Agnostic, Optimism, Altruism! Describe yourself in 3 Words!

in #life7 years ago



This post is born out one of my trains of thoughts. A friend of mine (@tgek) once said that he determined that when you combine things(ideas, people, ideologys.......) you will boost their effect, value, efficiency or other benefits. And when I think about it i have to admit that its kinda true. An example, combine two "rules",
  1. Treat everybody like you would treat yourself.
  2. Have a deep love for yourself.
I think you can understand what I mean. However one day I tried to describe myself by using 3 words and the words I figured out are Agnostic, Optimism and Altruism. This combination can be selfdestructive but it also can be very satisfying. If everyones main-characteristics would be those then, I think, we would have peace in the world and peace in ourselfes.


When I say agnostic I don´t necessaryly only mean the religious definition. This can be used on almost everything. For example often people are telling storys which are hard to believe. I think that when you are in such a situation and the truth content of what is told has no serious effect on you, you should not doubt it. There are so many possiblities in our multiverse even if the story did not happen to the person who was telling it, somewhere once somebody certainly has expired that told. Because of that you neither need to believe nor to doubt it. I would take both in account but still be optimistic that the person is telling the truth.

This was just an example to illustrate what i mean when saying agnostic. I think this should also be valid for other topics like religion or scince. Until I can´t say with a 100% sureness that anything is like it is I will consider that anything can be anything but will stay optimistic about what it actually is.


In the paragraph before i already broached this subject. It´s very simple, optimism is one of the most powerfull habits you can have I think. And combined with altruism you can even elimate the negative aspect of optimism, which is disappointment. When something is about to happen and you barly can influence it, then make sure stay optimistic over it. It has no sense to be pessimistic, that would be a waste of energy, it even will toxicate your energy. And i personally think that we can influence our enviroment just by using our thoughts, there even is a scintific reason for it, if you are intrested you can read my posts about Quantum Physics. Stay Optimistic my friend!


This habbit here is the one which can be selfdestructive but like i said before it also can be very satisfying and powerfull. Altrusm means to be concerned about the welfare of others. I think there is not much to say about that topic except not to forget yourself. When everybody is would be altruistic that would mean that everyone whould be concerned about others and i combination with the other two habbits everyone would be in pure with themselves and the world


Thank you for you intrest guys, I hope you liked this train of thoughts and im looking forward to you opinions. Do you have any other good combinations? Let´s discuss about it!


Apatheist, Inquisitive, Harmonious.

Apatheist; I cant waste time worrying about gods that dont worry about me, like your Agnostcism this goes futher than just the religious. I dont spent too much time thinking about anything that I cant have control over, or that whatever the outcome, wont have much effect on me, or will effect me equally which ever way it goes.

Inquisitive; I like learning new things, attaining new knowledge/facts and trying to make things, that is until something new and shiny comes along and that takes my attention.

Harmonious; I really dont like conflics or fighting, its unavoidable in life and necessary for human progress (creative destructionism) but it does upset me a lot when I see arguments, or even when Im part of an argument myself. Id much prefer that people dont continually attempt to exert their will on others.

P.S. I gave you a follow :)

I really like that combination too and thank you very much for the detailed description, thats makes it a lot easier to empathize. And i learned a new word" Apatheist".

P.S. I´ll check out your content too =D

Apatheism, is what I think Atheists really want, a world where the question of gods isnt even considered relevant.

Ha ha, Im not much of a blogger :)

Optimists discover great in hardships, hindrances, and disappointments, on the grounds that these are the circumstances that give them quality and strength. At the point when optimists unearth issues, it doesn't appear as terrible in light of the fact that they've figured out how to dependably locate the silver linings.

You really have a beautiful writing style. Thanks for your contribution i totally agree with that!

Logic Optimistic Respect

I'd say these would be mine.

This also is very nice combination! Thx =D

Stoic. Pragmatic. Boring.

The first two words negate the last one. but just my opinions =D

Philosophy. Kills. Brain. Cells.

Awww, that's 4 words. LOL.

Made you read one of my posts? Check out my Introduction... Link is behind my username @uruiamme ... Saw you on the chat.

Perseptive, romantic, insightful.
It's hard to use only 3 Words :D
But you took really strong ones^^
I love this post!
So to be perseptive shouldn't be that special, but everyone has an unique perception and I'm proud of mine, it often throws the spot of my attention on such interesting and annormal things haha

Romantic is one of my favourite characteristics, it's so nice to be romantic :D
And it's not only about love things, also my friends have to deal with the load of romantic energy inside of me ;)

To be insightful is such a useful attribute, I hate to discuss with people that do not want to make up their mind or overthink their opinion. And the personality is nothing that stays the same for your whole life, it changes with every discussion in which you showed insight.

Love U

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