Tales From The Tomerosa: Yard Raking Edition

in #life7 years ago

Signs Of Spring!

I love Crocus' and this year is a double bonus because I have no goats to massacre them!

Yesterday, I spent six hours raking about a third of my rather large lawn. Lawn is probably not the right word. My yard is about two acres of grassy, forest floor. It kind of looks like a campground with random flower beds, a firepit, a pool, a greenhouse, and the ever-present Ponderosa Pine needles blanketing it all in a nice reddish-brown motif.


Twice a year I manually rake the entire thing. In the Spring the raking is a rite of Spring passage as the tines of my rake unearth the cold weather grass and this action helps me get back into what I like to call farm-fighting shape. There is nothing quite like raking 4-6 hours a day on top of all of one's other work to get one into "shape". More like pain. The soreness is real.

One of my favorite sayings is: I'm the Warren Buffet of pine needles.

You can make baskets out of pine needles, but honestly, I need time and artistic talent to do such a thing, and two of those items I don't have.


So, this evening I leave you with a rather brief post, as I need to go soak my sore carcass in a tub full of Epsom salt water. I hope the pictures of my emerging flowers bring a smile of impending Spring to your face as they do mine. Or you can always look at my insolent dog sticking his tongue out at me because I was lecturing him for putting his ball in one of my pine needle piles for the 657th time.

Chuck knows of no allegiance to any other than "the ball"

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's pine needle covered iPhone.


Spring has firmly taken its position. Good job

Thank you! Those pine needles will never beat me!😜

It's all about the ball! We have a dog who is obsessed with her toys and balls. Spring is here, beautiful flowers.

Chuck's 9 years old now, and we thought maybe he would start slowing down, but if anything, his ball obsession has increased! Bet you love it when your dog rolls the ball under your feet or stuffs it under your leg while you are trying to lounge on the couch, it's a daily occurrence for us here, lol!

Her ball is so gross, ugh...lol I love her OCD, I don't feel so alone. Thank goodness for our furry friends ❤

LOL! Agreed! Both on the OCD thing and nasty dog offered throwing projectiles. Our guy is an opportunist: sticks, golf balls, tennis balls, basketballs, socks are all options for fetch. 😜

Well, I'm heading out to build a round pen so I can train my crazy gelding. Here's to hoping for a mutually drool-free day!

I feel as if I've walked your yard and can smell the pine needles.

My pain today was spending more time fixing the mower than mowing the weeds, leaving the task half-done. Meaning another dirty, filthy day ahead...

Oh, well! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your yard. ;)



Awe! That's great! (And thank you😊)

It is always frustrating to have an equipment failure when you are trying to get all your work done. Today was my one run-the-library-on-a- Saturday for the month, so yard beautification had to wait. My husband did grade the road though, so now it smells like gravel, soil, and pine needles around here!

Good luck conquering those weeds!!!

Thanks; back at it probably Monday... ;)

Those crocus colors really go well with the color of the pine needles on the forest floor. I like how you describe your yard as being like a campground. That means it's a happy place, I think. Enjoy your spring -- I hope it's a long one, since it's a great time of year!

lol! Yes, it's definitely not a sterile weed and feed paradise! Something is always occurring on its now mostly needle free surface. All of the neighbor kids and mine had some plastic barrels out there and were competing in some sort of improvised jousting, complete with wooden swords and pine jousting sticks. As long as they don't crush my Crocus flowers; I don't care what kind of mischief ensues!

Hope you are enjoying your Spring too!

Beautiful flowers, funny dog)

Thank you! Ha ha, yes he is a bit of a goof.

Hope you are having a lovely Sunday!

Thanks for another great read and multiple chuckles. Speaking of chuckles...Chuck must be a sheeper...with the one-track mind of a ball to replace the non-existent sheeps.

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