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RE: Passion The Fire inside Me

in #life6 years ago (edited)

you are so damn successful. I can't allow this. if this keeps up I will put a lot of garlic inside your food...and I will eat even more garlic myself. Just in case

"I want that people feel something when their lives collides into mine."

And I want to leave a mark. So people would remember me many years after my death. They may not remember what I said. Or even how I looked. That is fine. But I do hope that they will remember my art. Because my art is one of the few things I am completely serious about.


I see that you too are an INTP (-A) ...
I think there is too much flexibility in that test. I ended up being INTP (-T) when I ordinarily test as INTJ. I have been close to colliding with people too many times in my life. One time when I was a teenager I was visiting someone at a children's hospital in Toronto (Canada). I had taken the stairs and came out on the wrong floor. When I stepped through the door I stepped directly into a reception line for Queen Fabiola of Belgium who was making a state visit.

Take anything that I say about art with healthy skepticism. I am not an artist nor formally studied it beyond primary school. Any art that has survived beyond the artist only does so because it evokes emotion and discussion in multiple generations of artists. In Canada there was a movement called the Group of Seven. This is an example of one of the artists:

Franklin Carmichael: North Shore, Lake Superior

Unfortunately he is remembered only by people who are into art but were you aware of him before this?

For that matter do you remember the name of the artist who drew this?

Ug the Caveman: Portrait of My Inlaws

I think the most any artist can do is to keep doing his art and at the end of the day say that you have lived.

true enough. at the end of the day even that goal of being remembered is relative. No matter what I will do I will not be remembered by a majority of people. Some people simply don't care about art. Others might be interested in art but still don't like my works. Or they will forget me and my art due to memory loss. So in reality I can only hope that my creativity will have an impact for some people.

I use the metaphor of life being a river quite often. Sometimes a word, or action and yes even a piece of art is like a pebble being dropped in a river. Unlike a pool where a ripple can be seen moving outward, the ripple in a river adds to other ripples and its effect might not occur until it has moved far downstream. Perhaps someone sees one of your works (or discusses your work) and that inspires someone to perform some other action (write a poem, play, tell a joke). This continues on and on passing this "ripple" down through time. Finally we see the scene of the last man on Earth on his deathbed. He gasps his last breaths and says "Silver Eye".

Consider the following two images.


These were created by two distant relatives of the Franklin Carmichael (mentioned above) whom I doubt are aware of their connection to him. Perhaps it isn't your particular artwork which gets transferred but your genetic code containing the love of concept of art.

that is nice, positive way to look at things. I agree that I can't foresee everything. It is possible to influence someone's life without even knowing about it.

I think that everyone wants to leave a mark. Or at least their should. That makes you try harder to succeed and that drive and passion will feed that flame.

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