Start your day well for a healthy life!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit family!

How can we be happy in our lives and look at the future in a positive way? Most of us are looking for answers to these questions. And often we are looking for answers on other sides but we can't find. In my previous writings, I also addressed similar issues. In fact, the answer to all the questions about this subject shows the same direction. It's simple, the answer is inside of us. Our task is to discover it.

I love discovering myself and life, always asking for new questions and searching for answers. Because I think this life is an important experience. Then let's continue to increase our experience. Today I tell about some methods of feeling good and having positive emotions. It's actually quite simple. Our motto is that start your day well and feel good :)

Start your day early


Our health is very important both mentally and physically. In order to protect our health, we must first know our own body. The body also has its own mechanism and this mechanism's control is completely in our hands. You also need to know how to start the mechanism to work well. Here is the time when we wake up in the morning and the mechanism in our body begins to work. The best awakening time for our health is before sunrise. What are the benefits of waking up before our sunrise?

  • People who early wake up that have less depression risk than people who late wake up
  • You feel more energetic.
  • According to the research, it was determined that positive ideas are more common in people who awaken early.
  • It is seen that the danger of obesity decreases in people who wake up early.

Don't neglect morning sport


Another important thing to do is sport. However, after waking up in the morning, the sport is quite beneficial for the human body. Yes, I know that all of you are busy with work and that you have to go to work immediately. Just walking to your place of work can be positive even in terms of your health. Even a thirty-minute walk can be quite useful. What are the benefits of morning sport before breakfast?

  • If you do sports before breakfast, the fats in your body are burned

  • Prevents stress

  • Makes your mind open

  • Accelerates blood circulation

  • Increases the hormone of happiness

Choose healthy foods


Most of us like food like fast food or dessert. However, these foods are very difficult to burn inside the body. Therefore, our body may be at risk of disease in the future. We must stay away from harmful food as long as possible and we should prefer foods that are easier to digest. If the digestive system works properly, we will continue to protect our strength and to be very energic. So what foods should we eat?

  • Grain products

  • Sea products

  • Green leafy vegetables and fruits

  • Unprocessed foods

The most important is that we prefer unprocessed foods. Because many of the processed foods sold in the markets contain ingredients that can significantly damage our GMO-like health. So we must be careful when choosing our foods.

And sleep time


As I said at the beginning, our body works as a mechanism. This mechanism tries to meet the body whatever it needs. This mechanism produces some hormones for the body's need. The most important of these hormones are hormones released during sleep. The hormones such as melatonin and serotonin, which are secreted during sleep, are very important for body health. But in order for these hormones to work optimally, it is necessary to go to sleep without midnight. Another name of these hormones is the hormones of happiness.

As I mentioned in the article, everything is in our hands. If we want to be happy, we should always take good care of ourselves and continue to love ourselves.

✍ This article was written by @cryptoewp and @flamingirl.

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Thats a really great list but also to add to that would be fasting! Intermentin fasting is very healthy for our bodies to cleanse itself and other benefits such as, muscle growth, immune system boost, mental clarity, and a lot more! Awesome post just though I would add that.

What a lovely morning message hon x

Have a lovely day guapa =D

Great informative post, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on starting a good day, I'm a newbie to blogging, hope to see your post again.

Thank you so much and Welcome to the Steemit family! =)

Effectivement ! Mais qu’est ce que c’est dur de se lever très tôt xD

Posted using Partiko iOS

A qui le dis-tu! =D Surtout lorsque tu as pris un rythme espagnol.... ^^

Un truc ne colle pas ! Les espagnols / italiens sont moins déprimés que les nordiques pourtant ils se lèvent plus tard

Posted using Partiko iOS

Pas faux! Il faudrait lancer une recherche là dessus! =D

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Very good your publication for a daily routine ... my daily exercise is running to take my princesses to school hahaha .... and as for food ... not like many vegetables ... I really like sweets ... so I must control that ... thanks for your recommendations. Have a wonderful day. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

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