
Gorgeous scenary!

Thank you. I have heard this cowtown being called many things, but "gorgeous" wasn't one of them. Nonetheless, there is actually great quality of life around here, and when the weather opens up again I'll show you where ;-)

If you like, you can watch (and still vote) this video, taken in the foggy hills just across town from this here location. In sunshine, for a change:

That is a very cool place to fly a drone!

Would recommend getting lower to those hills! Maybe you have some questions about how to do certain moves I have done in my videos?
I could create an explenatory video...

"lower to those hills" -- Thank you for the kind offer. Right now, I'm just happy to have somewhat decent control over the drone to begin with.

I'm flying a DJI Spark. As you know, this thing doesn't have OccuSync, but WiFi, and a weak CE WiFi at that. I just hacked it to fly with FCC WiFi, but @ 5.8 GHz it's still not a good idea to fly low and thus get behind anything. (It's also illegal.) Switching to 2.4 GHz using a USB cable would improve that situation, but DJI in their wisdom have seen fit to kill off half the telemetry when this is done. Among other things, you lose all indication whether the drone still has GPS or has switched to Atti mode!

As to the explanatory video, all your videos are explanatory. Just keep going as you do. I do envy your location in Riga, dear Reinis. Your hometown looks good even in shitty weather :-)

Sorry to see your day is so grey and dreary! It's nice and sunny where I am!

I love drone views, they give a perspective that is always there, but largely unseen.
Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for voting and commenting :-)

Wow, für das grau in grau (was übrigens bei uns ähnlich aussah) ist das echt ein gutes Video geworden. Aber hey? Italienisch? Wie kommt das?

PS.: Dein Tipp mit der AIR war super. Danke nochmal dafür. Aber da es bei mir sowieso noch ein wenig dauert könnte ja bis dahin vielleicht die Mavic Pro 2 am Start sein ;) Wer weiß was die dann alles drauf hat :)

"Italienisch": Hast den Text nicht gelesen, oder?

Tja, mit der Mavic Air schwanke ich auch noch, und die Mavic Pro 2 kommt so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche. Aber brauche ich das? Wenn die Air einigermaßen Reichweite hat, ist mir die kleine Drohne allemal lieber. Sie wird von den Leuten nicht so als Bedrohung empfunden, weil sie so putzig ist. Da kann ich mir mehr erlauben, denn wenn man sich so gaaaanz 100-prozentig an das neue Gesetz hält, braucht man gleich gar keine Drohne mehr.

Ist nicht zuletzt auch eine Geldfrage: Die Platinum Pro kostet jetzt schon 300-400 Euro mehr als die Air. Und aus dem Auge verlieren mag ich die Drohne eh nicht, höchstens in Ausnahmen. Naja, man braucht es ja nicht übers Knie zu brechen.

The video is amazing, i want t buy a drone now!

"Amazing" but not worth the upvote? Yeah, right.

Buddy whats your problem? You only think about up votes and money or what? I give you a nice comment because I like your video and that's your answer? Really? Wow man! I don't go upvoting every post i see or like. When i saw your title i click immediately becuase i really like drones, and i saw the video and your footage its really great, I can say it over and over again because it is. I love steemit platform and a lot of posts here, but doesnt mean i should upvote every single one of them. But if i can contribute in any way to a post, like a nice comment (like i did here) i do it. Just enjoy yourself with the platform and the great content you are offering to the community.

Your praise doesn't mean much, don't you see that? Without the upvote, you come across as a comment spammer. More so, if the comment comes within a minute of the post. Seen it a thousand times and sick of it.

Yes, this platform DOES mean that you upvote things you like and enjoy. And if you don't have the VP (happens to all of us), you say "sorry" in your comment. THAT is precisely how it's done. The other option you have is, simply do nothing, until your VP is back up.

This platform is precisely about MONEY for ORIGINAL CONTENT VALUE - if you can't go along with that, you need to return to Facebook with its copycatted BS and meaningless likes. However, I will accept your righteous indignation at face value as an honest mistake and NOT flag any upvotes you might get on your comments on MY blog down the toilet.

Thank you....Upvoted and resteemed.

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