
in #life6 years ago


I don't understand it, but having read the whole Harry Potter saga left me kind of broken. Severus was kind of my favourite character after all. Damn it.

I started reading another book, Buzz by Anders de la Motte, and I'm having some trouble getting into the reading spirit now. Even my photography is taking a hit.

Leo turns 12 on Friday. I should be preparing his birthday party for next Sunday and not feeling up to it.

There are also some bills to pay, and houses to be viewed, and everything is piling up. Sheesh.

Sorry to bother you all with this mundane shit. I just hope I'll get everything done in time.

I feel like I'm being pressured (by life) into making poor choices right now.

Well, I'll be back with something else later.


Wow! Leo is turning 12 tomorrow. Lol.. My little friend, I wish I could give him a present. I wish him many prosperous years

Please stall and wait on making any important decisions right now! I think your subconscious is trying to tell you something by slowing you down.
Mercury is retrograde for another two weeks, any decisions made during this time will often be subject to reversal!
Don’t feel pressurized! You are the master of your own time! Just don’t surrender it to schedules and appointments! Those could be changed!

Severus was not that bad! You will know the secrets he had hidden later on! And you will like him even more! I don’t want to tell you all! You will discover it in other books!

Hope you are having a good weekend, my friend!!


I try to do baby steps. It is better than that feeling of being overwhelmed.

See it as a recharging period for your inspiration! That is the typical circle artists go trough to make room for new wonderful creations!

I too know this feeling when I finished reading a great book or book series, and then starting a new one shortly afterwards. I am then somewhat reluctant to get myself straight into the new reading experience. So I always prefer strolling down memory lane with the book I just read, and after a week or so I get ready for something new! :)

You'll get everything in time. Just do it one step at a time.
I send you the pat on the shoulder through steemit. I've got your back :d

Snape is a good character, but I hate when dobby dies, I hated J.K so much that I stopped reading the book, in the end I finished it but without desire, The Wheel of Time is also a very good saga I recommend it, the last ones of the saga aren't very infantile that we say, but as there are so many when you get to them Miro and Leo will be to enter the university : D.

Oh, yes Dobby. That was just cruel. But I guess it was to happen, I was fearing they might lose another one due to splinching as the apparating scene was pretty hectic with Bellatrix throwing her silver knife at them and all. Dobbys death made it very tragic.

I haven't read the Wheel of Time, but I've been planning to. :)

I like the books that deal with the "chosen one" and the paths that he must take to complete its destiny, like Dune or Ender's game, The Name of the Wind really cool book to

Dumbledore and Severus were my favourite characters. And both died.
Why Rowling, Why!?

You’ll feel a lot better when you start finishing these tasks. I do feel that way sometimes but when you accomplish any of the things waiting for you, there is a nice feeling of satisfaction following the accomplishment.

Life can really suck sometimes... @gamer00 or rather - the way we handle things, makes it suck! but the mere fact that you are here, acknowledging things, knowing that something has to change, is a damn good start. Don't be too hard on yourself. Just put your mind to where it needs to be.... and where it needs to be, is where you WANT to see yourself! and in the meantime, keep expressing yourself here! - IT HELPS!!!

Ha ha ha..Nice title " Hmmm.." !!!!
But inspiring ..Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom..
I like it @gamer00

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