Humans are the most bizarre creatures - Part 3 - Why do people gossip?

in #life7 years ago

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Why do humans gossip?

 casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.


In my opinion, the main reason for gossiping is envy. People are jealous of others because they don't achieve what others achieve in life. People feel insecure about themselves, and we satisfy that insecurity when we discuss the behavior of others, so that we can take the focus of ourselves. Some people crave attention and make up stories about others. 


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When we are in a conversation and we really have nothing to talk about there is NOTHING like a little gossip to bring the conversation back to life! The sad thing is that some people are so into themselves, that they don't care about the feelings of others, or even if they hurt others along the way. It is all about self gain and to make ourselves look and feel better.  

Then there are those people that start rumors because they want that specific person to look bad. What is up with that? 

Have you ever heard a rumor and thought that it sounds so farfetched that it is not believable? And the funniest of all is that people can spread these rumors like a wildfire. 

...and it burns people on the way.....

Rumors always make me think of a game we played when we were kids. We would all sit in a circle and then the first person whispers something in the ear of the person sitting next to him/her.  That person then tells the person next to him and so on until it gets to the last person in the circle.  

The last person in the circle then gets to say the phrase out loud and it is usually a total different message than what the first person said. 

People often don't think before they speak, and how would you feel if people were talking about you that way?

We all know the saying of sticks and stones can break my bones....but words can never hurt me! This is one of the most untrue sayings in the English language.  Words can hurt people more than any physical abuse.  It hurts your soul, and if your soul is hurt then it changes people.  


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Let us all think before we speak. We might NOT always agree with what someone says, or agree with their actions, but it is their lives. Let them be and stop talking about others behind their backs. In the end you are not benefiting from this at all, but instead you might have helped to change a person into something they weren't.  Rather focus on being kind, and to help others on the right track.  Personally I can't stand gossip and I distance myself from people that gossip.  I was taught that if you do not have anything nice to say then rather say nothing at all. 



Diversion away from self inadequacies are what makes up a portion of Gossip... if they are talking trash about someone else, at least it isn't them.

Perfect description! I'm glad that you are back commenting on my posts. You used to comment long ago when I started and then

Yes I travel a lot and recently I was in 7 countries in three months... along with domestic seminars and of course catch up in between. I am not travelling for December and January as it is licensing season for my company... so lots more computer time.

This is a good insight @giantbear

One of the reasons why some people talk bad about others is because they don't care to know what they are passing through therefore they judge so soon and back-bite.

I love reading your post, it is filled with sense. Thanks for sharing.

Regards @maintain4real-eu

Ahhh thank you for your lovely comment. I appreciate the "sense" part the

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I have a rule, if you wouldn't want to hear it said about you, then don't say it about another.

That is a great rule! You are a great mom.

Thank you. I do try.

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