as many people who are just downright dishonest.  Isn't that sad?

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

Success can only be built on trust.  Trust creates an environment where people feel free to be passionate and committed.  Trust is the most effective communication in relationships and without trust relationships fail. If you want someone to trust you, YOU NEED TO BE TRUSTWORTHY!

So why are people dishonest?

  • People are lazy! They completely lack the skills to do something on their own and then settle for the easy way out.  
  • Greediness.  Some people will do anything to succeed.  Even if it means hurting others in the process. 
  • Lack of moral values.  Need I say more?  Some people will cheat and steal to get to the top, because that is what is important to them.

Luckily not all people are dishonest.  I think of myself to be an honest person.  I try to help others where I can, and I really try to be a good example for my children.  

So how do we deal with dishonest people?

We confront them.  We name and shame them!  No need for embarrassment ....just make them aware that you know what they did, and perhaps guilt may bring them to their senses. Discuss the situation openly, because talking about the situation should make you feel better.  Then move forward. To keep a grudge is painful and stressful. It is better to let go.  Lastly and the most important is to forgive and forget. This might be the most difficult thing you ever have to do, but forgiveness can heal wounds.  You might not trust the person again easily but to forgive someone has a healing effect.  


 May you have a blessed weekend!


I don't enable negativity through silence, I learned that the hard way. People I've learned are dishonest because of ignorance, fear, and conditioning. I pity them and stay as far away from their hurtful behavior as possible.

I think I trust people too easily. But after today that has now stopped. Thanks for the comment.

Learning to trust wisely took me 40 years. It's a skill worth it's weight in gold.

  1. Do not associate with evil companions; do not seek the fellowship of the vile. Associate with the good friends; seek the fellowship of noble men.
    my teacher...http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/dhp/dhp.06.budd.html

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